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H.G. RP for FreakLikeYou and Mobius

Jade's vivid green gaze was glued to the ground as she walked sandwiched between two Capitol government people,one being the person responsible for her tongue's dismemberment and the other the person that handled placing of Avox people.They both freaked the heck out of her for their own reasons.The one on her right,the "salesmen" you could call him,was a squat man triple the width of Jade,but huge as far as bone structure went.The one on her right was a tall man with a stone-cold face that made her heart shiver every time she looked at him.He had practically guns for arms and he would be able to knock her out just by flicking her forehead.The rest of him was rather lean,though.As they walked up to the house of whoever she was going to serve,they chatted about,but not a word registered in Jade's mind.Her thoughts,all she had left,were racing.Who is this person?I know he's a guy by what they were saying...but who is he?Will he be nice?A jerk?Will he at least be civil? Those questions and more concerning the way the man would treat her raced through her blonde covered head as each step was made.They were walking at a normal pace,but it felt painfully slow to her.So slow that she thought her legs might come off in nervous pain.She was frightened,to say the least.All that she seen in the Capitol's torture "center"...they could definitely be gruesome...and if they could treat people like that,especially Avoxes,then how could this man treat her?It was definitely cause for fear,which was clear on her face no matter how bad she wanted to hide her emotions from the two Capitol scum who were in charge of her future as a servant.No,slave.It wasn't like she was getting paid or had a debt to pay.She was being forced into this,all because she was overheard singing some old song that,if it had been written down (which is most likely was somewhere),the book would probably disintegrate with one breath over it,was considered "rebellious".It wasn't like she ever sat down and thought of her feelings towards the Capitol,since her family never complained.Only when the Games came along did her feelings truly show.Other than that,there was no thoughts of rebellion,no hate towards the President,no nothing.She would live her life the way it was supposed to be lived because she couldn't do anything about it.Yet,here she was,walking up to the doorstep of some pampered Capitol citizen who thought it right to reap the benefits of a tormented person who didn't even realize her actions were that serious.Never did she think singing a tune while walking "alone" in the woods of substantial District 7 would cause her to be permanently mute,living in the Capitol with only one purpose to her life.That disgusting purpose...to wait on this guy's hand and foot and every possible request he could have,unable to say a thing about it.

The man on Jade's right pressed the doorbell button beside the front door while the man on her left grabbed her forearm in a tight,warning hold.She knew better than to look at him;that would earn a slap just because he was that strict.That was something she didn't want to feel again.Not from his powerful hand.While she waited for her master to appear in the doorway,she took a gaze up the walls of the house to get a look at her new home.If she could even call it her home.I wonder what it will be like, she thought as her gaze slowly returned to the door.The people at her sides had ceased their talking and were now watching the door,blank expressions on their faces.She knew,however,that the moment the guy appeared in their vision,at least the man on her right would perk right up and act like a carnival barker,as cheerful and convincing as he could possibly be.It disgusted Jade and she wondered if all people in the Capitol were like that.From what she seen,they were definitely different.Their styles alone were different.Not to mention the hair...and it wasn't just the women!The men were worse than their female counterparts,she decided.How could they find the makeup,dress,bodily changes like implants and the like,hair,and who knew what else they did appealing in other people's eyes?Perhaps if she grew up around it,she would find it just as attractive as they did.However,she would much rather wear pants and a normal shirt on,covered in tree sap and pine needles,than a frilly dress that looked like a swan.They looked almost like sick,twisted dolls that some old whacky woman would create.Heh,the thought of it made her chuckle just slightly.The tormentor instantly reacted,gripping her forearm even harder.She winced slightly and bent a bit towards the pressure,biting her lip since she had no tongue to bite any more.How much longer before the man of the hour appears? She thought in an annoyed way before the guy loosened his grip back to what it was before,feeling like she had figured out to not make any sort of noise like that while he was around again.Once again,Jade's focused was completely on the door now,finally managing to silence her thoughts so she could focus on her current situation.
That morning, Leopold awoke with a start and a yell. He had been dreaming of angels. Among them were his mother and sister. However, the angels quickly morphed grotesquely into morbid demons that attacked him. Used to having these dreams since his sister and mother passed away, Leopold quickly regained composure and got up. The sweat slicked sheets were reluctantly to release him, and he thanked his past self for putting plush carpeting in his room as he had to catch himself on his hands. Had the floors been hardwood like the rest of the house he would've bruised his hands without a doubt. Leopold untangled himself from the sheets and went about his typical morning routine: stumble to the kitchen, put coffee on, retreat to room for a shower, rinse and repeat, towel off, get dressed, then retrieve glorious caffeinated life-liquid from the kitchen and settle down with a book. An hour later, Leopold was curled up on the plush living room couch with a novel in his lap and his feet squishing into the cushions. He should really consider finishing the most recent chapter of his most recent novel, but he was content with reading the works of other people while sipping a warm beverage. Sure the caffeine would cause a huge sugar crash in approximately another hour but for now it was worth it. He should really considering looking into tea....

