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Fantasy Heaven's Robin

Chinoma Yamagata

Several Characters, One Play

This story is a supernatural-biblical apocalyptic world.

Where a group of demon hunters gather to see what's wrong and how to fix this world.

This world takes place in 2012 when everyone thought the world would end.

In the late 90's there was a couple, Emilia Soto and Jack Trent. Emilia was getting the drug Angel dust from Jack and that's how they met. However through this Emilia became extremely abusive with him and this ended up with him cheating on her and causing more trouble than they should of.

While Jack was having a hallucination because of the Angel Dust he saw an actual angel. This made him go and make a lot of research behind biblical creatures and became somewhat religious and disillusion. Many people didn't believe him because of his drug addiction but what they didn't realize is that he was right. About everything. So then he created the Bane Hunters. Originally it was only Emilia, Jack and three other people. They all tried to open the gates to heaven one day which caused the disappearance of Jack. This left Emilia extremely heartbroken which caused her to quit doing drugs. After her rehabilitation and thanks to the other three members the Bane Hunters grew remarkably in size.

This is the story of Emilia and her own Hunter team.

It'll explain;

what happened to Jack?

Who's Airashi and Jessie?

How will they stop the end of the world?


Any type of holy weapon, please stick to silver bullets!

Anything that has been presented in previous lore eg. Using garlic or crosses to lure out vampires, using silver bullets against werewolfs etc.


Please stick to Demons, Humans, Elves, and Angelic beings. However anything else you'd like please ask before submitting.

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