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Fandom Hell City - Neutral Characters

.....One of my stuffed alpacas is named Vincent....lol. Also if you don't mind Sinister I was originally going to put Naru into the tournament but I kind of want her to be hosting now (like moses I think? He keeps things in line right lol) because I had something in mind for it. I think it would be cool if nobody knew who they were going against and if I could choose if you could give me a list of who exactly signed up xD . And we can keep things organized a bit that way if we are doing a tier system where losers fight losers and what not and I can keep score. Obviously Thaddeus and Joker are at it right now but I mean for the others that don't know who they are fighting first and such. Again up to you how you want to run things but I am just offering if I could. @Sinister Clown @LordGowther @Mitchs98
NyxNightmare said:
.....One of my stuffed alpacas is named Vincent....lol. Also if you don't mind Sinister I was originally going to put Naru into the tournament but I kind of want her to be hosting now (like moses I think? He keeps things in line right lol) because I had something in mind for it. I think it would be cool if nobody knew who they were going against and if I could choose if you could give me a list of who exactly signed up xD . And we can keep things organized a bit that way if we are doing a tier system where losers fight losers and what not and I can keep score. Obviously Thaddeus and Joker are at it right now but I mean for the others that don't know who they are fighting first and such. Again up to you how you want to run things but I am just offering if I could. @Sinister Clown @LordGowther @Mitchs98
Sure you can both do that...I'm not sure who exactly is joining so you and Gowther are going to have to sort that one out xD
LordGowther said:
@NyxNightmare yeah I'd rather you host it. Less posting for me to do xD
Awh don't leave me Gowther </3 Gah fine lol I have a COD play date tonight however so I might be in and out just for tonight. Uhm so help me out who all is signed up or wants to?

Ciri, Tremki, Emu, Shiro, The twin terrors, Maddhu, Thaddy&Joker, who else I feel like I am missing people. Is Alicia in it?

Also @LaDyGrEy are all your characters in it or just some?
Thad & Joker are sorting their...Differences out at the front right now so I'm unsure if Thad will still be joining after we're finished but Joker should.

Tremki is joining yes.
NyxNightmare said:
Awh don't leave me Gowther </3 Gah fine lol I have a COD play date tonight however so I might be in and out just for tonight. Uhm so help me out who all is signed up or wants to?
Ciri, Tremki, Emu, Shiro, The twin terrors, Maddhu, Thaddy&Joker, who else I feel like I am missing people. Is Alicia in it?

Also @LaDyGrEy are all your characters in it or just some?
Madhu is a no go and so is Alicia

Once we've sorted everything out can we delete our posts from this tab? Since this is where the CS's re meant to go xD


? ? ?

WIP, character for second arc

  • Name:

    Toto Shaizumen (However people only know him by his first name)


    Mockingbird, The Deadly Sins


    17 (Estimated, not confirmed)













"Character Quote"

? ? ?


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_nyguitKOXB1r92482o1_500.gif.5661044976ac0b4a8d8a2e764f352ec5.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95844" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_nyguitKOXB1r92482o1_500.gif.5661044976ac0b4a8d8a2e764f352ec5.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Jason Ren


The Black Reaper




Genetically Modified Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Kisaragi.Shintaro.full.1685764.jpg.5dd1ee4315bdc04344786d70c605574a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Kisaragi.Shintaro.full.1685764.jpg.5dd1ee4315bdc04344786d70c605574a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_nqkolexKez1tufdcp_1280.png.fc3fd43d90c59fdaf8c462ddb02f30da.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_inline_nqkolexKez1tufdcp_1280.png.fc3fd43d90c59fdaf8c462ddb02f30da.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6c243aca_glovesdarkerthanblackheiredeyesmonochromemaleanimeboysphotoshop_www.wall321.com_41.jpg.a15f14fd7d4df28e7828402ed6e1061e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95857" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6c243aca_glovesdarkerthanblackheiredeyesmonochromemaleanimeboysphotoshop_www.wall321.com_41.jpg.a15f14fd7d4df28e7828402ed6e1061e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Jason is a psychopath, plain and simple. After being tortured and treated cruelly, his mind snapped. He kills anyone who gets in his way, and feels no remorse for his actions.

Weapon Specialty/Fighting Style:

Uses CQC fighting techniques, and is proficient with his aura

Aura Ability(3 max) (If GH):

Blood Manipulation:

Blood Absorption: To be able to absorb blood from others

Haemokinetic Combat: To infuse blood in physical combat.

Haemopotent Regeneration: To regenerate oneself using blood.


-Quick Learner

-High Endurance


-Uses own blood to power most Aura abilities


To be revealed



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    gloves darker than black hei red eyes monochrome male anime boys photoshop_www.wall321.com_41.jpg
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Yoshiro said:

View attachment 213289


Jason Ren


The Black Reaper




Genetically Modified Human


View attachment 213308

View attachment 213309 View attachment 213310


Jason is a psychopath, plain and simple. After being tortured and treated cruelly, his mind snapped. He kills anyone who gets in his way, and feels no remorse for his actions.

