Have you seen the Yellow Sign?


Unlucky Member
Hello! I’m new, obviously, but this site seems like just my kind of place. I’m a fan of Lovecraftian esque writing, and 20’s America themes. New York Noir is a good reference for themes I enjoy, applied to any day or age. I just enjoy shadowy stuff, mystery, or power struggle. I’m an avid player of dungeon’s and dragons too, so anything within the forgotten realms is fair game as well. I have little experience with anime, so I’d do my best, but I would have very little idea of what to do. Other than that, I love to write! Character development is big for me, so if you do decide I’m worth your time try not to create shallow or basic characters. A little backstory or personality can go a long way! Anyway, thank you for your time, and I hope to have a fun future on this site!
Along the shore, the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink behind the lake.

The shadows lengthen
In Carcosa.

Did I get that right from memory
Hey, you wouldn’t mind letting me know how I should get started roleplaying?

Sure thing. If you look down in the forums, you'll see of bunch a subforums for different genres of group roleplay: fantasy, sci-fi, and realistic (and also also a few that are a little more complicated: dice, quest, and nation building. I can explain those if you like).

You can browse through the subforums to see if there's any open rps in progress that you'd like to join, or you can check "Looking for Group" to join one that hasn't started yet. Make sure you read all the GM's rules so that you know what skill level they're looking for and whether they want you to apply via forum or PM.

There's also "Looking for Partner," where you can find just one person to roleplay with rather than a group. You'd post with your partner either by PM, IM or over in the 1x1 forum once you get it set up with someone. I actually recommend starting with a 1x1 first since it's a lot less pressure than a group rp, in my opinion.

Hope this helps. : P
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Sure thing. If you look down in the forums, you'll see a bunch a subforums for different genres of group roleplay: fantasy, sci-fi, and realistic (and also also a few that are a little more complicated: dice, quest, and nation building. I can explain those if you like).

You can browse through the subforums to see if there's any open rps in progress that you'd like to join, or you can check "Looking for Group" to join one that hasn't started yet. Make sure you read all the GM's rules so that you know what skill level they're looking for and whether they want you to apply via forum or PM.

There's also "Looking for Partner," where you can find just one person to roleplay with rather than a group. You'd post with your partner either by PM, IM or over in the 1x1 forum once you get it set up with someone. I actually recommend starting with a 1x1 first since it's a lot less pressure than a group rp, in my opinion.

Hope this helps. : P
It really did! Thank you so much, I hope to see you around!
Welcome to the site fren! :3
Glad to see another join the ranks!
Feel free to come say hi any time if you have any questions, I'll probably be lurking around the discord chat ^33^
Ahhh, it’s always wonderful to see followers of Cthulhu floatin’ around~

I never roleplayed anything having directly to do with Lovecraftian Mythos, but as a fan of all things Eldritch and terrifying, I wish you luck!

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