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Futuristic Hello World

Error 420

One Thousand Club
Oswald_Abbott Oswald_Abbott please watch this thread

The blinds part between your fingers as you look out into the expanse of the Cloud, quickly glancing around to make sure you weren't being watched. It won't do anything, you know that. In these days, surveillance meant peering through a webcam or a synthetic eyeball, and even if they were watching the old fashioned way, it'd take a hell of a pair of binoculars to cut through the miasma of wetness and pollution known as the Cloud. You did it for a sense of security, a trick to make clients feel more safe than they probably were, and the way your current client was shaking, any security would make them more malleable.

"Walton, right? You're Walton? I was given this card and..." mumbles the shivering husk of a man sits crumpled in a heap in the old wooden chair where so many lonely hearts, adulterers, paranoid geeks, and general creeps told you their tales of woe. The only difference was this one sweat more than the others. You dismiss him with a movement of the finger, retorting with some generic line about secrets. P.I.'s have a certain persona to keep up.

"Well, I need your help. It's something like you've never seen, I promise." You turn to him. He's nothing more than a pale skeleton with black hair. Under your gaze he silences himself, his hands fiddling with a hastily folded piece of paper. "I'm looking for someone. She's been after me for a while and I need you to stop her, please."

Unimpressed, you stare back at the client. "I need you to eliminate her, at any cost. I don't care what you do, it's for the safety of everyone." You're disgusted by this offer, as you should be. You're scum, but you're not a murderer. You shove him out of the office, and in his place on the chair is the crumpled note. On it, you read the following:


Find her there

Call me

Pulling up your computer from a drawer in your desk, you carry it to the adjoining room in the office, a conference room, connected to the main office by a singular red door and a wide window covered with a green muslin curtain. In the conference room a fridge containing little more than energy bars and gallons of black coffee. You pour yourself a mug, putting it in the microwave as you unlock your device, password, fingerprint, retina scan, voice confirmation, recaptcha check, and all. You pull the coffee from the microwave and begin typing. Something about this grotesque man intrigued you. Perhaps it was the implants on his neck, automatic resuscitators, his sunken eyes, his flawless skin and perfect hair, despite its griminess. All the signs of a rich man with too much value on life and not much shame.

Upon arriving at the website, you find it to be a generic dating site known as Hello World, specifically the profile of a young woman, Jennie. After quickly making a burner profile, you're able to message her. Before you get the chance, she messages you.

"Hey there, I saw that this is a brand new account but it seems like we have a lot of common interests, and I'd love to get to know you." Taking a gulp of coffee, you realize that this case just might be interesting.

What do you do, detective?

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