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Fandom Harry Potter - New Start (closed)


Deliciously insightful one
Character Sheet:

The tale of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Grangers and their many friends came to an end, and after the curtains drawn, new ones came. Once again terror striked in the night, and it hit hard. If anything the former dark lord showed that there was possibilities to ruled over the wizard family, and one witch rose to the possibility. It began with people missing, and came back not remembering a thing. Then there were family who turn against family, controled or threatened. There was nothing that better describe it than tyranny, because all who did not obey her were persecuted. The storm lasted for good five years, then another insufferable ten years.

It was halted by groups of brave men and women, not to mention some wizards and witches' muggle family took up their guns and joined in. There were not enough parchments to record the horrors and wonders happened then, the wizardy world and muggles joined together to took down the witch and her last followers. It took some more years after for the remaining people to erase the muggle's memory, restore the land, counted their numbers and move on. The scars were left, many family mourned their lost ones, and many had none left to shed tears. Important buildings were destroyed, big buildings like schools restored slowly. Only half year after the Ministry got up and running, that schools were gathered together for a recovery plan.

The whole continent were affected, and the three famous schools that formed an Alliance came together. Beauxbatons, Drumstrang and Hogwarts tried to come up with plan when they are short of staff and school mostly destroyed. In the end, they have decided that each school should focus on only a few subjects, and spend the rest of the expenses in restoring. Once a term ends the students rotate and get to learn the subjects they were missing.

Hogwarts: History of Magic, Potions, Arithmancy, Herbology
Beauxbatons: Transfiguration, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination
Drumstrang: DADA, Study of Ancient Runes, Astronomy, Alchemy

All schools covered Flying, Muggle Studies (Now included technology), Apparition, but extra electives had to be inquired for such as Occlumency or Legilimency.

For Hogwarts, instead of four houses, Griffindor and Hufflepuff were combined into House of Gold, and Slytherin and Ravenclaw into House of Silver. House points are earned accorddingly. The sorting hat was happy to add new sections in his poem. The years, however, was accessed by professors who visited the family and rated on how mature they were in skills and knowledge. For the long years in war, people had rely on homeschooling. For now, there is only year 1 - 3 based on their level.

As for relations betweem wizards and muggles, it was quite tough to hide again after such a huge war, but we managed. Not perfectly, there were voices among muggles that wished to start another witch hunt, and in response voices among wizards to take it in control. The Magic Ministry was shaky still, and emplyed for volunteers to help guard safety and watch out for criminals.

Hogwarts still implemented the train as transport, but using a different entrance. There is a room in the station that disguised as a guest room. If muggles entered, they see a big room with sofas and coffee tables; if someone magical enters, it is the station for the Hogwarts Express. Muggle parents can't enter with their children, but they understood in this time.
Student Manual

  • Dear (student_name),
    Welcome! It is my pleasure to announce that Hogwarts is open once again! This is thanks to Beauxbatons and Drumstrang schools that we may have our school operative when we have difficulties. Still, we did not have a functional school for twenty years, so we had made adjustment accorddingly. Please read this manual carefully, and burn this once you have left your house for safety reasons. And once again, Welcome to Hogwarts!

    Sincerely, Professor
    (Fancy signature of Elias Solenor )

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The reflection of 31 years old man in the mirror adjusted his tie and flattened his dark suit making sure his appearance convincing enough for muggles who expected a model of a professor. Professor Vibius was standing in front of a full-length mirror in a small apartment located in a crowded street, doing last touches of his transformation from a wizard to a respectful muggle. This apartment used to be one of leagueโ€™s resorts during last war and was decorated by simple and cheap furniture but more than usual closets filled with various outfits of all sorts of careers and personalities. As much as a mirror could show, professor Vibius was fine in his suit except his shoulder length hair that didnโ€™t look sensible enough and he had no intentions to cut it short. He skillfully pulled a wand out of his sleeve then pointed it at his hair and whispered a transfiguration spell. The curtain of black hair pulled itself up till appeared as a classic short haircut. Hiding his wand in his sleeve again, picking up his black leather bag, professor Tarjan Vibius was ready to blend in muggle crowd.
Tarjan opened the packet he had been given and skimmed the information about Jane Harrison once again. Picture of a thin girl with long brown hair and blue eyes had been printed on the document. He was sitting in a taxi that was traveling from the cramped parts of city to older and neater streets. The driver was a muggle who had been trained by Tarjan to distinct elves from each other and keep his home and family safe from their tricks. The professor called him whenever needed to move around the city like muggles but he never talked much. Most of their travels passed in silence.

The common taxi parked in front of a nice looking three story house in a cozy ally. Professor Vibius stepped out of the car and walked to the front door without haste. He looked the building up and down and found it in order which caused a good reputation for the student from his point of view. He climbed the stairs and stood stiffly in front of the door then looked at his watch then pressed the button of doorbell ringer. As calm as before, he just waited for the household to greet him or just send the girl out.

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