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Dice Heart of the Mountain [WoD]


Drifting Writer
This is a World of Darkness Roleplay using a diverse mixture of rules and characters.

Mostly, the Races to focus on are Changeling and Dragon, but with bits of others also allowed.

When it comes to WoD cannon I tend to create my own lore or invent my own rules while using the normal lore as a guideline, so feel free to ask me for any lore-based questions if there is confusion.

In general, I expect at minimum one quality post (1 paragraph, propper grammer, reasonable amount of detail, ect.) per week. I will edit posts for grammar and spacing if needed. Smaller posts are excusable if multiple posts are made that week. During combat, players who do not post during the week will have their turn passed (they can take a turn later if they become available).

World of Darkness uses a d10 die pool system where attributes and skills are combined. 8+ on the die is counted as a success and 10s are rerolled.



-Jack Rose

-Royalty (Red Queen, Princess, Prince)


-Fire (Literal as well as the Taoist element, ties back to heart)





-Everyday Life and how it interacts with the Otherworld

-Investigation, Mystery, and Sanity



-Mystery and Hidden Things, but also seeking the Truth (Reporter and Detective)

-Fairy Tales, Myths, Legends (Dragons, Fairies, Mermaids, ect.)

-Bright, Exciting, Dazzling, Flashy

-Jazz music of both kinds, smooth and lively. Dynamic and Relaxed.

-Vibrant Strangeness (Casino lights, The Hedge, Dreams, ect.)

Books Used

-God Machine Chronicle Rules Update/2nd Edition Core Rules

-Tales from the 13th Precinct (Information for police)

-Dragon: The Embers [3rd Party Book]

-Hunter: The Vigil

-Hunter: Witch-Finders

-Changeling: The Lost

-Vampire: The Requiem

-Mage: The Awakening

House Rules

My Critical Failure Rules

>A critical failure will result whenever a player fails and the number of 1's is also equal to half or more of the number of dice rolled. On a chance die, the single 1 is treated as normal. Also, if reduced to a negative die, it increases the chance of critical failure on the Chance Die by that much. If half or more of the dice come up 1's and that was a success then that roll is still a success, but something bad happens as a result as well.

Advanced Kenning (for Changelings)

For Extended Magic (Mage) the Number of rolls is limited by Gnosis score.

Siren's Song (3 dot merit for Changelings) is now a reflexive triggered action.

Vampires can walk around in daytime at no cost, but are still harmed by sunlight.

Weapons Roll Dice and can do Bashing Damage
(technically the rule would be “keeping it the same as first edition”)

>Armor will remain the same as described in GMC

-Initiative as dice pool (rather than 1d10+Initiative)

-Templates that have not had their Morality updated to 2nd Ed will use rules closer to 1st Edition.

-Automatic Quickdraw:

Drawing an item from your person or a container on your person is a reflexive action during your turn. If the item is rendered difficult to reach and equip, such as a knife at the bottom of a loaded backpack, make a Dexterity roll with a -1 penalty. On a success, you draw the item as a reflexive item. On a failure, you draw the item as an instant action. On a dramatic failure, you are not able to draw the item during your turn at all.

-Stunting, as judged by the Storyteller.

>Stunt bonus dice can apply to offensive or defensive actions. Simply add the bonus directly to the Defense of the target in the case of defensive stunts. It should be noted, however, that a given stunt is really only worth dice once. Each stunt must be interesting and innovative.

>Interesting Description (+1 die): An attack that uses an interesting description is worth a single extra die. These stunts are the actions of epic heroes, feats impossible to normal people.

>Using Thematic Qualities (+2 dice): Going a step beyond an interesting description, using thematic qualities involves tapping into the symbolic themes or environment already present in the fight.

>Maestro's Performance (+3 dice): Finally, a three-dice stunt is the rarest of them all, because it isn't sufficient that the stunt be described well. Instead, a three-dice stunt is any two-dice stunt that forces the gaming group to concede that the stunt is not only appropriate and impressive but actively adds to the fun of the group.

Forum Rules

-PG-13 Rating for sexual content, unless we work outside the forum.

>Violence and Cursing are allowed.

-Include Dice Rolls in OOC, and make dice rolls before or after a post as needed.

>Remember that, if using the exalted roller, set the difficulty to 8 or just roll 10 sided dice on the normal roller.

>The Storyteller has the right to roll dice privately without posting the results in the OOC.

>For stunts and social rolls I recommend posting first due to the fact that your speech and actions can affect the dice pool.

