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Harvest Moon:Can I have a Wonderful Life?


~Frivolous Wanderer~
-Based off of Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life!-

All original characters are present! The only new characters will be me and the rper who takes the spot!

You can join either entering as another new farmer or a resident of Forget-Me-Not-Valley!

I only ask that you reply with at least 5 sentences or more!

With that being said, I'll start!


Dear Papa,

I am on my way to Forget-Me-Not-Valley like you instructed me to. Strange....I have this feeling of excitement but yet...worry at the same time. Will I fit in? Of course I'll do as much as I can to help everyone! But first I must focus on starting the farm! I don't even have a name in mind yet! I will write back as soon as possible with the name of the farm. Ah, the wagon has stopped! We must have arrived! I shall go find Takakura. I've always wanted to meet him! I love you very much! Kiss Mama for me!

With much love and hope,


"Step right down madam!" The elderly man that brought Reana to the village instructed as the wagon pulled by what would seem to be by a glimpse of the eye also fairly aged horses entered the the village of Forget-Me-Not-Valley. 

"How beautiful is this!?" Reana spoke looking around being wonderfully amazed by the simple yet elegant life of the village. The beach was calm as the waves gently crept on the sand. 

"Mr.Takakura will be meeting you right at that beach! He'll show you around and instruct you on everything! I'll be heading back to the city now! Good luck lil lady!" The old man said as he made his way back to the road leaving the village! 

"T-Thank you for getting me here safely!" She shouted as she waved good bye. Making her way over to the beach, she saw a few friendly looking faces but decided to wait until her guide and mentor came to help her out with introductions
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((Hi there! I saw this post and I have to say, 85 defiantly intrigued me, though... I never played 'A Wonderful Life' version but I've played several other ones, are you looking for someone who has knowledge of AWL or doesn't really need it))

((Hi there! I saw this post and I have to say, 85 defiantly intrigued me, though... I never played 'A Wonderful Life' version but I've played several other ones, are you looking for someone who has knowledge of AWL or doesn't really need it))


(Hello! as long as you have basic knowledge of Harvest Moon thats fine! you can always google if you get confused :D)
((Do you want me to post an OC in here? or is there another area))

Dear my dear old grandson, Malcolm

If you are reading this letter... then I am no longer in this world...You... a son to my daughter, who had grown under my care since the tragedy of her passing, though... you are her child and not mine, you have truly... been a son I never had. I leave you this message in hope that you can move on from my death, I know you will be sadden but I know all to well you are able to look after yourself on your own. In this letter you will find a Deed to a piece of land, this deed is to a place far away in a small little town area known as Forget-Me-Not-Valley, There I have the home that belonged to my grandfather before me, Unfortunately my father wanted me to have a brighter future and brought me to the cities so that I could get a better education, but enough about me, as this is about you.

I leave this deed to you as that I believe that fate has sent you to be my son, When I saw you born I knew that you were meant for greater as I saw how you loved your animals and the outdoors, though it hates me almost to burden you to do such a task but... I wish for you to head to Forget-Me-Not_Valley and take over the property our family owns down there, It is a Farm, it'll have a house, a barn and even a chicken coop for you there, but... it has been many, many years since it was visited so it will most likely be run down but you'll do fine. Now I wish you to live a good life, always follow where your heart takes you.

Yours sincerely... your loving Grandfather.

Malcolm read this letter once again as a friend of his Grandfather decided to give him a lift down to the deed to a small patch of land called Heartfelt Farm. Though still deeply sadden by his grandfathers passing, he had decided to do this for him, he trusted his grandfather, loved him as a father who his real one was never around to be there for him as he looked out the window as he arrived at the place he would now call 'home'. He would get out of the car as he looks to the driver "Thank you Uncle Ben, You can go back now, its a long drive and I don't want you getting tired on the way back home" Uncle Ben would smile to him "Your too caring at times you know, but unfortunately I have to agree, Remember... if you need anything... just mail us, we'll help out how ever we can..." He would nod and smiled "I'll be fine, take care" Ben would Drive off as he waved him away. He woulhd look around the area for a bit as he did call earlier that he was coming down to take over the Heartfelt Farm as he had decided to head to the beach as he was told that was where he was told to meet.
"Reana?" An older but strong voice spoke walking up to her. "M-Mr.Takakura!?" She was a bit startled by the sudden calling of her name. "It's nice to finally meet you! My father has told me a lot about how you and him worked really hard here in your younger days! She gasped lightly. "I-m sorry, not younger days I mean-!" She bowed her head in a nervouse wreck.

"Calm down Reana..." Takakura laughed looking at the nervous child. "No need to be so formal my dear. I'll be showing you around but I was just told that another farmer is on his way. I'm going to kill two birds with one-stone and show you both around at the same time."

Reana raised her head. "Another farmer? Starting out just like me?Wow! That is great! I can share a new experience with them! Takakura nodded slowly." Then we shall wait for his arrival. In the mean time, how about catching me up with your parents. It's been about a good 7 years since I've seen them. Now I'm looking at his pride and joy.

Reana giggled and nodded as her and Takakura sat down in soft patch of grass near the beach chatting about her life and how she was raised waiting for the other new farmer.
Malcolm would arrive about 30 minutes later as he would look around for a bit wondering who was supposed to greet him as he didn't really know anyone from the area. After glancing about he would see the 2 people talking on the soft patch of grass as he walked over as he decided to ask "Excuse me... I'm looking for" He looked at a piece of paper "Mr... Takakura, I was told to meet him here" He would glance back at them

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