Helkor's Lockstone - Settings/Locations


The Dwarven Brewmaster

  • Silverdeep_zps7zncn0fe.jpg
    Nestled on the eastern bank of the Evantelide Ocean, Silverdeep is known for its ravishing sights, its long-legged domesticated animals called Wumblers, and its diverse population. It is the center of trade and wealth in all of Shallomhand, and is nicknamed the Godans' Cradle. As a place with bustling crowds of people, it hosts the university of the Magisterium and is the location where the magical order first originated.

    Bordering the sea, Silverdeep profits heavily from the fish trade and the transportation of goods across the oceans. Its economy also thrives due to the enchanted items that come forth from the Magisterium, and the illegal marketing of drugs in the darker parts of town. Most of all, though, Silverdeep is infamous for its fashion, and is one of the largest retailers of tailored products.

    Silverdeep is ruled by Viscount Bharris Del'Kroux and his Silver-Grand Council.

    • Silverdeep%20Magisterium_zpsqyysgv4w.jpg
      Designated on a stone-bordered island at the most eastern edge of the city, the Magisterium is surrounded on all sides by the Evantelide Ocean. Secluded from the rest of the townsfolk, a cobblestone bridge connects it to the mainland. Both the bridge and the gatehouse of the university is protected by the Magisterium's Elemanters. These guards are individuals who study magic, but have been trained by the military system of Silverdeep.

      The Magisterium university is large enough to house over two hundred collegiates in its lower houses. The practice and study rooms lie in the central area of the Magisterium, and the archmage's quarters is positioned at the very pinnacle of the tallest tower. With the recent murder of Helkor, his second in-command Adrasteia has taken up residence in his quarters and has claimed the role of archmage for herself.

      Magisterium Ranks

      Archmage (1)

      High Magister (1)

      Magister (9)

      Wizard (27)

      Sorcerer (?)

    • Taking up most of the western and central regions of Silverdeep, the Galley is the market and food district. This sector of the city contains all merchant stalls, stores, taverns, and restaurants. Much of the everyday life of Silverdeep revolves around this area. Farm products, exotic fruits, magical items, clothes, armor, weapons, pets, and slaves are all sold here.

      One of the more known establishments of the Galley is the Silverfoam Pub, which attracts outsiders from all across Shallomhand. It sells some of the strongest alcohol throughout the realm, and is one of the largest gambling residences in the world. It is an incredibly large structure, and hosts over one hundred rooms for guests.
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