Hello there!


Junior Member
Hey I'm new here (duh!) and wanted to scope out my new roleplaying enviroment! I looove RPing but due to certain events I have been unable to get back into it for a while, but here I am ^.^

I have decided to put this in here so you guys can get a look at my RPer side and if you want, start an RP right away with me



Helloooooooo my lovely Rpers, today is the day were I shall revive myself from the ashes of no internet and once again join my fellow brothers and sisters in the world of online RPing! Deprived of this joyous place for so long it seems, but no more!

About Me:

-I consider myself semi lit RPer, I usually write a paragraph per post

-I do M X F pairings, with yaoi/yuri occasionally

-I prefer the female role

-I prefer threads

-I love romance!

-I am on usually at least once a day around 4pm-10pm (+2:00 South Africa)

-My grammar is usually rather good and my spelling as well, though I do make mistake here and there

-I can write good plot twists

-I love fantasy

-I only write in 3rd person

What I Like:






(those are my main but I can do others with ease)

-I love new ideas so if you have other don't hesitate to voice them!

No, Just No:


-Justin Bieber

-Real life

-Teen pregnancy

-I could go on but I don't like to be negative


PS - I am totally open to starting 1x1, open or invite group RPs so if you have one you would like me to join or want to start a new one then PM away!

Hey there! I am new here two! It seems you and me have similar intrest and I also write in third person! Haha! :) I hope we can become good friends!
[QUOTE="A Whole New World]Hey there! I am new here two! It seems you and me have similar intrest and I also write in third person! Haha! :) I hope we can become good friends!

Well friends we can be :) If you would like to start a RP just PM me, I was hellishly sick the last week and was unable to get online but I am alive again :)

Skys54 said:
Hi I'm just saying this but I LOVE YOUR SIG RyuChi cause I love vocaloid
Vocaloid is the BEST! No arguments may be stated! Are you a cosplayer? I am a new one and want to cosplay Miku sometime soon, maybe the end of this year :D
No I don't cosplay as of yet but I'm hopping we can do a Vocaloid RP feel free to PM me.

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