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Fandom Haruhi Suzumiya


One Thousand Club


Humanoid Interface:

Humanoid Interface refers to a number of data organisms that are created by either the Data Overmind or the Sky Canopy dominion. There are two types:

The versions of Humanoid Interface created by the Data Overmind seem to be capable of mimicking certain human functions (such as eating, bleeding, breathing, communicating, etc.). These interfaces were originally created to observe Haruhi Suzumiya and communicate through language, which seems to be an ability that the Data Overmind lacks. Due their nature as data life forms they possess the ability to manipulate data, allowing them to alter reality. Without a connection to the Data Overmind, they can become "ill" and their powers are greatly reduced.

These versions are referred to as "TFEIs" by the ‘Agency’.

A second form of Humanoid Interfaces was created by the Sky Canopy Dominion. It seems to have less communicative ability than the Humanoid Interfaces created by the Data Overmind. Like the Humanoid Interfaces from the Data Overmind, they can manipulate data, although in a different manner than the TFEIs.

They appear to have been designed to communicate with TFEIs more than with humans. Establishing contact with a TFEI weakens the latter's connection to the Data Overmind, causing an apparent "illness". The Data Overmind believed this data transfer was valuable, but they felt the communication achieved little or nothing.

Time Travelers:

Time Travelers are humans who travel through time to complete a certain quest or to ensure that time flows the way it is supposed to, through the use of a TPDD.

Every time time travel is used with a TPDD, it causes damage to the time plane it punches a hole through. Longer "distances" cause more damage. The primary role of time traveling to the past is to repair this damage, otherwise the effects will propagate into the future. Time travelers will be aware of these changes even if no one else is.

Time travel cannot go back beyond year -3 due to a "timequake" generated by Haruhi Suzumiya.


Espers are humans who possess ESP (extrasensory perception) and psychic powers. Espers had gained their powers when Haruhi made a "timequake" in year 0, three years prior to when the story starts.

Many espers belong to the ‘Agency’, whose purpose is to prevent Suzumiya's unstable emotions from creating closed space. This alternate dimension only appears when Suzumiya is stressed, and overlaps reality. It is populated by celestials, which could conceivably damage reality if unchecked. The espers consider it their duty to destroy the celestials.

These espers are capable of extra-sensory perception most of the time, but otherwise their powers are inaccessible unless they enter closed space or a similar dimension, where they can generate red force fields capable of destroying celestials, but even then, their powers may still be limited. These espers can "donate" powers to each other for use in emergencies.

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