Hello everyone~! :D


One Time Luck
Hello there,... I'm new :3

so, I guess I'll just tell some basic things about myself and my roleplaying history xD

so, I'm a blond Belgian girl from 14 years old, who has been rping for at least six years, and totally enjoys doing so~

as I said before, I'm Belgain, so my English isn't necessarily perfect, and my English vocabulary can always grow~

so, my posts aren't perfect, but I always try to write a paragraph per post to at least give you some joy in reading it :3

this seems like a very nice site with very nice people, so I don't think I'll regret joining this site~


I'm also becoming an Otaku, but... currently I'm taking a break because of personal reasons >////<

I like roleplaying any kind of thing, horror, action, romance roleplays... I don't know, just... anything xD

so well, if you have any questions about me, you can always ask them :3
First of all, welcome to the RpNation BrokenLove25!

Just wanted to thank you for posting an introduction. If you have any questions such as creating a role play, updating your avatar, earning achievements, etc.. please visit the following link:


Now if you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to reach out to one of our staff members!

Your new friend


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