Helkor's Lockstone


The Dwarven Brewmaster
It would be wise to read all available information to better your character and make your facts more viable, though it is not required. Just know that there is a much higher chance of your character being declined if you do not read the information located in the Settings/Locations, Rules, and Lore tabs.

Also, you will have to keep track of your Magical Anchor Percentage during the roleplay.

  • Name:




    Physical Appearance:



[tabs][tab=Physical][imageFloat=right]Place Image of Character Here[/imageFloat][CHECK=dot]Name:[/CHECK]




[CHECK=dot]Physical Appearance:[/CHECK]



[tab=Magical][imageFloat=right]Place Image of Magical Anchor Here[/imageFloat][CHECK=dot]Magisterium Rank:[/CHECK]

[CHECK=dot]Realm of Magic:[/CHECK]


[CHECK=dot]Magical Anchor:[/CHECK]

[progress=100]Magical Anchor Percentage[/progress][/tab]


[CHECK=dot]Personal History:[/CHECK][/tab][/tabs]
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  • eternal_sunshine_by_NeslihanBAZ.jpg
    Name: Emalyne Livingstone

    Age: Nineteen

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Physical Appearance: Emalyne is petite for a human, barely topping at 5'1. She is slim as well, making her seem rather like a child instead of fully grown. With a red-gold mass of curls, she stands out like a fiery beacon in the dismal eastern sector of the city. Her eyes seem to reflect the sea that borders Silverdeep and change just as frequently. Ranging from a stormy gray to a calm azure and everything in between, they are a true testament to her current mood.

    Apparel: Like many of the other residents of the district, Emalyne dresses with practicality. Modesty makes it impossible for her to be in anything but a dress, but she has been known to hide in men's clothes before as well. Her only jewelry is a simple necklace that she will usually hide under her clothes; a girl couldn't be too careful here, after all.

    Weapons: She doesn't have access to a lot of weapons, but she does have a small dagger she keeps tucked into the top of her boot just in case.
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    Gwendolen “Gwen” du Theil




    Physical Appearance:
    At only 1.63m and 62.6kgs, Gwen has a lot of attitude in not a lot of real estate. Pretty may be a stretch, but she is agreeable enough. Maybe if she took a few extra minutes out of her day to brush through the knotty blonde mess she calls hair, instead of leaving it in a tangle of braids all the time and don some more flattering, feminine clothing, she could pass as being pretty. Between the sandy blonde colour of her hair, her pale olive skintone, and bags under her eyes from her aversion to sleep, Gwen often has a washed-out, tired look to her, though her eyes, arguably one of her better features, are the most lovely shade of eggshell blue. She's thin, but well put-together with a certain strength in her physique. Her hands and forearms, often singed from working with her blacksmithing forge and the dirt caked underneath her fingernails shows she knows hard-work.

    Her choice of attire compliments were choice of work: tunics made from leather, linen, and chain-link, coarse linen breeches, and well-loved leather lace boots, all in variety of Earth tones. She is also known for wearing her full grain leather blacksmithing apron from time to time, though it really doesn't do her figure any favours. Even with the boyish attitude and style of dress, there is something incredibly feminine about her-- perhaps in the gentle sloping of her face, her high cheek bones, or the way she occasionally wears a few pieces of jewellery like its some kind of secret.

    Her primary weapon is an Arming Sword.
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    Name: Galen Rymesria

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Physical Appearance: Galen has sweeping dark hair and piercing green eyes. He is a little shorter than average for most human males, being a little above 5'9''. Galen also has a lean, wiry build and a light tan from his days spent running around the streets of Silverdeep.

    Apparel: Galen usually wears a simple dark tunic with loose fitting trousers, a belt, and leather boots. He finds this clothing to be more comfortable for everyday wear than the fancier attire adorned by those in his own social class, not to mention that any silk or velvet cloth is likely to be ruined by him within days.

    Weapons: He carries a simple dirk tucked into his belt for defensive purposes.
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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/4db4679a34fb5c2d170ec44a87b6ca74.jpg.aeb88210ec843e29e9e045fedcd96805.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/4db4679a34fb5c2d170ec44a87b6ca74.jpg.aeb88210ec843e29e9e045fedcd96805.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Name: Roana Silverleaf

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female

    Race: Half-Elf

    Physical Appearance: Roana's is a hybrid beauty. She owes many of her unique features such as her height, piercing eyes, lustrous hair, and refined bone structure to her elven father while her coloration and gentle curves come from her human mother. At five feet and nine inches Roana towers above human women and stands almost eye to eye with most men making her icy blue stare all the more intimidating.

    Apparel: Roana favors elven clothes over human garb, prefering their durable yet still comfortable tunics, robes, leggings, boots, and cloaks. Often in forest greens, browns, and light pastels; the latter in her more leisurely dress. She also possesses five piercings. Both ears sport percings on the lobe, two on the left and one on the right while both have them at the tips of her slightly pointed ears.