Weapon Specialty/Fighting Style:

Uses CQC fighting techniques, and is proficient with his aura

Aura Ability(3 max) (If GH):

Blood Manipulation:

Blood Absorption: To be able to absorb blood from others

Blood Empowerment: To be empowered and vitalized by blood.

Blood Transfusion: To inject one's blood into others.

Haemokinetic Combat: To infuse blood in physical combat.

Haemopotent Regeneration: To regenerate oneself using blood.


-Quick Learner

-High Endurance


-Uses own blood to power most Aura abilities


To be revealed
I like it but you have too many abilities, 3 is the max you can have.
Yoshiro said:

View attachment 213289


Jason Ren


The Black Reaper




Genetically Modified Human


View attachment 213308

View attachment 213309 View attachment 213310


Jason is a psychopath, plain and simple. After being tortured and treated cruelly, his mind snapped. He kills anyone who gets in his way, and feels no remorse for his actions.

Weapon Specialty/Fighting Style:

Uses CQC fighting techniques, and is proficient with his aura

Aura Ability(3 max) (If GH):

Blood Manipulation:

Blood Absorption: To be able to absorb blood from others

Haemokinetic Combat: To infuse blood in physical combat.

Haemopotent Regeneration: To regenerate oneself using blood.


-Quick Learner

-High Endurance


-Uses own blood to power most Aura abilities


To be revealed
Nope you're good to go, accepted
Name: Celle (SELL-AY) Montague

Nickname/Alias(Optional): The Mad Hatter

Age: 18

Height(Optional): 5'6"

Race: Gifted Human

Weight(Optional): *glares* NOT. TELLING.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.a08301ad5eb128e9fbc41b570f208a9a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95896" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.a08301ad5eb128e9fbc41b570f208a9a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gear/Items on you(Optional):

Hats. Lots and lots of hats. He is NEVER seen without his hats, unless something really bad is happening, in which case he will totally freak out. Oh, yes, and he's always dressing like a pirate, one way or another.

He also carries around a silver pistol, which has become one of his trademarks.


(Hoo boy.) Celle is a rather conceited and flirtatious man, who puts his own appearance before anything else. Seriously, it's pretty bad. He could be held at gunpoint by ten men, and could be worrying about a zit on his face. He has been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, which probably doesn't help. He is a complete and total neat freak and hopeless romantic. However, on the flip side, when he likes someone, he will do anything to protect them, making an exception to his obsession with how he looks.

Crush (If any): Shiro, @Mitchs98

Weapon Specialty/Fighting Style:

Celle is very specific when fighting. He fights in a style that is violent but keeps all the icky blood off of his manicured hands. He always leaves a distinctive red hat symbol in the area of his victims.

Aura Ability(3 max) (If GH):

Disguise: Celle has the ability to disguise his appearance. Usually, he just changes the hair length and color, but that's pretty much it.

Aura Detection: Celle can sense a person's aura and the abilities that come with it.

Monster Morphing: This is an ability that, more or less, is accidental. When under emotional agitation or extremely injured, Celle automatically turns into a monster. If it isn't terrible, he still looks somewhat human:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.22afbf97cbb39c9ece5b55e1a8876570.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.22afbf97cbb39c9ece5b55e1a8876570.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

However, in most cases he looks like this:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.b6a5a418b4924763a7f43a708b08a894.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95925" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpg.b6a5a418b4924763a7f43a708b08a894.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


-High Endurance

-Good with a handgun

-Good actor



-Doesn't like to get his hands too messy

-Afraid of heights and spiders


Celle was born in Berlin and lived there for his first five years before his father, the first generation of the Mad Hatter trend in Celle's family, moved to Hell City for "business reasons". There, his father made good money as an assassin and got rich. From then on, Celle was spoiled rotten. That is, until a member of the Clowns finally had enough of his father's bragging and tortured Celle's whole family (with the exception of him) to death. Celle was hit pretty hard by the death of his whole family, and so he struck back by finding out about that certain Clown's loved ones and killing them all, leaving the mark of his father wherever he went.

Organization/Gang & Rank(Optional):

None, works alone as a serial killer.


- The deaths of the Clown's loved ones

- MOST FAMOUS FOR: The Fatherly Murders-the deaths of the fathers of pregnant women (just to make a name out of himself)

- Several bombing incidents

- Second-degree murder caused by his Monster Morph




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femjapanriceball said:
Name: Celle (SELL-AY) Montague
Nickname/Alias(Optional): The Mad Hatter

Age: 18

Height(Optional): 5'6"

Race: Gifted Human

Weight(Optional): *glares* NOT. TELLING.


View attachment 213419

Gear/Items on you(Optional):

Hats. Lots and lots of hats. He is NEVER seen without his hats, unless something really bad is happening, in which case he will totally freak out. Oh, yes, and he's always dressing like a pirate, one way or another.