Leopold took a moment to knock back the rest of his coffee before laying back to finish the last page of his novel. It was a nice ending but left much to be desired. What happened to the woman's other lover? Did they end up winning their battle of love and freedom? Did the sister live? Did the lover live? He expected to see a sequel coming out rather soon. Setting the conquered book aside, Leopold stared at the looming ceiling overhead. His residence was a mere two floors, with soothing colors on the walls and polished hardwood floors. The furniture was soft and welcoming, and really... he was a simple man with simple needs. He was modest, most definitely, especially by Capitol standards. He stared at the ceiling in quite thought, until he dozed off into a light sleep. A sudden ring of his doorbell, however, woke him up.

Leopold got up with a scowl, picking up his glasses on the way. He had taken them off to read, as he was near-sighted and couldn't see very far, and headed for the door. He was actually having pleasant sleep for once, and whoever this was just ruined that for him. He reached the door, straightening the collar of his button down shirt, before throwing it open. Outside stood two men with a young women standing between them. He furrowed his brows and tilted his head. What did they want? One man was as tall as he was wide, towering over the girl, wearing a grin that was as if he were greeting an old friend. The other man was sharp and cruel looking, quite intimidating. The girl was honestly quite pretty in a natural manner. He narrowed his eyes even more. What business did they have with him? "Can I help you?"
Each soft,yet worriedly labored breath that Jade took felt like a lifetime.The man sure took his high old time,or at lest it felt like that to her.In reality,it probably wasn't that long at all.When her future was so close to her face she could taste it,while not literally since her sense of taste no longer belonged to her,time had a tendency to feel slow or stopped all together.However,finally,the door opened and revealed a man who was surprisingly casually dressed.He wore glasses and,for some reason,Jade's inspecting green gaze hung on them for a moment.He soon spoke,causing her to focus on his entire features,and his words alerted them to the fact that he wasn't expecting them,but apparently both men with her thought he would be.The sound of the lardo beside her pulled her vision back to the ground and caused her ears to go alert,the faintest bit of a smirk adorning the corners of her lips.Mr. Killjoy beside her didn't seem to notice."Oh,why ,Me. Crowley,I do hope that we didn't come on the wrong date or at the wrong time,but," he paused as he pulled out a letter,which was a copy of one 'Mr. Crowley' should have received,and held onto the top of the letter while holding it in the air,"This letter,which was confirmed to have been delivered a few weeks ago,was informing that your application for an Avox servant was accepted and a drop off date,which to my memory was definitely today,was selected.This girl," he then motioned to Jade,"was pinpointed and selected for your needs by our extensive and knowledgeable system.You do still want one,correct?"

Once the man stopped blabbing,Jade looked towards him,the sickeningly overdone smile on his heavy face making her want to be sick a little.Really?Did he have to be such a loony bird?It was so obvious that it was all put on,but he didn't care.Apparently he was the best "salesmen" in the Capitol and had gotten that "lofty" title by acting exactly the way he was then.Were the Capitol citizens that gullible?Apparently..."I will understand,Mr. Crowley," the man continued suddenly,"if you no longer want one,but I can assure you that turning down this girl would be a major mistake.I personally overseen-" Liar, Jade thought "-her transformation and she has the makings of being the poster Avox for the program." So,you got the idea that I'm going to be just peachy by not watching Killjoy sever my tongue off among other things? She continued to mentally commentate the overdone speech by the large man.Her gaze slowly crawled back to Mr. Crowley's face,wondering if he would fall for that spiel.

(Sorry it's a bit short.I had to go out and rushed so we could get going with this xD .Can I also just say that it is lovely to see a large,quality post like yours?)
(That is not a problem at all! And you can say that, I'm quite flattered. Thank you! I'm glad to have found a roleplayer with similar writing style!)

