Saturnity said:
Hey everyone. I'm sorry to do this, but I am going to be taking an indefinite hiatus. I've quickly run out of interest and creativity as of late. And I figure it's better for me to just throw in the towel while things are slow. There are other personal reasons for me taking my leave, but I'd rather not bog down the RP with my lack of ideas. If anyone wants to take over for Elysium, you are more than welcome (with Crit's approval of course). Again, I'm sorry, and it was very nice writing with you all. Goodbye.
Shit, I wish I was on when you posted this. I'm not worried about the rp. Leaving a message like that makes me worry about you.

I don't know if you're gonna check this message, but you should contact me. >___<
Ah, so many posts!!! I'm sorry for not posting anything relating to my character, but I've been busy over the past week. I've cleared everything however and am ready to start editing my sheet! I'm actually thinking of changing him drastically, though I'm still weighing my options.

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm finished fixing the problem... (hopefully.)
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I've been working at my new job and finishing papers/working on finals myself. So I've been busy. Dx
[/cracks her knuckles... by doing the gesture and making the noises with her mouth 'cause cracking knuckles is kinda gross]

OKAY! Gonna work on this gorram Micah post!
[/flops in and dies]

I... I've been so distracted the past few days.

I haven't made any progress on her post since yesterday. ;;; n ;;;
[QUOTE="Suzuki Mine]
[/flops in and dies]
I... I've been so distracted the past few days.

I haven't made any progress on her post since yesterday. ;;; n ;;;

distractions are everywhere aren't they? x3
[QUOTE="Suzuki Mine]
[/flops in and dies]
I... I've been so distracted the past few days.

I haven't made any progress on her post since yesterday. ;;; n ;;;

Yunn said:
distractions are everywhere aren't they? x3
No distractions for me...bakery is slow and college is on break til fall
Sorry I've been MIA. I'm waiting on that Micah post so we can continue.


Hey guys, sorry its been a while since I've been active. Between work, finals (which I'm almost done with) and
Black Desertother things, I had been kind of preoccupied. Activity has been really sluggish, and so I'm gonna do a roll call to see who is still in/interested.

If your names are on the left, it means you are still an active character and I need to know if you're still interested in playing. If your names are on the right, that means you've told me that you'll be inactive for some time and/or were interested in joining previously.

I hope to hear back from you guys soon enough.

@Kami no Chikara @Tobi Neafearn

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I have just been wanting to give others a chance to post. O.o But I am here.
Annnd I'll be working on posts today. I'll be speeding everything up, hopefully into a time skip so everyone can start fresh.
Quick question: How far into the future do we want to go? Next morning or a couple weeks in the future?

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