He also carries around a silver pistol, which has become one of his trademarks.


(Hoo boy.) Celle is a rather conceited and flirtatious man, who puts his own appearance before anything else. Seriously, it's pretty bad. He could be held at gunpoint by ten men, and could be worrying about a zit on his face. He has been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, which probably doesn't help. He is a complete and total neat freak and hopeless romantic. However, on the flip side, when he likes someone, he will do anything to protect them, making an exception to his obsession with how he looks.

Crush (If any): Shiro, @Mitchs98

Weapon Specialty/Fighting Style:

Celle is very specific when fighting. He fights in a style that is violent but keeps all the icky blood off of his manicured hands. He always leaves a distinctive red hat symbol in the area of his victims.

Aura Ability(3 max) (If GH):

Disguise: Celle has the ability to disguise his appearance. Usually, he just changes the hair length and color, but that's pretty much it.

Aura Detection: Celle can sense a person's aura and the abilities that come with it.

Monster Morphing: This is an ability that, more or less, is accidental. When under emotional agitation or extremely injured, Celle automatically turns into a monster. If it isn't terrible, he still looks somewhat human:

View attachment 213458

However, in most cases he looks like this:

View attachment 213460


-High Endurance

-Good with a handgun

-Good actor



-Doesn't like to get his hands too messy

-Afraid of heights and spiders


Celle was born in Berlin and lived there for his first five years before his father, the first generation of the Mad Hatter trend in Celle's family, moved to Hell City for "business reasons". There, his father made good money as an assassin and got rich. From then on, Celle was spoiled rotten. That is, until a member of the Clowns finally had enough of his father's bragging and tortured Celle's whole family (with the exception of him) to death. Celle was hit pretty hard by the death of his whole family, and so he struck back by finding out about that certain Clown's loved ones and killing them all, leaving the mark of his father wherever he went.

Organization/Gang & Rank(Optional):

None, works alone as a serial killer.


- The deaths of the Clown's loved ones

- MOST FAMOUS FOR: The Fatherly Murders-the deaths of the fathers of pregnant women (just to make a name out of himself)

- Several bombing incidents

- Second-degree murder caused by his Monster Morph

This immediately gets my +1's for using pictures from my favorite anime. Also curious to see how Shiro will react, xD
femjapanriceball said:
Name: Celle (SELL-AY) Montague
Nickname/Alias(Optional): The Mad Hatter

Age: 18

Height(Optional): 5'6"

Race: Gifted Human

Weight(Optional): *glares* NOT. TELLING.


View attachment 213419

Gear/Items on you(Optional):

Hats. Lots and lots of hats. He is NEVER seen without his hats, unless something really bad is happening, in which case he will totally freak out. Oh, yes, and he's always dressing like a pirate, one way or another.

He also carries around a silver pistol, which has become one of his trademarks.


(Hoo boy.) Celle is a rather conceited and flirtatious man, who puts his own appearance before anything else. Seriously, it's pretty bad. He could be held at gunpoint by ten men, and could be worrying about a zit on his face. He has been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, which probably doesn't help. He is a complete and total neat freak and hopeless romantic. However, on the flip side, when he likes someone, he will do anything to protect them, making an exception to his obsession with how he looks.

Crush (If any): Shiro, @Mitchs98

Weapon Specialty/Fighting Style:

Celle is very specific when fighting. He fights in a style that is violent but keeps all the icky blood off of his manicured hands. He always leaves a distinctive red hat symbol in the area of his victims.

Aura Ability(3 max) (If GH):

Disguise: Celle has the ability to disguise his appearance. Usually, he just changes the hair length and color, but that's pretty much it.

Aura Detection: Celle can sense a person's aura and the abilities that come with it.

Monster Morphing: This is an ability that, more or less, is accidental. When under emotional agitation or extremely injured, Celle automatically turns into a monster. If it isn't terrible, he still looks somewhat human:

View attachment 213458

However, in most cases he looks like this:

View attachment 213460


-High Endurance

-Good with a handgun

-Good actor



-Doesn't like to get his hands too messy

-Afraid of heights and spiders


Celle was born in Berlin and lived there for his first five years before his father, the first generation of the Mad Hatter trend in Celle's family, moved to Hell City for "business reasons". There, his father made good money as an assassin and got rich. From then on, Celle was spoiled rotten. That is, until a member of the Clowns finally had enough of his father's bragging and tortured Celle's whole family (with the exception of him) to death. Celle was hit pretty hard by the death of his whole family, and so he struck back by finding out about that certain Clown's loved ones and killing them all, leaving the mark of his father wherever he went.

Organization/Gang & Rank(Optional):

None, works alone as a serial killer.


- The deaths of the Clown's loved ones

- MOST FAMOUS FOR: The Fatherly Murders-the deaths of the fathers of pregnant women (just to make a name out of himself)

- Several bombing incidents

- Second-degree murder caused by his Monster Morph

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