Leopold furrowed his brows. Him? Applying for an avox? He, who lived in solitude and preferred to do things on his own, ordering a silent slave to do his biding? That sounded very much unlike him. Confused, Leopold stepped forward and took the paper from the man before him. He read it skeptically, analyzing the text. According to this, he, Leopold Crowley, had applied for an avox. He sighed though as his keen eyes caught something. In one spot, instead of saying "
Leopold Crowley" it said "Hale Crowley". Why was his father's name randomly in here? It made no sense, this was an official document, right, so it should be accurate? It hit Leopold a moment later, his brows raising slightly. His father must've applied for an avox for him. Why would he do that though? Perhaps he didn't approve of Leo's self-efficiency and wanted him to enjoy the "finer things" in life? Or perhaps he was proud of Leo's works and wanted to pamper him? The prior seemed more likely, considering who his father was. He wanted his son to be a Gamemaker, and instead he pursued a career that was "not a real way of making money". Well, his father could tell that to his billion dollar best sellers. Still, despite his bubbling anger in regards to his father, he had something more pressing to deal with.

Leopold shifted his weight and observed the salesman. A gargantuan and cheesy smile, meant to come off as friendly and open-armed. The stoic skeleton on the other side of the girl had yet to do anything... Was the girl smirking? Leopold, without really thinking, reached out and gently touched her jaw to encourage her to look up at him. He wanted to observe this avox girl. He wasn't satisfied with the thought of a servant, but if she wasn't to become his maid she would become some one else's slave. The reality of that didn't sit well with him. "Now don't jump to conclusions, I never said no. I was simply surprised, I hadn't remembered applying for an avox. This wouldn't to be a hoax or prank, would it?" Leopold knew they were dead serious, but he really just wanted to mess with the man. Call him sadistic, but it was amusing to watch people flounder to cover their tracks.

(You're welcome!I am,too!It's so frustratin when players can't at least try to give as much as you do,let alone when it's nowhere near the quality of what you've given.)

Jade wondered about what really was going on.Was he really just that spacey and forgot or was there another reason for him not expecting her and her wonderful escort to arrive at his doorstep right about then.It seemed too strange that he wouldn't have even the slightest memory of "applying" for an Avox.Whatever.If he turned her down,she wouldn't get out of it...although,he had a simple appearance and perhaps he would be sort of laid back towards her.If he didn't take her,she might get a lunatic high maintenance person who looked like he should be in a circus freakshow.She would rather be stuck serving an at least somewhat normal person rather than one she couldn't help but mentally poke fun at.While getting lost in her thoughts,gaze on the ground,she lost all of her attention on the Capitol freaks.She never would get out of it.She would never be able to see her family again.Were they missing her?Were the saddened?What was Zane doing?If she knew her brother,which she did extremely well,he was probably sitting underneath that large tree where they often went,staring at the empty space beside him.Was he missing the sound of her voice?A sound that would never be heard again...no more talking,but what hurt the most aside from the scar was the fact that she would never sing again.Singing,her favorite thing to do.The Capitol ripped that away from her.They might as well have ripped her heart out instead.

Suddenly,Jade felt the man's touch and she flinched instinctively,not realizing at first who owned the touched.When her eyes took in who it was,she gulped in the awkward Avox way,unsure of whether she should be relieved that it wasn't the tormentor or if she should be worried about the unknown before her.She gave in and kept her gaze on him,even if it was shaky and she felt her body discreetly trembling in nervousness.Even if he looked like he did,he could be the nastiest person ever to walk on the planet.However,she was almost convinced that tongue-snatcher to her left,who was the definition of brawn but brainless,held that title.The man to her right,in his rotund glory,surprisingly hesitated at what Mr. Crowley had said to him.With a slightly awkward chuckle that was meant to sound simple and worry-free,he countered in that oh so annoying voice,"Of course not,Mr. Crowley!We pride ourselves on responsible,accurate service." He looked over at Jade for a minute before asking just slightly pressingly,"Now,that has to mean you're interested in this fine young woman?"
(by the way, I changed the picture for Leopold) (I know that feeling! I once had a roleplay with my friend and not only was her character a complete Mary Sue, but she put no effort in! AND she wrote in text-talk. It was so aggravating, I eventually just told her I couldn't continue and dropped out)

