Halzarth of Astrakane


Three Thousand Club
Full name:
Halzarth Hadrada of Astrakane

(Include your home town in this. Such as: "______ of ______". Known locations in the country will be included under the locations tab.)

Nickname (Optional):

Age: 35

Height/Weight (Optional):
6' 3"
170 pounds

Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/45/49/12/4549129fe01308c72c949cdc20107fbd.jpg
(without the war paint

(Either a detailed description, say, three sentences, or a picture. Realistic is preferred, but anime is ok.)



Former soldier for hire,

Ingrid Hadrada (Mother)
Olaf Hadrada (Father)
Bjorn Haldrada (Son)

(any siblings? Mother? Father? Orphan? This is also optional.)

Halzarth was born into a middle class family in the forests of Astrakane. He ended up getting an education, going to a military academy and studying in doctrine, strategy, and battlefield tactics. After ending his time in the academy, he joined up with a mercenary company and toured Aria for a good deal of time, taking jobs as enforcers, thugs, and the like. As the rebellion began to heat up, Halzarth and his men returned to Astrakane and set up in a secluded villiage, raising and training their own rebel army.

(Just a few sentences. I just need an adequate description of where your character comes from and if there is anything significant in his or her life that can contribute to his or her actions. A brief personality description should be included in this.)
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