

The Cutest of the Damned
Roleplay Type(s)

Name: Hayden 

Age: 5

Species: Human/ avian

Mutant of: avian bird

Gender: female 

Personality: she is kind, very playful, sometimes keep to herself sometimes, don't trust people easily, get scared easily

Which group are you a part of?: group 1 

History: she can't see she is blind with both eyes her mother experimented on she is afraid of her mother and the scientist she was born inside the lab she makes her own toys when she is inside her cage she looks up to the other she always wanted see whats outside of the school 

Who's side are you on?: good

Rank: youngest i guess

Weapon choice?(not everyone has access o weapons and such, if in flock, its not likely): none 

relationship status: um none

Anything else important?: she wears hearing aids 

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