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Fandom Harry Potter: After the Dark Ages (Character Post)


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Evelyn Reeves








Evelyn has always been pretty outgoing, even in the dark ages when she was younger she tried to find a bright side to everything. Shes always been a pretty brave girl as well, offering to help her parents with their jobs with what was left of the ministry, even before she'd been given any proper magical training. Some of this will to help came from the fact that both of her parents helped protect the magical world in their youth. After losing her mother years later due to magical illness, Evelyn's goal in life has become much more serious, as well as her tone in general. Evelyn is still outgoing and happy and brave, but she now has a more serious cloud around her shoulders when it comes to the dark arts.


She wants to join whats left of the aurors. 
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Name:Carmen Bardsley








Personality: a girl who is acting mature for her age, a rather serious and hard working character, that has a observant and inquisitive side to her. Despite the deep caring to her friends, she was awkward in expressing it in words. Eager to explore the ruins, she showed a side of her that tends to ignore rules as well. Over all, a composed individual who likes learning and exploring, but inexperienced in friendship or relationship.


Background: Carmen lived with her parents in a small house near hogsmeade. It was a well maintained place, a little cramped at the door way, but was clean and have some nice and interesting decor. Her father was an author, and was studious and research a lot. Her mother held a tiny shop that sells charmed objects. Learning from both of them, Carmen had the curiousity, and also the will to obtain it. She helped out in the shop frequently. The time spent in the shop let her see all kinds of people, though she spent less time with people her age.


Interests/Aspiration:Carmen has interest in all spell, and want to become a spell inventor.
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Name:Tanith Elizabeth Riddle
Birthdate:July 20, 2000
Astrological: Cancer
Gender: Female
Patronus: Wolf. The wolf is a symbol of wisdom, loyalty and independence. He is one of history's more revered (and feared) characters.

That your Patronus is a wolf says that you are very wise as a person. You tend to be loyal to your friends, even when they screw up, but you are also independent. Finding that balance is key; finding it will ensure that you will be a wonderful witch or wizard!

Boggarts: Watching her adopted mother die again.
Affiliations: Order of the Phoenix...somewhat. (Professor Blackheart is a member and he managed to get her away from her home after her adopted mother's murder and brought her to headquarters and has been training her there under his tutelage.)

Pet(s):Kneazel named Sukie

Eyesight: 20/20
Hearing: Average
Physical Health: Good
Wand: Like her birth mother's wand, Tanith's wand core contains dragon heartsting but her father also made sure it contained, like his: a phoenix feather and a unicorn hair so she would always have a part of each of them with her always. It is rounded and deep mahogony colored with a silver rounded end. It is both great at "unyielding" at the spells it casts but it is also good at casting dark spells which she tries to prevent.

Occupation:Student at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Home Life
Home:New York City
Adopted Mother:Helen St. Kitchwalter
Birth Mother: Bellatrix Lestrange
Father:Tom Marvolo Riddle, Lord Voldemort

Financial Status: While she was living with Helen, she was in the middle class. But now that she is in London with money left to her she is in the upperclass and doesn't have to work at all.


First Impression:Tanith tends to be the loner type. She is not the type to just 'go right out there and make friends' right away. In New York she had a tight circle of friends that she considered her second family but now that she's in a whole different spectrum of world, she doesn't know what to make of it so she's very stand offish and doesn't know what to expect of the other students around her.

IQ: Average. Tanith's not a genius, she works hard to do as well as she does in school.
Extrovert/Introvert: A mix of both, depending upon the situation. She's typically extroverted around people she knows well.
Phobias/Fears: She suffers from claustrophobia.
Behavior/Personality: Tanith was a forceful, independent girl who often knew her own mind back in New York. She had an energetic, lively personality. She has a rebellious streak but knows that when the going gets tough, she can always count of the people that she considers her close friends.

While staying at Number 12, Grimmauld Place, she was taught by Nymphadora Tonks how to check if someone was standing behind a wall by sending her pet Kneazle around the corner and listening to see if it meowed or hissed at anyone standing there. She used that opportunity to sneak out into the nightlife of London and party with the other teenagers before being caught and trudged back to the Hideout.

Ginny was also an animal lover, and was known to be fond of cats. When Professor Blackheart finally realized that why she snuck out into the London nightlife because she was bored and lonely, he got her a pet Kneazle and she name her Sukie. Sukie is a good companion when the OOTP has meetings and she can't attend when she's 'home' on holidays and not around other kids her age.

Mental Health: Quite healthy, especially considering the events of her adopted mother's death. She's occasionally haunted by nightmares, but aside from that, she seems unaffected and developing quite well.

Physical Health: Good


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