Harry Potter 1x1


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This is set during Prisoner of Azkaban and continues through all of them. I play your crush, you play mine

Name: Age: Looks: Personality: Family: House: Crush: Extra: ----

Name: Ashley Potter Age: 12 Looks: mini Lily. She looks more like an eight your old tops. She's really small. Personality: prankster, loud, playful, innocent, curious, naive, kind, excitable, sometimes a little bit of a temper Family: Harry (big brother) Lily and James (parents, dead) House: Hufflepuff Crush: Draco, he bullies her at first Extra: Harry is beyond protective of her. -Fred and George dote on her and consider her their baby sister. They have got in multiple fights with Draco standing up for her. -Remus is her godfather.
Name: Draco Malfoy

Age: 14



Personality: Protective, loyal, friendly, witty, laid back, a bit mean, and mischievous

Family: Lucius Malfoy (Father)

House: Slytherin

Crush: Ashley

Extra: Pretends to not like Ashley, but just has a hard time admitting to his feelings.
I think I might want to try being Draco for a change, ooc is getting a bit boring, I guess I'll try differently and be IC ^^
The laughter and chit-chat of my classmates fill the halls as I walk along. I try to block them out, but they are too loud. How long will I have to go through this. I look around to see Harry and some of his friends when I see his little sister Ashley and I feel a slight jump in my chest. I shake my head, trying to get rid of it as I walk over to them, knowing that they are probably going to make some rude remark. I wish they'd understand that I can't help my attitude. "Hey guys." I greet them, stopping next to Ron.
I pull my hair up in a ponytail when it starts annoying me. I sigh frustratedly at how hard it is to control my stupid Harry. Moony says I got it from daddy. I think daddy is stupid sometimes. Then I feel awful about thinking it. I look up as Malfoy tries talking to us. I raise an eyebrow, "Umm do you feel okay Malfoy?" It's kind of scaring me how he is trying to be nice. I definitely don't trust him at all.
Harry, Ron, and the others all glare at me as if I have something planned. "What, something in you're eyes?" he smirked at how their eyes squinted at him suspiciously. It hurts, but I won't admit it to anyone, how weak. "Yeah, I'm just fine. Why?" I reply to Ashley with a sharp look in my eye as I usually do. Harry tells me to go away and I feel a sharp pain, making me cover it up in sourness. "Why should I? You don't own me." I grunt to him. I decide that it'd probably be better if I left and just frown. "Fine." I reply, stepping back from the group, waiting for a minute to leave to see if anyone else had something to say.
I say, "Because you're talking to us willingly. It seems like either your sick or the world is ending." I send him a small smile trying to be playful. It feels weird but I'm not going to be hateful towards him. I'm just scared of him. I hit my big brother's arm gentley, "Harry try to be nice at least!!!" I tell Malfoy quietly, "No you can stay it's fine. My brother is just being an idiotic meaniebutt." All my insults sound like something a Kindergartener would say.
I half smile but quickly hide it. "Oh...okay then." I nod. I hear a few sighs and shift uncomfortably. As a few minutes pass, people leave to go to their classes. "Well, I'm going too..." I add. My next class is the same as Ashley's so I wait to leave with her, not sure if she knew that I was waiting for her. "You going too?" I scoff. It was a bit of a harsh tone, but it's too late to take it back now.
I nod, "Yeah." I walk quickly to my next class, defense against the Dark Arts. I smile at Moony, "Hi Professor Moony." He's my godfather but he told me I could talk to him outside of class as Moony. That makes it awkward calling him Professor Lupin so I call him Professor Moony. I smile at Draco seeing him following me.
"Hello Professor." I greet Professor Lupin. I go and sit at a desk and look to see where Ashley decided to sit, trying not to make it obvious. I don't have many friends due to my attitude so I try to make friends with nicer people that I don't instantly scare off since they have more understanding. My father would kill me if I didn't act tough since any other way of being is 'pitiful and worthless as well as weak.' or at least that's what he thinks.
I sit down in the front of the class. I grab some of my parchment and start to doodle absently. There are mainly hearts and smiley faces and flowers. I see Draco just standing there and keep up the being nice even though he can be mean, "Why don't you sit next to me?" I go back to doodling after sending him a small smile. Then I get distracted from my doodles by someone saying Sirius Black was sighted near here
I nod and stroll over to the seat next to her. I begin to watch her draw on a piece of paper, covering it in various doodles. As I hear the name 'Sirius Black', I tense. How could he be here? When did he get out of jail? Then I remember...it was in this morning's paper. I sink back into my seat, thinking over what could happen now. I glance at Ashley. Will everyone be safe? Will she be safe? I don't know, but this isn't good.
My eyes widen, "The murderer!?! How close is near hear like a few miles away!? Closer!?!" The person who brought the paper in says, "Hogsmeade." My jaw drops. That is so close. I notice Moony looks particularly upset, "Are you okay Professor Moony?" I don't know who Padfoot and Wormtail were. I just know daddy was prongs and of course Moony.
Professor Lupin gives a worried look to Ashley and tries to assure her. I don't buy it, how could everything be okay with a murderer on the loose? And he was pretty close to here too...I tap my pen on the table as I go into thought when someone growls at me irritably. I roll my eyes and stop. It wasn't that big of a deal, just a small tapping sound, but I'm sure that it's annoying when I do it so I give one last tap and quit, hoping to get on thre nerves before I realize that I did it.
I smile at Moony. Then I look at Draco, "Are you okay?" I play with my hair. I don't like the thought of a mass murderer being that close to here. It's dangerous and scary. My eyes are wide and fearful. I probably look like a little kids. I mean, I always do but more than usual.