-I'll be including the session number and scene whenever a scene or session starts and ends.

-PvP is allowed as long as both parties and the GM can agree to reasonable terms on how it is played out. As a general rule, no social rolls against players (or domination type spells) unless that is prefered by the defender.

Beat Exp

5 Beats = 1 Exp

-1 Beat is given for surviving a dangerous situation after taking massive damage, overcoming a condition, or dealing with a Flaw in a significant way.

-1 Beat per Session, a Session is a set of scenes that is declared to end by the GM. Otherwise, refer to time-based beats below.

-1 Beat for completing or working towards a character goal. The goal must be known by the GM or written on the character sheet.

-Once per scene, a player can change a normal failure they rolled into a critical failure to earn a beat.

-The GM may award bonus Beats for any reason, mostly for good roleplaying, tactics, ect.

I also tend to give out bonus beats for providing things like fan-fiction or art.

-1 Beat will be given every two weeks of real time, if a session has not ended, but only if the rule of maintaining one quality post per week is met. If a session ends soon after this reward is given, no beat is given for end of session and the time-count is reset.

Willpower is recovered by Resting, Victory in a Scene or Story, or embodying Vice/Virtue. Willpower can be used to gain +3 to a roll, or +2 to a resisted roll (defense).
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Town of Lyre

>Mayor's Manor

>Wonderland Casino

>The Highwaymen Office

-About 10 minutes away from the casino.

>Lyre Police Department (LPD)

-15 minutes away from the Office, on the other side of the street.

>Johnny's Apartment

-Down the street from the Casino, a 30 minute walk.

>Yang's Chinese Restaurant

-Nearby Johnny's Apartment

>Chrysanthemum Confections (The Bakery)

-Nearby the Cafe, closer to the edge of the city

>Adventae Building (Hunter Compact)

>Cafe Noir

-About 2 miles away from the Casino

>Zee's Mechanic Shop

>Old Charmaine Lot (burned house in the upper district, haunted).

>Crypt (Mercenary Bar)

Lyre Environmental Reserve

>Lyre Forest

>Mountain Trail/Ruins

The Hedge
(Session 2+)

>The hedge is the border between the mortal world and the world of the Fae. The time and space within the hedge is less constant than in the mortal realm, therefore providing a list of locations would be impossible. Though the Princess does possess a stable pocket dimension that includes a private lakeside manor. Though even the manor can be moved to different locations within the Hedge, unlike a Changeling Hollow.

-Lyre has a open carry policy and allows citizens with licence can carry small arms like pistols, though in public areas (like the casino) guns are not allowed.

Named, but unknown locations

San Minarm (Mexican style desert settlement)

Boe-Haven (Abandoned ghost town)

Rival NPCs

>James Wilde

Age 21, Male

Looks to be a descendent of the old folk. Wears a black-wing necklace. Long brown hair and lively brown eyes. He has a relaxed style of acting and seems to enjoy watching people. He smells of the mountains, very earthy and rough. His accent sounds like a blend of what would be considered southern and native american. He is bound to protecting the mountain territory. He possesses powerful supernatural senses that include burning draconic eyes.

>Terrence Reed

Age 23, Male

Bartender at the Wonderland Casino's Bar. He has short red hair and wears reflective glasses that hide his brown eyes. He's silent, watchful, and somewhat cheery. He smells like wine, very rich and flavorful. He has a silent sort of Irish accent. He attempted to drug the Caeda the Detective, but failed in the attempt and was captured. Descending into a panicked madness, he escaped through a mirror gateway into The Hedge. He was then rescued by the warrior Gaius and is now attempting to escape the police and contact his mistress known as the Princess. This version of Terrance was actually a copy who was created to replace the real Terrance who had been captured by the Princess.



Owns a bakery in town and functions as a Master under the Mage faction known as the Guardians of the Veil. She has a high-pitched voice similar to Lilypichu when casual, but can form a more serious voice when she needs to. She seems to be somewhat cold, but also nurturing when she finds someone who needs the emotional support.

>George "Burns" Bernard

34, Male

Owner of the Casino Wonderland who has some serious expansion plans. He is friendly with the mayor and has been making a handful of secretive deals to secure the funds he needs to grow his casino. He is prone to violence and easily angered. He has blonde hair and yellow eyes and enjoys smoking. He is working out a deal with various parties including the negotiator named Michael.

>Princess Alice Madrix Demesne

-Information removed by her majesty's personal request-
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