Are you? Oh, probably Dx I'm currently working on finals due on Friday, so I should hopefully have a post out soonish D: Sorry if you were waiting on me!
I thought Crit said he needed a nozomi post, but don't sweat it. I was just trying to find the next link, bit of a GM habit I suppose.
Yeah, I am waiting on a Nozomi post, though surrounding people can move about and post. So can people in the church. My finals are coming up too so I'm cramming a bit this weekend as well as job hunting.
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]Yeah, I am waiting on a Nozomi post, though surrounding people can move about and post. So can people in the church. My finals are coming up too so I'm cramming a bit this weekend as well as job hunting.

The struggle is real. .-.
I have an essay to finish and a PowerPoint on Daruma dolls to work on. Then I might have to re-record my cultural interview, transcribe it, and write some kind of essay. And that's on top of finishing online work and studying my neglected chinese... ;;A;;
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]I have an essay to finish and a PowerPoint on Daruma dolls to work on. Then I might have to re-record my cultural interview, transcribe it, and write some kind of essay. And that's on top of finishing online work and studying my neglected chinese... ;;A;;

D: For me, I have a digital sculpt due on Friday, as well as a summary of the networking events I went to. After that, I'm done, but I'm still procrastinating .-.
I feel boring, I have no finals or schooling. Just clients and book keeping. ( O.o )
I drew Skye in what I envisioned to be his dark chapter gear... slightly customised.

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eeeeee I sign up for classes in less then 10 minutes~

I'm gonna be taking a lot of night classes. DX

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