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Fantasy HELLO


New Member
This is my first RP thread. This is based around a novel I wrote:

"Hello, Dearie?" The voice shrilled. It was Hector. He peered around the corner of the alleyway. "Hello?"

"Hello." The hissing crackle responded. "It's me, the one you danced with at the party."

"What party?" Hector responded, scratching his head.

"The one where we drunk wine and danced until we couldn't stand up anymore."

"Oh... Jay's 30th?"


"You never introduced yourself?"

"I am Mrs.Shadow." The voice boomed, as the figure unveiled herself. "And I have come for your soul, Hector."

Hector stood in awe of the six foot tall redhead with long flowing hair, a bright blue dress, the most mesmorizing eyes and shiny, metallic skin.

"You- you want my soul?" Hector whimpered. "I don't have a soul. I lost it-it when I was nine."

"Come with me, Loverboy."


"That I can't tell you. You need to follow me to find out."

With that, a curious Hector walked out into the sunset with the mysterious redhead into the unknown...

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