Chitchat Have your dreams ever given you an story/rp idea?


Road work ahead? Uh, I sure hope it does...
Hey y’all!! I just had the coolest dream last night, and I immediately woke up, grabbed my phone and wrote it down, to use as a rp idea or a story idea.

So basically:

A few hundred years in the future, the Earth goes to shit. Pollution gets out of hand, sea levels rise astronomically, CO2 emissions deteriorated the ozone layer, etc. A solar flare wiped out almost 95% of all living things, and so as a last resort the government decides to move all that remains into an underground civilization that they had built exactly for this purpose. The only catch? They also decide to wipe the memories of all the citizens, replacing their lives with memories of being born and raised in the Underground. They were fervently told that the land above was completely destroyed, uninhabitable, and who were they to question it?

They each have a job, get meal rations, have strict schedules, but life is good, right? Without memory of their previous life, they have no complaints. That’s just the way things have always been.

Then, a power outage strikes, and before all systems can come back, up and running, the chips that wiped the memories of the people malfunction, opening the floodgate to a torrent of memories. The government, wanting to keep things under control, tell them that this was all planned, and that their memories were only wiped for their health and safety.

In this dream, I don’t “play” myself. I’m the eldest child in a family, all of whom have just received their memories again, and who find themselves reunited. Devastated that they’d been separated for nearly ten years, they’re just happy to be back together. The only thing? I don’t trust my father—he acts nothing like the man I remembered in my childhood, and it immediately makes me wary, especially when the government decides to send us and a few of their agents up to the surface to see if anything had changed.

We got to the surface and had to boat a short distance across water to an island, which used to be Florida. We got their, and I begin to have his nagging feeling that something bad is going to happen, and the agents, all lower level themselves, have no idea. And I kinda think my father is behind all of it.

That’s when I wake up.

So. What do you think? Would you join an rp in this setting?

Do any of your dreams make for cool role plays or stories? Let me know down below!!
What a cool topic!

I don't think I ever had dreams that were made into roleplays, but I wrote fanfics and original stories that had scenes inspired by dreams!
And sometimes I have dreams based on existing roleplays XD
What a cool topic!

I don't think I ever had dreams that were made into roleplays, but I wrote fanfics and original stories that had scenes inspired by dreams!
And sometimes I have dreams based on existing roleplays XD

The dreams based on roleplays are so fun xD! You get to relive all the fun haha.

I had dreams that inspired fanfics for me too, and I did have one I wanted for it to be an RP, is fun when it happens.
Yeah, yeah. I've had a few dreams inspire me to write a few books.
Not even books, but just a short story even. Many of my dreams have done this.
Yes! All the time! In fact, my favorite OC came to me entirely in a dream, and that's her lovely mug in my PFP over to the left.

I have such random dreams, but sometimes they’re really hard to remember in the morning.

I remember having a very vivid memory of flying over a really dense, verdant green forrest. There were some mountains in the distance and river running in between the forrest, dividing it into two halves. I saw a lot of deer and even heard bird calls in the distance. It was fun! Just kind of coasting along. I thought that would be a cool setting for something so I used it as a description for a place where my character could explore.

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