Food Healthy meal ideas anyone?


Sage In the Making
So we are trying to be much healthier these days. I'm having a lot of problems coming up with healthy meals the picky eaters in my house will enjoy! DX So here's what I'm dealing with...
-person 1 doesn't like rice
-person 1 doesn't like noodles
-person 2 hates leafy greens
-person 2 doesn't like Bread
-person 3 doesn't like mushrooms
I think of something for one or two of us, but then I have to do something different for someone else.
I can relate, as I don't like leafy greens, bread, rice or mushrooms. Although I'll still eat them from time to time because, You Gotta.
(Also my only real issue with rice and bread is that they are bland, so maybe I'm more flexible than your housemates if they're a 100% no for that)

Greens are better to eat when mixed in with things rather than raw or in a big lump by themselves. And if person 2 is still opposed to them they can pick them all out, which will keep them entertained. Bonus!

Don't know if I'm the healthiest person in the world but hey. I like stuffed peppers/stuffed aubergines a whole lot (if the former, go with the red or yellow ones). I'll even eat them stuffed with rice if it's part of a flavoursome mixture (plus it's easy). Alternatively, tomato, beans, chickpeas. I love chickpeas.

I guess the best thing to do is look up recipes online with certain ingredients that everyone is ok with or that they do like.
So maybe, peppers, potatoes, cauliflower, corn, pasta, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, fish, tomato. I use tomato (and herbs) a lot in cooking. It can hide a multitude of sins (or healthy things).

Allrecipies is a site that you can search for by ingredients and has a "healthy" section. I'm sure there are plenty of others but that's the one I ended up with.

Soup can also be good for that, but sometimes you need to chew something when you're eating, and if you're not big on bread then soup can be frustrating. Chunky soup is a good way forward.

For me, portion size was a big part of eating healthier. I'm still hardwired to eat everything on my plate, and had to kind of train myself not to do that and to save leftovers. No idea if that's applicable to any of you though, particularly if there's quite a few of you.
Also cutting down on things like butter and salt, finding alternatives online or just skipping out and seeing how it tastes.
spring onions, fresh chicken breast
pasta, turkey, baby tomatoes

oh yeah- you can put fruits like strawberries and melon in a salad as well. doesn't always have to be vegetables.

i have a lot more ideas but they include the things you said heh ^^ i'm quite a fussy eater myself so i know it can be quite hard to come up with new meal ideas.
I would reply, but I could literally eat mounds of candy and call it lunch, so...
I don't know that I'm very... qualified.
Tell your picky eaters to suck it up! They're missing out on all kinds of delicious foods! D<

You can try some oven-baked carrots (they taste super sweet when baked!) with some mashed potatoes and meat (if you eat meat or vegemeat). You can try some veggie lasagna, stuffed peppers, homemade pot pie or Shepard's pie, homemade stir fry with lots of veggies and stuff like that. Basically, make any meal you want and just make sure you a) Limit the amount of artery clogging nonsense like cheese meaning you shouldn't drown yourself in it and b) add a side of seasoned vegetables!! Like someone else said, plain ol' boring veggies on their own can taste nasty if you already aren't a fan. The trick is to season them or cook them or both. I know a salad you could try that I like a lot. You just need to get yourself some red-leaf lettuce (or whatever else you like. Try spinach!), cut tomatoes, shredded carrots, a little bit of feta cheese (or no cheese at all), some crushed cashews (haven't tried it with different nuts) and some dry cranberries with a drizzle of vinaigrette dressing on top. Most exotic foods are super healthy too but nearly all the ones I know of uses rice. 8L Maybe substitute it with something else the person likes? Couscous, maybe some form of pasta? Experiment a bit and you're sure to get something good.

Sorry for the rambling, I like cooking.
my idea of healthy eating is deep-fried gummi worms coated in sugary batter, drizzled with chocolate sauce and buried in sour candy. pair with a can of monster energy and it covers all the food groups, right?

...on second thought, as i haven't touched anything that could be considered healthy in about 6 years, i'll shut up.

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