Hello I've Got No Clue Where To Start

Haha, I'm not new to roleplay but this website seems to do it a bit differently than the other one I'm on. I joined this one because the other one is getting a bit slow there are no more good RPs to join that I haven't already and even then no one replies for days at a time.
I'm not the kind of person who will write paragraph after paragraph per post because in my opinion that's just insane and honestly most of it is filled with useless fluff that is bad writing enough in a book but in a roleplay it may be the mark of "advanced" rpers but it's simply irksome, takes forever and makes the plot grind along at a glacial pace. That being said I avoid one-liners and short replies at all costs cause those are no fun either but there are literally people back on the other RP site I use that say "you must write 7 paragraphs per post or we will kick you out" omg.
I'm wondering what the state and community of this site is like.
State: Random

Community: Random/Interesting

Hope you'll enjoy roleplaying on here!
Welcome. Intotslly fill you one the post length thing. While I can give long posts they are usually when describing a new location or a time skip when some backmstory might be needed. There is only so many times you can talk about the same room/location.

Hope you find what you're looking for.

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