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Fandom H.G. The Powers That Be [Closed]


Dead Poet

1) We take turns winning, going in order of who posted in the interest check/joined the group first. I (Dead Poet) will win first as I created this thread.
2) We each will create mentor characters for another players tribute. We will also do this in turns. (Person A has a D1 Tribute makes a mentor for B who has a D4 tribute. D4 for D9. D9 for D1, Going in district order.)
3) When playing against another users character there will be no god-modding, and fights will be fair. Only one character gets out of the game alive and is not expected to get out unscathed. Please play accordingly. I will introduce dice to this game as an equalizer if need be.
4) If needed, we will play as NPC tributes for other players. Realistically speaking, alliances are small and mutually beneficial. a career tribute is not going to align themselves with a 12 year old from 6. Be prepared to make throwaway characters, chances are each of our tributes is likely to be in their own groups at some point.
5) It is known in the universe that Snow pimps out the Victors to capital citizens. These scenes, if they come up, are to fade to black so as to not anger the powers that be.
6) Young tribute death scenes are also to be kept PG rated, so minimal gore please.
7) Just because the group is small does not mean your character absolutely has to make it to the finals unless it is your turn to win. If shit happens let it happen. You will have a mentor character to keep you busy.

I have spoken.

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