For some reason, as the woman flinched at his touch, Leopold felt terribly saddened. What had they done to her that a mere brush of his fingers would cause her to react as if she expected all of the worst to come upon her? The answering images his mind supplied sickened him. It dawned on him a little late that she had no tongue, which meant she wasn't capable of forming language anymore. Perhaps she could grunt and laugh and hum, but she would never be able to crack a joke or sing or... his sister was once an avox. She had done some terribly reckless things, so one day she happened to "disappear". He only knew what had become of her because of a report he had done. He needed to talk with an avox about their work, and he ended up interviewing his own sibling. She had to write everything down, unable to speak. She died later that year when her owner went overboard with abuse. It became very hard to look at the woman, instead of seeing her he saw his sister; blonde curls became pink, green eyes became blue, creamy skin became tanned and freckled. He looked away sharply feeling sick.

Leopold instead looked at the boisterous salesman who was clearly thrown off his game. He took a deep breath through his nose and sighed. "Of course, Mr...?" He paused as if waiting for his last name, but then kept speaking without waiting for an answer. "Whatever your name is. I would certainly hope your services are accurate. We wouldn't want someone to give a bad review, hm?" Oh yes, he went there just to see the man panic. Mentioning his line of work would certainly shake anyone in the salesman's place. In a business like that, one bad review from someone so high up meant a firestorm of bad reviews, which meant a decrease in business, which was very bad news. Leopold smiled calmly, removing the hand beneath the avox's chin to place it on her shoulder in a comforting manner. "I'm 'interested', if that's the word you choose to use." He had said it without thinking. He felt proud of this decision though. He wouldn't be like his dead sister's captor, he would never lay a hand on the girl. He wanted to keep her safe. There were bad people out there, and by taking her in he would be keeping her away from them.
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(Cool!Thanks for letting me know.)

Jade noticed when he looked away from her rather suddenly,wondering what was going on inside the Capitol man's mind.Was she over thinking things?There probably was no reason behind him taking his gaze off of her at a sudden point in time,but there could be.What else did Jade have aside from her thoughts now?It wouldn't hurt to be curious and to over think things.It's not like anybody could read her thoughts...or could they?Did the Capitol come up with a way to read the minds of those who had so rebelliously earned the title of Avox?Now she was going to far,but the situation was rather awkward for her,so she tried to think about other things to keep herself calm and from visibly trembling.She was scared,scared for more than one reason.She was scared of what the man before her was like,how he would be,how her life would be with him.However,she was also scared of what would happen if he didn't take her.Would they give up on her and end her?That seemed too insane,but this was the Capitol and Mr. Killjoy on her left that she was thinking about.Nothing was too insane for them.If she was sent to somebody else,how would they be?They could be ten times worse than this man would be and they probably would be.Yet,she still didn't know how this man would be,hence most of the worries,so she couldn't decide which outcome,staying with him or not,would be worse for her.

Once again,Jade turned her attention,now while looking at the ground again,to the plump man beside her.He was starting to sweat now and once again a tiny smirk curled up at the corner of Jade's lips.He made another awkward chuckle,but this one was all awkwardness and wasn't one of those attempts at a normal chuckle that came out wrong."That won't be necessary,Mr. Crowley.This is definitely the right situation.You seen the letter yourself," he covered,wearing that overdone smile once again since he thought he did well on it.The man to Jade's left just rolled his eyes,knowing that all the salesman was doing was making himself,and thus the business,look like a dog and pony show that was terribly unprepared.Jade didn't notice it,but if she did she would have been surprised that he actually was capable of some other emotion other than coldness and sadistic excitement.She wondered how the salesman could be so blind and stupid,thinking that he was convincing the man that he had everything under control.A feeling inside of her told her Mr. Crowley was messing with the salesman.The guy couldn't tell,though.

Then Jade felt a hand on her shoulder and she flinched again,shaking a moment before she felt just how the hand was on her shoulder.It was...comforting?Was that what it was?For a moment,she looked at the hand,now really unsure of what to think of the guy.She felt a little more sure that he wouldn't be too bad,but all of it could just be a way to lure her into a false sense of safety.She couldn't risk that,so she decided to stay wary of the person until she had enough evidence to make a decision on just how he was.As he finished up his statement,she put her green gaze on him,taking in the features of his face once more,trying to decode the system of this Mr. Crowley.The heavy man seemed relieved beyond belief when he said that he was interested."Great,Mr. Crowley!You won't be sorry!She's already paid for,you just need to sign..." He drug out the word 'sign' while he brought out a folder which he had stuck in the belt behind his back,"this!" Then he pulled out a document,which was the deed of ownership.An official seal was stamped on one like and a blank line beneath was for Mr. Crowley's signature.He then handed him a ready to use pen with that same sickening-to-Jade smile on his face.
(You're welcome. Sorry that this one is a little shorter than my others.)

