Halaya Ube


Behind that Crazy Premise

"Like a Hurricane caught in a butterfly"


Name: Halaya Ube

Color relation to name: Halaya Ube is a bright purple dessert from the Philippines, it's color is so distinct that they named a color after it. 

Nicknames: Haley, Halo, The Dust Devil

Age: 19

Physical features: Normally her eyes are dull black like the picture, but when she ingests a large amount of dust her eyes light up in the color of that dust. She is small, but has a delicate, yet muscled frame. She often wears elegant provoking clothing that is at the same time fit for combat. On her back she has a butterfly tattoo that looks like a skull.

Alignment: Evil


"Float like a butterfly, sting like a sandstorm"


Haley named here weapon Hurricane. It's base form consists of two seperate balisong (long butterflyknives called Twister and Whirl), which she can attach as long missiles to a long chain.


Haley can control the winds, specifically whirlwinds. On her own she can lift people about 2 meters of the ground, but with dust she can destroy big villas and little camps.

Fighting "strategy"

Strategy is a big word which does not fit in Haley's vocabulary. She is a loose canon and charges problems head-on, with no regard of the environment and the people in it. She uses the turning motion of her knives and chain to summon various sandstorms while she walks towards the enemy (small ones with the knives, big ones with the chain, the size is dependent on the time she takes to charge it). The fight itself is mostly up close. She circles the enemy and attacks from all sides, using the whirlwinds to lift herself out of harms way and to bring the enemy out of balance. With the knives she makes small and quick cuts to tease (and deal damage in the long run). The chain she uses to keep the enemy in her trap and to mess up their stance even more. For the real blows she throws her knives (attached to the chain) as missiles.

if you can't envision this, look up Gogo from Kill Bill or Kurapika from Hunter x Hunter

"In the eye of the hurricane"


Halaya is a very temperamental woman. In the first few days after dust intake she is a cold manipulative diva. She is not used to get spoken against and usually gets everything her way. Nothing can stand between her and her goals, everything has to be flawless. She is very impatient and cannot stand failing plans. In contrast with her fighting style, she has big schemes to reach her ambitions and uses everything in her power to get there. She can be very persuasive, as she learned some negotiation techniques from living with Xander. 

The longer she goes without her drugs the more cracks become visible. She can have very big mood swings. One moment she is a gentle innocent  girl, the next she is an emotional wreck and a minute later she is back to being a merciless bitch. Sometimes she uses these flaws to show people that she is a crazy person that you do not want to mess with, but most of the time she can't control it. They are almost complete personalities that can surface and thwart her own plans. Her condition is also a disastrous combination with her powers. The surges of emotion can kickstart her powers. This makes her very dangerous, unpredictable and therefore unreliable.

Romantic orientation Whatever makes her get her way

"When a butterfly flaps it's wings..."


Halaya Ube was born in a small dessert oasis in Vacuo. She had two loving and protective parents who loved her very much. Haley was six when her semblance first surfaced, which is exceptionally young. Her parents tried to keep it a secret, fearing that people would discard her as a freak. However, they could not conceal it for long and soon the whole village knew about it and people came to see her perform shows. At first Haley and her parents were delighted with the positive publicity, but then people from further away came as well to see the miracle girl perform. They wouldn't leave her alone and were also not solely positive anymore. People came to provoke her powers and called her ugly things which made Haley very unhappy. Her parents didn't know what to do. One day the word reached the local maffia boss, Xander Malachite. He saw potential in the girl and traveled to her house in person. He saw how desperate the situation was and used that to manipulate Haleys parents. He told them he was willing to take care of the girl, to protect her from the mob and to learn her how to control her powers. Her parents did not see another way (and knew who the man was and what he did to people that got in his way), so they agreed to it.

Xander raised her as if she were his own daughter, with a firm, but loving hand. Haley was often homesick, but Xander tried to bribe and brighten her up with presents and sweets. Little did she know that the sweets were laced with addictive dust, which was meant as an warrant for if she ever went rogue. He couldn't let her leave as she was destined to become his secret weapon. He hired skilled teachers to teach Haley how to fight, both physically and with her semblance. She passed the basics with flying colors. The trouble started when they moved on to actually hurting animals and people. Each method failed. Haley was too gentle to even hurt a fly. It caused Xander much stress. What good was she as his enforcer when she was afraid to hurt his enemies? As a last resort he increased her doses of dust, but made the moments of intake less frequent. Halaya became a dust junkie. She couldn't go without it for longer than a week. Xander used this to his advantage and made her do horrifying things when she was at her worst. When she would obey she would get her dust, otherwise it would be deferred to a later moment, when she would be even worse than before. This way he conditioned her to be a merciless killer.

When her training was done her missions began. Whenever someone was in the way of Xander's imperium he would send Halaya to roughen them up or even kill them. Haley visited countless mafia villas, military camps and dust mines. After she would leave you wouldn't even have believed it had been there before, as everything that was left was debris buried under the sands. Xander quickly rose to the top of the criminal ladder. In fear of his punishment the smaller bosses either sided with Xander or perished. Xander was very happy and overloaded Haley with gifts that he could buy with his newly earned money. For a few years life was good for the both of them.

Then Atlas released a new line of warrior-robots with tremendous power. Xander had just enough money to buy himself one on the black market. It would be a lot cheaper than maintaining his semi-daughter (mainly because of her growing addiction). She was kindly thanked for her services and set free. She did get a a basic supply of dust, but had nowhere to go. She went to her parents for shelter. Unfortunately that immediately clashed. Her parents were horrified to see the monster that their daughter had become and threw her out. The moment was so emotional that it sparked her powers. In her anger she destroyed her whole village. Afterwards came the regret. It broke her. For weeks she stayed in a nearby cave. Eventually she had to come out, since her dust was almost gone. She became a mercenary, fighting for scraps of dust. It was a difficult time and she hardly came by, but it helped her become more independent. She still had a score to settle and was always on the lookout for information on Xander.

One day she heard that Xanders robot had had a malfunction and had turned on Xanders man. Her old man had survived, but barely. He had fallen terribly ill and people feared for his life. The news made Haley question her relationship. She wanted to see the man one last time, if only to show that she could handle herself pretty well without him. She went to his villa. There was already an air of sorrow, while the man had not even died yet. The lower bosses were lurking around the palace, waiting to take the throne when their emperor would die. Halaya went up to Xander's room. She met the reunion with mixed feelings. She pitied Xander, but also hated him for what he had done to her and loved him like family. She started talking to the unconscious man. The more she talked the more her emotions flared up. At the climax the old man woke up and spoke. No one knows what he had said. Not that there are many people left to tell about it. The inhabitants of a nearby village still tell of the terrible storm that raged through their streets that day. And the old man that they found on the stairs of their hospital when they went outside afterwards. The man survived, but never said a word afterwards, neither did he have visitors.

Haley left the place as a new person, a dedicated one. Though no one knows what her goal is. Or maybe they do? Then they wisely keep their mouths shut.

A personal belonging they keep in their room: A bejeweled golden bird is Haleys only memorabilia to her golden times with Xander, but you probably won't find it between the books of violent fighting skills and the bottles with powdered dust.

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