Hate at First Sight, the two Best Frienemies~randomize and StarDust~

Although she said she was fine, he could tell she wasn't. "You're lying. I can't tell a cough from smoke." Having experienced and listened to them countless times, he knew the sound the second it was made. He was about to question her again, though her own question surprised her. Rubbing his bare chest, he chuckled, looking at her painting. "No, I'm not. I was working on the yard," he looked back towards his house, wondering who had lived there before him. "The previous resident obviously didn't know how to."

His eyes watched the movement of her brush, still surprised that she could make such things. "How'd you lose your sight?" To some, it may have been rude to ask a question like that, but why beat around the bush? His gaze moved from the painting to her face, watching her eyes and her reaction to see if she was going to answer honestly or just make something up, the latter of which he most expected.
Elri let out another hoarse cough, "im fine, really. it will pass." she said sternly, shifting her sightless gaze towards Elis house, "that house used to be occupied by Mrs. Harrison. she passed away 2 years ago at the age of 84 so she couldnt really do any housework." Elri shrugged, her head turning back to her painting. She cringed slightly when he asked about her blindness.

"i sat to close to the television as a kid." she said sarcastically. her expression sadden, however almost unnoticably, "actually, to be completely honest ive never had it to begin with. i was born blind." she ascted on how she was currently feeling by working the blue paint into the skyline of her painting while she spoke. "when i was 2 i lived a few towns over. my parents died in a fire at our apartment building. i was adopted by my current parents because they had the ability to train children with illusionary abilities. the reason i know this town so well and i can understand the visual word is because they would make me take them into my illusion realm so that i could make visual connections." she stopped a moment. why was she telling him all of this? he had never shown any intrest in her well being before. perhaps it was because he was subject to the same loneliness as she was? "do you live all alone in that house?" she asked suddenly.
Eli didn't like excuses, so old age wasn't an acceptable one, a thought which made him crack a smile. He watched her paint along the skyline, listening to the story. When her adoptive parents were mentioned, he looked up at the house, guessing she probably wasn't the only child in there. He would have questioned it, but her next question struck a cord, making him silently stare at his own house for a moment. "Yea," he answered simply. Normally, he didn't let anyone know he lived alone, coming up with stories of his parents being away on business anytime someone happened to be over. For some reason, though, he continued with an explanation. "My mother is dead; father's a deadbeat. No point in having him stick around." He said it as if he were talking about a fact as simple as the sky being blue.

Pulling his arm off the top of her canvas, he turned back towards his house. "I've got some more work to do. If you need anything... You know where I am." Unsure of why he said that, he scratched at his red hair before pulling his gloves back on and heading across the street. He went to work on trimming the bushes and clearing the path, hoping he could have everything finished before it got dark.
Elri raised an eyebrow at his offer. He really was an interesting guy. As much as they didn't get along(until now it seemed), he was the only one who actually talked to her. At this point she wasn't sure if he was friend or enemy, but with her lack of communication she would take either.

She checkecked her watch and started her walk to the preschool. She picked up Sam first, the little 4 year olds hand clutching her pointer finger. She went to get Abby and Tim from the elementary. As they walked home, she stopped at the pastry shop and bought some turnovers. While each.of her siblings at in the yard munching on their pastries Elri walked across t he street and set the bag with the last pastry next to Eli. "Don't work too hard." She muttered before walking back to her sticky handed siblings to help them wash up.
Eli only looked up for a moment, watching her place the bag down, smiling faintly when he realized what was in it. He didn't reply, only glancing at the kids across the street before looking back to his work. By the time the street lights were flooding the dark road, he was finally disappearing inside, retreating to his shower; the empty pastry bag laid on top of his garbage.

The next day would have been like any good Saturday - a late morning, some video games, and various other shows of pure laziness. It would have been much more boring than it was obviously going to turn out, made known by the banging and yelling on the door around ten o'clock. Eli groaned and rolled off his bed, pulling a muscle shirt and some jeans on as he hopped down the stairs, flaming hair pointing in every possible direction. He opened the door with a grunt, squinting at the bright sun that flooded into the house. If the noise hadn't woken him up, a swift meeting with the floor did, laughter following his drop. "What the hell!" It didn't take long to realize that his friends had found out where he lived, the three finally letting him stand. "Asholes," he muttered, though the smirk on his face told them they were allowed into the house, door slamming behind them. "You probably woke the whole damn town up."
Elri was sharply awoken by loud noises. Not only were there loud voices and banging noises from across the street, but she could hear her younger siblings thundering around the house. she groaned and got out of bed. she changed out of her pajamas into an aqua blue t-shirt and and a pair of skinny jeans. she went to her bathroom to brush through her messy bed-head, however when she reached for where her hairbrush was, it was gone. she ran her hands slowly over the bathroom counter and heard a sudden giggle from nearby. "alright, who did it this time?" she gave a playful smirk at her younger siblings, who she knew must be watching from the hallway. "you guys know i keep everything in the same place so i dont lose anything."she walked out of the bathroom her heard her giggling siblings run down the hall. she smiled and chased after them.

Elri continued her pursuit as the three children stampeded out the door squealing. "get back here you little brats!" she said, managing to navigate the front yard. the first set of footsteps she caught was Abby, her sister wriggled in her arms, but didnt appear to have her brush. the other two where easy to pick out, one heavier set of footsteps, and one lighter set. Elri stood alert when she heard the lighter set of footsteps stray away. "Sam?" she called out, hearing tires on pavement. the sound was startlingly close and Elri realized her younger brother was not in the yard anymore, but in the road. as she heard the vehicle approach she bolted out towards where her brother was giggling. she could hear the car close in, and as she scooped up her younger brother he screamed. his scream was accompanied by a strong wind nearly knocking Elri over as an SUV zoomed by, nearly hitting the two of them. Elri never stopped till she collapsed in the grass of the boulevard across the street, her other two siblings yelling out to her from her own yard.