Leopold felt the girl flinch under his touch, this time much more prominent, and he felt like he had been kicked in the solar plexus; sick and winded.
This was just another reason to hate his birthplace. He didn't belong here. He was just another act in the cruel, sickening circus that was the Capitol and he didn't want to be a clown. He wanted hard work, he wanted true life, he wanted honesty. He knew that by definition that Capitol citizens had freedom, but he felt trapped in this twisted merry-go-round of fake smiles and bright colors. Leopold looked to the girl. She was staring at him, clearly in deep thought and analyzing his face. He gave a reassuring smile in hopes of calming her nerves (because who wouldn't be nervous in her place) and then looked to the floundering salesman. Apparently his comment was quite effective. The salesman was sweating nervously and the chuckle he gave in attempt of appearing suave made him sound like a choked duck. Leopold held down the urge to snort.

"I would certainly hope not to be sorry. Do you really think being sorry is an option? Are you saying there may be reason for regret in the future?" Leopold questioned in rapid fire, raising a fine eyebrow. Perhaps he should give the man a break, but it was honestly too funny to resist. Noting that the fake smile was back on, Leo took the paper from the man and let go of the girl's shoulder to take the pen. He pressed the paper against the wall to sign on and printed his elegant signature on the line. He held both signed paper and pen out to the salesman. "Is that all?"
Jade became even more confused when she realized he had smiled at her.I really can't figure him out now... She thought,since she still couldn't bring herself to trust that he actually was trying to be nice.Her facial expression twisted to one of slight confusion,but the look of being in deep thought still remained.Her thinker would be ruined before day one with this guy was even finished.Her mind was all she had left,might as well strengthen it by extreme usage.Since she could no longer train her voice,she would train her brain.The man on her right outwardly sighed of relief once the deed was signed,obviously glad that that was over,figuring he wasn't required to ramble off answers to that last statement that would have pushed him over the edge of the strain cliff."Oh,sir,just so curious..." He said,his voice trying to retain that bubbly sales tone,but it was mixed with awkwardness as well."Well,now,enjoy her!" He added hurriedly as she turned around,pushing Jade's tormentor so he would start moving as well.When he was pretty positive he was out of earshot,he mumbled to the man who resembled a stone mountain,"Finally out of that...remind me to pay that guy who set it up a visit..." He obviously was bluffing,but he was too agitated to actually say the truth.

Jade awkwardly gulped again.The moment of truth.Now she was left alone with this guy and his true colors would come out.She looked at him with those bold green eyes for a quick moment before she looked at the ground again.She held her hands behind her back and she fidgeted uncomfortably on her feet for a second.This was definitely awkward.If only she could say something...or at least feel like she could do something to get out of that uncomfortable situation.There was nothing she could do,though,so she was left to stand there,looking at the ground while she waited for Crowley to do something.At least that tormentor was gone and her arm was free from his cruel grip.Hopefully she would never have to see him again.Another good thing was that she wouldn't have to listen to the obese man babble hopelessly anymore.At least she could think of some positives to that awkward moment.Maybe things wouldn't be really hard if she could think of some positives.Even if there were none that she could think of.

(I'm sorry!Me and Dad played Monopoly xD .)
(Don't apologize, that's perfectly okay! I hope you had fun!) (Sorry myself for a delay and shortness. The delay is 'cause I was jamming out to Taylor Swift, who I haven't listened to since fifth grade xD )

