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Fantasy Harmony Boarding School

Gale grinned and bobbed her head up and down. She, of all people, would be probably the most thrilled about parties. "You'll probably have to help me study. I don't know if I ever have." She laughed softly at this but she wasn't embarrassed, it seemed rare for that to happen being a vampire. You live a while and then it's "it is what it is" a lot of times. "I hope they are as nice as you!" She squeezed him in return and didn't mind him smelling her, even if it was strange. "Why do you smell me? I don't mind, it's just peculiar."

Stormie liked how the girl relaxed around her, soon enough she'd trust her and she could get a few secrets from her. She wasn't entirely sure the girl had any though and that wasn't something she was use to. Her eyes closed as she thought about the races. "Well, werewolves turn into wolves. They have heightened senses like vampires do. Humans are pretty plain but they are interesting. Vampires can drink werewolf or human blood. Some of each kind like to be drank from while others don't. In all manners really vampires and werewolves are quite alike. Humans have nothing we have but they are creatures like us with different needs. I guess, honestly we aren't all that different." Stormie spoke softly as she explained everything and based on all her knowledge she knew what she spoke to be true.
He nuzzled his face into her neck. " I smell you so that I can get used to your scent and so that I can remember it, and it's okay I'm always here if you need help studying." Jordan gave her one last squeeze then lay down with his head in her lap. " What's your honest opinion on other species?" He asked bluntly as he stared at the ceiling. He had no reason behind the question, he was just curious.
Hazel Moss

Hazel hummed in response. "Interesting, thank you." She told her, closing her eyes. She'd had a long day with the drive here, but she really wasn't tired at all. Her head just hurt a bit, and she figured it was because she hadn't eaten anything in a while. It was kind of a coup against her parents more than anything. It was silly, but anything to rebel against them at the current moment was what she felt like. Besides, it had only been a day anyways.

"Tell me about you, then?" She asked.
Gale smiled softly at the wolf. She ran her fingers through his hair and enjoyed his comfortableness. It was something that was just so nice to have in a world full of strangers. "I like all honestly. To talk to, flirt with, drink, and party with. I mean to me we are all kind of the same. What about you? I'd say you don't mind vampires." She laughed at her last comment.

Stormie observed the girl with her eyes closed and mumbled, "You're welcome." She was pretty with her raven hair being a stark comparison to her pale skin. Stormie took her bottom lip in and chewed it, thinking momentarily what to tell the girl. "I'm just a ditsy girl, move around a lot with my parents. I guess I'm kind of boring." The last statement was more of a question by her tone. It wasn't far from the truth and farther from the truth than anything could be, of course the girl would believe her.
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Hazel Moss

Hazel scowled, her eyes still closed. "I don't believe that you believe that." She told her, her nose scrunched up a bit in irritation. "You seemed a little ditsy at first and then you actually started talking to me. Look, I don't care what your reason is to pretend that you're..whatever, but I want you to be real with me, alright?" Hazel opened her eyes, the pale blue shooting to the girl. "I'm no expert on people at all, but I can tell that you're lying to me." She said, her eyes still trained on Stormie.
He hummed in content as she ran her fingers through his hair. "If I had a tail right now , it would be wagging" he commented as he closed his eyes. Jordan laughed along with her at her comment. " It all depends on their personality, I even hate someone werewolves " He opened one eye to look at her. "If you're trying to flirt with me , it's not working" He said jokingly as he winked.

Stormie inhaled deeply at the girl's tone, cutting her act quick. Her eyes fluttered at her and she bit her lip, the little girl from so long ago calling back to her. The two played a game of tug a war with their eyes. "Why do you believe otherwise?" She knew it might not be in her best interest to challenge her but only the two of them were in the room currently.

Gale giggled, "I'm glad you like it as much as I do." She nodded as he spoke, it was all extremely logical. She laughed and raised her brow. She wasn't flirting with him currently and had a slight idea what he was doing but she still was going to question it, people's answers always amused her or interested her. "Oh really? How come?"
When he approuched the entrance, he took a moment to look it all over, appeared simple enough. Walking to the depository noting a student already at the sign he stayed back, when they left we walked up to the sign. Now knowing where he's to sleep, decided to take a moment to explore the school, his bag slung over his shoulder, as he walked he found his dorm, entered and threw his bag onto the top bunk... Left for a while, he'll be back shortly.
Hazel Moss

"Well for one, you don't even talk like you're ditsy. 'Believe otherwise'? You obviously have a bigger vocabulary than you let people think." Hazel let her eyes flick down the girls face to her lips, then back to her eyes. Hazel licked her lips, "You don't talk ditsy when you're just talking, when you think, though, is when you start acting like it. I know we haven't been talking for very long and I could be completely wrong because I don't know people, but I like to trust my gut instinct." She said.
He decided to annoy her a little. " I mean , I know I'm amazing but I only met you and you're literally already so attached to me" he exaggerated. " But you seem like an older sister to me " Jordan then sat up and jumped off the bed. " I'm hungry, you wanna come find some food with me ?" He asked as he rubbed his stomach.


Yakov - He notices someone out here in the woods, keeping his distance. From the young girl, but keeping her in sight. Watching from his eye as she hung from the tree. Takes out his watch staring at the time.
Jane smelled him before she saw him. "What do you want?" She said glaring at Yakov from afar.

The sun was going down by this time and Jane was feeling a bit unnerved. Werewolves didn't need the full moon nor nightfall to change, but it did increase their abilities and....Urges.


Yakov - coughs as he continues to watch her.

"Taking a walk before... nightfall, dangerous to be out, monsters come out. Best to go home before they do."

