Hello there! Nice to meet you!

Jennifer Shirogane

Ace Detective
Hello everyone! My name is Jennifer and I'm glad to finally be a part of RP Nation! I started roleplaying a year ago but I haven't been a part of RP Nation until now. I've always heard about this place, but I was always too shy to join such a large community. I guess I figured out what carpe diem is so I finally decided to join!

I guess this is where I talk about my hobbies and interests. As some of you can probably guess, I love Persona 4 and the Persona/Shin Megami Tensei series in general, with the blue-haired ace detective Naoto Shirogane as my favorite girl of all time. Other JRPGS I played a lot of is the Final Fantasy series, preferably entries 1-6 and 8 (Squall is such a dreamboat xD ). My favorite anime is a long list, but Cowboy Bebop and Trigun are at the tippy top of the list.

I could rant on and on about other things, like how Criminal Minds is probably the greatest TV show and that I love to eat pizza, but I don't wanna bore you all. So that's a quick bit about me, hopefully we can all RP together sometime.

I'll see you around peoplez!!!
Welcome! Welcome! I'm always delighted to see new people find their way here. Even though it is a big community and it can be quite intimidating, everyone here is absolutely awesome. It's easy to find a niche to fit into.

I'm more than willing to help with any questions you might have so let me know if anything comes up. The site rules are here: INFO - Official Site Rules and they should be able to clear up any confusions, but for the most part, they're pretty easy to follow and keep up with.

Good luck with your roleplaying endeavors and with any luck, maybe we'll run into each other again.
Allow me to welcome you into this nation of your fellow RPers. I'm sure you will be able to find your place here and enjoy yourself.

While being shy is fine for the real world, there's no reason for you to let it get in your way here. This is the internet, no one can see your face, so be confident and have fun with it. Everyone else is here to have fun the same as you.

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