Hello All!=^-^=

Child Of Nature

Nature's snake charmer.
Hello, everyone mtpy name is Child Of Nature, but please just call me Nature. I am a semi-lit to lit roleplay depending on what my partner gives my to work with. I love fantasy/drama/romance/Victorian/medieval/feudal era japan,/demon based roleplays. I hope I can make lots of great role play friends here.
Welcome to RpNation Nature! Glad to have you with us!

If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask anyone of us here!

I love almost all of the roleplays you listed! I think you and I will get along quite well x3

Visit the shoutbox! You can meet most of us there and make new friends!

(Shoutbox is located in the FORUMS tab on the top, then just scroll down.)
Hi, Nature! Welcome! :D I'm literally into every single genre of RP you listed, haha. Would you like to help co-create a demon-style RP with me? I could send you details in a PM. :3
[QUOTE="Emperor Shadow IV]
Hi, Nature! Welcome! :D I'm literally into every single genre of RP you listed, haha. Would you like to help co-create a demon-style RP with me? I could send you details in a PM. :3

Sure that would be awesome. Just send me the detail in a pm and we can get started. ^^

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