(So sorry. Had to eat)
I see Ashley's frightened face and calm down, showing a smirk to assure her that I'm not afraid, even though I am. "Yeah, I'm fine. If he came here, I'd beat him to the ground." I bluff. I have to show some courage or it might make her even more worried. She looks a bit childish, but that's just her. Sh can't help it just like I can't help how I am either so we're kind of the same.

(Same here, don't worry :P )
I try to smile at him. I say, "Okay." I look at Moony as he starts to teach listening to him talk about dangerous situations. I play with my hair distracted by my fear of a murderer. I twirl my hair around my finger. Then I get annoyed at my ponytail and let it down. It falls almost to my butt. I keep twirling it and look at Moony trying to make myself pay attention.
As Ashley messes with her hair, I can't help but giggle softly. She was trying so hard to pay attention while she squirmed around which made it harder for her to concentrate. I decided to make a copy of the notes I was writing down by hand, paying careful attention to the lesson. When it was over, I finish up making the copy and hand it to Ashley. "It looked like you couldn't concentrate so use this to study." I chuckle.
I giggle when Draco hands me the notes. I smile, "Thanks." I'm starting to trust him quite a bit more. He's being really kind. I stand up as the class ends and start to walk towards the Great Hall. I stop at thr door and say, "Bye Professor Moony." Then I wait for Draco to walk out with me. I like how he is being nice.
"No problem." I nod. I can be myself around Ashley. "Bye Professor." I add as I walk to her, following her out the door. "What do we have next?" I ask, being forgetful as usual about the schedule. I tilt my head questioningly to her. I stop by the window and lean against a column as I wait for her to answer.
I say, "Lunch." Then my stomach growls very loudly and I giggle, "And I guess it's a good thing then." Then I frown seeing Harry walking towards us. I love my big brother and all but he can be so annoying sometimes. I am a little bit capable of taking care of myself even though I know I don't look or act like it. 
I say, "Lunch." Then my stomach growls very loudly and I giggle, "And I guess it's a good thing then." Then I frown seeing Harry walking towards us. I love my big brother and all but he can be so annoying sometimes. I am a little bit capable of taking care of myself even though I know I don't look or act like it.

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