Puts his watch away before turning to her. The chain going from a pocket the his fourth jacket button.

"Need someone to walk you home?"
Stormie wasn't one to be caught speechless but she was by Hazel. Her face flushed when she noticed the girl's eyes and action. She inhaled deeply and played with the loose string again, "I have my reasons and I'd rather not explain them." She looked up at the girl again and furrowed her brows, not knowing what to make of her. She seemed entirely clueless then wise. "I'll not act that way around you anymore if you'd like but I don't want anyone else to know." Her eyes were back to the string. She jumped when it popped and couldn't help but laugh a bit a herself. Her face flushed again when she realized that Hazel had just witnessed that entire thing.

Gale laughed and nodded, playing along with his sarcasm. "Of course, look at those cheeks!" She definitely wanted food, not what he had in mind but it would suffice for now. "Of course I could use some! I'm always up for food wolfie." When they headed into the kitchen a boy was standing there. "Why hello there!"
"Let's go " He followed Gale towards the kitchen and he felt his hand start to hurt again. He sniffed the air a couple of times and tried to identify where the smell was coming from. It was coming from the boy in the kitchen. "Hello " Jordan said as he tilted his head in thought.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. I would suggest you go home." She said snarling just a bit.

Jane's personality had flipped. Instead of being the normal kind and shy girl she was, Jane has changed...

Her eyes turned yellow and shown in the dark. "Leave."

Hazel Moss

"Like I said, it's not my business. I don't really care." Hazel told her, her eyes dancing around Stormie's face. It was a little strange because she was basically looking at her upside down, but the girl was really pretty nonetheless. "I would appreciate it if you wouldn't. I understand you will when there's other's around but if there's ever a time where its just us." Hazel sat up and shrugged, pulling her feet onto the bed. She criss crossed her legs under her and sat facing the girl, her posture a bit lazy and slouchy. Hazel chuckled a bit at the the girls laugh.

"It's pretty." She told her, a smile gracing her lips.

Kaiden Rain

After a while of walking, Kaiden had decided to go find food. Food was always good. He was currently leaning against a counter in the kitchen, munching on an apple and looking around when two smells attacked his senses. The one that was familiar overpowered the one that smelled like a vampire. Although, his nose twitched in irritation. He turned around when they spoke, his eyes immediately training on the vampire. His nose twitched once more, and he held his left hand over it, trying to keep himself from smelling the vampire. Be nice, Kaiden. Figure out where you know that kid from too.

"Uh...hi." He said, his voice slightly muffled from his hand. His left hand suddenly began burning, and he pulled it away from his face in confusion. What the hell... Kaiden swallowed thickly and clutched his left hand at his side, dropping his apple to throw his right hand over his nose. The less he smelled the vampire, the less he was going to be irritated by it.​

Yakov - Noticing the change, he takes a step back.

"Your one of them... if so for youf life, stay away from me."

He moves his hands into his pockets, turns and begins walking away, a pained look on his face.

In a low voice he mumbles.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming."
Jordan looked at the boy confused. "Why are you covering your nose , are you okay ?" He asked after watching the boy drop his Apple to cover his nose. He walked over and went to go pick up the apple, trying to ignore the pain in his hand he picked up the fruit and put it on the counter. He was now standing closer to the boy. He stared at his face for a bit, trying to recognise him.
"Damn right I am." She said watching him a bit. Letting herself loose and falling out of the tree, landing on her feet with a loud thud. Walking after Yakov quickly. Slightly in the shadows. "You better run, or not, may just make it fun."

He kept walking around looking for someone to talk to. "I hope there are some chte girls here." He said with a cheeky smile. He walked around the school looking at all the stuff that they had.

Stormie couldn't help her shoulders relaxing when Hazel said she didn't care. It was a story she had no care to hash out to anyone else currently. She nodded her head, "I'm sure we'll get time alone." Her eyes went wide with the realization of how that sounded but she didn't really know what else to say. She watched the girl's actions from under her lashes. Stormie tilted her head at the girl. "Hmm?" Her mind wasn't as quick as it usually was due to the shock of this encounter.

Gale looked between the two boys strangely. She didn't know what was going on but she knew something was. "Um, I'm Gale and this is Jordan." She looked went to the fridge looking for something. "Do you need a tissue or something cupcake?" She shut the fridge after finding a tea and leaned against it. She didn't know about this guy but she had a feeling he wasn't fond of one of them or just really awkward.
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Yakov - "Damn... left everything in the dorm, shouldve expected this, be quick..."

Makes a sharp right turn getting lost in the forest, parkoring through heading in the direction of the school.

"Gods please... not a student."

Breaks a branch off a tree, throws it back to the beast. Trying to make her lose chase.
Hazel Moss

Hazel grinned, biting her lip. "Your laugh, it's pretty," She said, shaking her head. "Time alone, huh?" She teased, leaning back a bit, her hands hooking onto her ankles. She felt weird complimenting her, she didn't even know what she was doing. Just talking to someone outside of her immediate family was nice. Even if Hazel had no idea what she was doing. She didn't know what was 'normal' in these circumstances.

Kaiden Rain

"No..I'm fine just..sensitive to vampire scent." He lied, shuffling a bit closer to the boy, Jordan? Jordan...that was familiar...wasn't it? "I'm Kaiden." He said, moving his hand away from his nose to breathe in the boys scent. His brow furrowed in confusion, and he yelped when his hand started burning even more. "Honestly." He groaned, rubbing his scar with his opposite hand. He had no idea what was going on, but it was very irritating.​

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