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One x One Hades and Persephone (w/ClumsyStageManager)

Name: Persephone (Seffie or Poppy)

Age: Immortal, but looks around 23

Eyes: A light blue that ripples darker the closer to the pupil.

Skin: Tan from spending time out in the summer sun with freckles spreading down her arms, chest and legs while also scattered her rosy cheeks.

Hair: It seems to change with the seasons sometimes it can be a pastel pink but blend into a light, autumn orange. Long and wavy it falls past her shoulder blades and rests at her lower back. You can find it to be tied in lose braids, ponytails or just let loose but you will always find flowers stuck in her hair.

Body: Seffie stands around 5’6 so she isn’t the tallest daughter of a Goddess but that never stopped her from getting things that are just a bit out of reach. She will climb almost anything that she can and is not afraid of heights. She has a curvy body; an hourglass shape but with less of a chest then she would like. No matter to her though she is happy with how she looks. Most of the time anyways.

Clothing: Seffie wears comfortable things. Sweaters, skirts with leggings underneath and summer dresses. Most of her clothing can be found in pastel colours but do tend to get duller when she is in a rotten mood.

Personality: Persephone is an innocent women she looks for the goo in almost any sort of situation trying to bring joy to whoever she is around. Enjoying life and the colours one can find in the dull world that people have created. While she is mostly smiles and giggles Seffie can be brought down from her happy mood easily and fall into a pit of despair and depression. That is how she is when her mother turns fowl and won’t allow her to have a life of her own.

Short Bio: Seffie lives with her mother, Demeter. The women was a beauty but is more on the inside then the outside. She is a controlling women who doesn’t allow Seffie much freedom other then her duties in the little flower shop that her mother owns.

Quirks: Seffie is a creative jewel she loves flowers and makes flowers crowns in the summer and spring. She also likes to draw and paint in the forest where she finds herself to be most at ease.

Likes: Nature, animals, running around in the grass/dirt with no shoes on, heavy rain and sunny days.

Dislikes: Being yelled at, being told what to do, being cold, the pitch black

Etc: She loves animals and has a way with them her mother just can’t figure out. She can also make the flowers grow with a wave of her hand.
Name: Hades(Greek) Pluto(Roman) (whatever he decides to be called)

Age:Immortal (but usually appears to be 18-35)

Eyes:Grey although when angry they appear as though a fire burning behind his eyes

Skin Colour/blemishes: Fair skinned(He is usually in the underworld)/ none (he's a god)

Hair: Black and scruffy with a natural curl to it (this usually doesn't change)

Body: Regal, Athletic. Healthy (despite the pale skin)

Clothing: Toga, 80's rock band shirts, blue jeans, converse shoes, leather jacket, sweat pants (It really depend on his mood)

Personality:Greedy, morbid, intelligent, cunning/sly, cold

Short Bio: Hades enjoys his kingdom of the underworld and is always looking for more followers. He doesn't feel any less important than his brothers, Zeus got the sky, Poseidon got the sea and Hades got the void (You tell me which one sounds more interesting). He is also the god of wealth. Hades enjoys making deals with people be it a better living in the underworld, or sure you can have your girlfriend's soul back you just have to trust she is following you all the way back to the surface if you look well her soul is mine forever; and well you looked so your loss. He will also make deals with other gods. He's basically a businessman.

Quirks: His power source is depicted as a staff while that may not be true he still likes to have it around. As well as his Helm of Darkness it makes him invisible.

Likes: Power, Death, Underworld, Furies, Wealth, Helm of Darkness, Deals, Women

Dislikes: Peace, Cowards, People meddling in his affairs, Leaving the Underworld for and extended period of time, Heroes

Etc: He like Ares enjoys a good war...for different reasons obviously.

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