

Dragon Queen
Name: Helewise

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Magic: (not required): Summoning. One small ball of shadow follows her and doesn't cost her much energy to manipulate. This can summon one creature at a time to fight along side her.  

Weapon(s): The shadow ball she controls can be used as a weapon of sorts. She has shadow scythe as her main weapon and a small dagger as a worst case scenario. She has never had to use it. 

Role in Ughai: Rune creator and "mystery" solver

No one has truly seen what Helewise looks like. Those who come to her call her the "Solver". She dresses like a man to protect her identity. She is usually seen where her Gypsy Cob is. His name is Velxor



Outfit she is seen wearing 51318e6de5ae852ea0e5bbdf7cd8c948.jpg

Shadow scythedark_scythe_by_schamanekimiko-d91v3js.jpg

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