    Weapons: She wields a well crafted elven bow, carved from stained willow with a vine motif on either side of the leather wrapped grip. And in addition to it she also carries an elven hunting knife.



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    Name: Adrian Ikke

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Race: Half Elf

    Physical Appearance: Adrian stands taller than most humans at roughly six feet, but is still shorter than his Elven counterparts. He has inherited the lean build and comely features of his Elven lineage, though, his white skin color comes from the side of his father, rather than the darker skin of his mother. His eyes in particular, along with his ears are what differentiate him from his Elven bloodline. They are not almond in shape, but more akin to the human's. However, he still retains the vibrant emerald color that comes with the race. His ears are elongate and well pronounced, but are rounded at the tops.

    Apparel: Adrian owns a large variety of clothing, hailing from traditional customs of Silverdeep vanity and variation. However, there is a very particular set that best resembles his nature and being. It is a longer dark cloak, with wolf's fur around the neck brace, covering the metal chains that bind it around his shoulders. underneath the cloak is a light set of ring mail, interlocking about his breast to keep him safe from others, and sometimes, himself. An ebony pin is generally strapped to the breast pocket of the get up, that of a shape resembling a raven holding a grouping of sticks in its talons. Most notable of the garb is the woven knit hood of crimson that covers his head, but reveals the entirety of his face.

    Weapons: He carries a small athame, a black handled blade, with the outermost back side of it serrated, keeping the sharp point that it comes to in balance with the wielder.
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    Name: Veuship Dagda

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Race: Half elf/Half human

    Physical Appearance: Veuship has white skin, white hair and blue eyes. He looks older than he really is because of the hard training he had to put up with. He has a cold look in his eyes, hiding his kinder, true self. He rarely smiles but he won't hold a laugh if something is funny or nice for him. His ears are human like, not pointy and his lips are very thin. His haircut is really short and spiky. Veuship weights 72kg and measures 1,80m.

    Apparel: He would never wear casual clothing but in bedtime. He prefers long coats and he always wears his gloves, even when sleeping. The clothes he wears are mostly blue with details in gold, orange and white.

    Weapons: He has 2 weapons

    Mary's Pardon: A blue Katana


    Weaver's Gloves: A pair of gloves with a silver strings that can cut or grab different objects, they doesn't look suspicious, so most people wont take notice of them being a weapon.


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  • Name:Khalida Kahveci

    Age: Twenty-Four

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Physical Appearance: Khalida is quite tall for a -human- woman; towering above her friends, family and even the guardsmen in Silverdeep at a height of six foot. This creates a rather intimating demeanor for those who know little of her, and brings shock to these same people when she tells them of her healing profession. Khalida bares not a single blemish on her face and her skin lacks the scars of war, some believe she has found a way to heal such imperfections. Long brunette strands of hair lay upon her lower-back, un-styled and delicate. Her frame is well-built and could almost be considered athletic, shaped through years of strenuous activity.

    Apparel: Despite Silverdeep's heavy emphasis on fashion and the glorified lifestyle that accompanies it, Khalida prefers simple attire that she believes, "will remove distractions from her life and help her achieve divinity among the Goden." Her clothes consist of; many unembellished black robes, her Magical Anchor and a pair of earrings that bare the same color scheme.

    Weapons: Inside of Khalida's left sleeve, a -sheathed- dagger is bound by a leather strap. This weapon is merely kept for reassurance when traveling through what some would consider 'the Blacktrade underground', or unfamiliar land.
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Adrasteia Vethdarai


Before long, I will not only hold dominion over the Magisterium, but Silverdeep as a whole. And then the rest of Shallomhand will fall under my reign, piece by piece.

  • Age: 144 (appears to be around 28 years old in the human aging system)

    Gender: Female

    Race: Elf

    Physical Appearance: As an elven maiden, Adrasteia peaks at the height of six feet and three inches. Silver hair flows down to meet with her shoulders, and green eyes pierce through the darkness. Her cheekbones are set high upon her countenance, her nose long and the tip being pointed upward subtly. Her lips are luscious, and thin eyebrows angle downward upon her orbs of vision. She is a lithe creature, with long, delicate fingers and a sharp jawline. Many would call her beautiful, but it is a ruse to conceal that what she is—a woman of malice.

    Apparel: She is usually seen wearing long, baggy robes styled by the hues of black, silver, and purple. The sleeves of the robes end just at the wrist, and all of her robes are hooded.

    Weapons: Being one of the most powerful mages in Shallomhand, she has no need for man-made weapons. Though, she does have a small steel dagger strapped to her right shin.

Magical Anchor Percentage: Helkor's Lockstone

Magical Anchor Percentage: Adrasteia's Ring

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