"Sam! how many time have i told you not to play in the street!" Elris voice was nearly drowned out by the blaring siren of a police car that zoomed by moments after the reckless SUV was out of sight. "you nearly gave me a heart attack, dont do that ever again!" Elri said, holding trembling 4 year old tight in her arms. she made a few hushing sounds as the child sniffled against her shirt.
The TV in the living room was on, two of his friends, Mark and Jason, already rifling through the video games as the other, Nick, rifled through the fridge. Eli and Nick talked, ignoring the two fighting over which game they wanted to play. His friends could never all agree on the same thing, making their interactions together that much more entertaining. During their conversation, Eli was reminded that he now lived in an actual neighborhood, hearing a scream from what he guessed to be one of Elri's siblings; they must have gotten up early to play. Thinking nothing of it, he walked into the living room to see Mark looking out the window as a police siren sounded outside, quickly disappearing.

"Dude. There's a chick on your lawn, and some little kids."

It took a second for everything to click in his head, but when it did, Eli bolted out the door, his friends soon crowding in the doorway in confusion. Kneeling beside the crumpled girl on the grass, he turned her onto her back, looking her and the boy over to make sure neither were hurt. Aside from some small cuts and scrapes, they looked to be in one piece, making him release a sigh of relief. "Are you two ok?" His eyes shown sincere concern, something he rarely showed, which made his friends look at each other in wonder. Deciding he'd be fine alone, they headed back inside after dropping Eli's phone beside them. "Thanks," he muttered, looking at Elri. He wasn't sure if she wanted the police involved or not, and until she said so, he wouldn't touch the phone. Instead, he turned to her other two siblings. "Are you guys alright?"
Elri had checked Sam over to see that he was alright, minus the tears streaking down his face. some knelt by her, and upon seaking she realized it was Eli, and only then did she realize that she was trembling a bit as well. "shhh its ok Sam..." she kissed his forehead then turned her sightless gaze towards smaller footsteps. "im fine Eli, so is Sam. my other two siblings werent involved. since the police car went by so fast i assume who ever nearly hit my brother was running from the cops, otherwise they probably would've stopped to check on us. maybe." she shifted around till she sat in a more comfortable position. "thank you for the concern Eli, however it was merely an accident, Sam knows better then to play in the street." even though she meant to sound stern, she couldnt, she was just glad her little brother was ok.

"i guess now would be as good a time as any for introductions..." she motioned her two other siblings over. "the little one here is Sam, he is four. my sister here is Abby, she is five, and Tim is eight. they can cause trouble, but they are good kids. we are all adopted." Elri said somewhat casually. at this point she didnt much care what he heard, he didnt seem to judge her the way the others did, and she expected he would treat her foster family with the same respect.

Elri stood up slowly, cringing. "i might be sore for a day or two..." she examined her cuts and bruises, not worrying much. "Ely..." she heard Sam wimper her name incorrectly, as he still couldnt properly say 'Elri'. "Ely it hurts!" he was standing with Tim pointing to a small scrap on his knee. there was no blood, but the boy was shooken up, so Elri could understand why he was upset.
Eli sighed, running a hand through his hair as he let his body drop back so his butt hit the grass, legs bent and leisurely spread. His arms rested on his knees as she spoke, simply glad the girl was alright. The reaction he had was completely unexpected, making him start to think he might have actually cared about the crazy, blue-haired girl; but that just wasn't possible, right? Yet as she introduced her siblings, he looked at each of them with a small smile, nodding in their direction. "Nice to meet you guys." He didn't much care that they were all adopted, not seeing anything laughable about it.

When Elri began to stand, he did as well, a hand moving under her arm to make sure she didn't fall on her way up. He then stood straight, eyes turning to the complaining boy with a quiet chuckle. "Yea, Ely, it hurts." His chuckle grew to a laugh before Eli kneeled in front of the boy, looking at his knee. "Don't worry, it'll get all better in just a second. Here, watch this." Holding his hands up to show there was nothing there, he made sure Sam was watching as he made a small ball of fire appear in his hand. Then his hands rubbed together, the fire spread like water, colors changing to blues, reds and greens. When he clapped his hands together, everything was gone.

Eli smiled at the boy, his pain suddenly gone, though the fire had nothing to do with it. Luckily, it was easy to distract children from pain, though the thought made him look at Elri. He had made the fire bright, the shades of color vibrant in the hopes at she might have been able to see them.
Even though she was now in the presence of her previously less then friendly classmate, Elri let a small smile grace her lips hearing the sound of fire and astonished gasps. as she heard her sister giggle, and some clapping for Tim. Sam smiled, "oh thats super cool! way cool!" he waved clapped as well.

Elri recalled the different levels of heat she had felt from the flame, how it had fluctuated and managed to build a slight picture in her head. "neat trick. it makes me think of the way stars color depends on the heat it gives off." her smile went flat. "wish i couldve actually seen it instead of using a mental visual." she started getting up from her spot in the grass, and cringed. she realized she must've hit the ground pretty hard when she fell. she ached all over. "ahh...im definatly going to be feeling this tomorrow." she stood a bit wobbly.

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