Leopold rolled his eyes as the men retreated. Honestly that had been such a hassle, he was glad that was all done with. And that last comment, when the man was walking away... "Yes, do tell my father I said hi and that I appreciate his idea of a gift!" He called after them. His father was one of the salesmen of avox, and he was quite popular and efficient. He looked to his new avox - the thought of it felt foreign - and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well, wasn't that eventful. I'm Leopold. Come on inside, it's chilly out. Would you like coffee?" He really wasn't used to interacting with other people, let alone people who were his property, and not to mention the fact that she couldn't really reply... Gosh was he ill prepared. He held stepped to the side and gestured for the girl to enter. She looked confused and still deep in thought, and he couldn't blame her. She must feel so uprooted. Did she have family and friends where she was from? Where
was she from? How long had she been away from home? How old was she? Curiosity hit him like a wrecking ball and questions raced through his head. He wouldn't ask anything just yet, though. He'd try to give her time to adjust before suddenly springing that kind of thing on her.
(I did and I won!It was the Sonic the Hedgehog version :) .I love Taylor Swift's perfume,but I'm not a fan of her music.I'm a rocker,though,so that should explain it :P .)

Jade looked behind her when he said something to the men as they left.She seen them both jump,since apparently they thought he was unable to hear them,and they rushed off afterwards,retreating like birds in a tree being cut down.Without realizing it,she giggled at the sight of it.I only she could have fully enjoyed seeing that man squirm before,because seeing it right then,both of them,was so amusing it had pulled a sound out of her.However,when she heard him speaking to her,she jumped slightly herself and looked back towards him.So,Mr. Crowley was known as Leopold (it seriously autocorrect we that to Leopoldo :P ) on a normal basis.She began to wonder if he did anything for a living or if he just sat around all day,yucking up servants' and Districts' labor.Then she realized he had invited her in...and offered her coffee?She hadn't expected that,but it did sound good.In reply to the offer,she gave him a slow,somewhat sheepish nod.Then she glanced behind her at the world outside before making her way into what would be her home from then on.

When she first was completely in,Jade felt a sort of panic but her.What would she endure inside that place?Would it be a haven for her or a living heck?Her breathing rate started to pick up from those thoughts and she forced herself to just take a moment to get it back to normal.No thoughts,just existing.It worked and soon she was able to take a look around the place from where she was standing.Each detail registered in her mind and she made a mental note of each one that she might need to remember in the future.Then she looked back at him,her gaze dropping down to the ground again.
Leopold file away her laugh in his memory. It was rather birdlike in his opinion, and very cute. She must have had a nice singing voice before the avox transformation. Leopold mentally berated himself for calling it a transformation, as if it werent some horrible torture. Shaking his head slightly, Leopold closed the front door behind them. He turned to the avox and observed her reaction. She seemed to be coming down from a panic attack that she must've talked herself down from. Oh how his heart went out to the poor dear. He could only imagine how she felt. Probably pretty scared and curious.

Leopold stepped around her and spread his arms wide. "Welcome to your new home. I hope that you can adjust painlessly," he said, his tone inviting and kind. The doorway led into the living room, where his book still lay on the glass coffee table that sat in the center of a ring of furniture. The walls were a swirling patterns pale gold and dusty silver, the colors creating a comforting and magical feel. The floor was mahogany ((oh yes I made that reference)) and the furniture was a rich chocolate color for the most part. A chandelier hung from the arching ceiling at his fathers insistence, so while he found it over done Leopold kept it. The light source refracted through the glass and cast little translucent rainbows all over. It was very fairytale-esq.

Leopold headed straight for the kitchen after grabbing his empty mug, which branched off the living room through an open arch. The floors were white tile and sparkling clean, and the walls were mint green. His father had complained but Leo was unswayed. Growing up, in his old house, the walls of the kitchen were green on his mothers order. He kept it so in his house in her memory. Leopold refilled his cup and filled a mug for the avox. On it was painted a 7. He had been doing an interview post-game for that district (as 7 had won that year) with Flickerman, and he was given the mug as a souvenir. He carried the mugs of coffee out and set them down on the table. He sat on the couch and picked up his notepad. "Come sit with me?" He sipped his mug and looked to the avox expectantly.
(I got a good laugh out of the mahogany reference!We should bring Effie in sometime xD .)

Jade shook her head and rested her hand above her brow for a moment as she banished the dizzy remained if the panic attack,which stayed for a while after she got her breathing back to normal.She nervously watched him as he passed by her,not sure what he was going to do and uncomfortable with the fact that she couldn't predict his movements.However,when he welcomed her to his home,her new home,she relaxed a bit and allowed herself another look around.The living room sure did look inviting and it snuffed out the idea that her house,by quality of furniture and things like that,was better was snuffed right out.The couch looked more inviting than her old bed.It didn't help her homesickness in the least bit,but it made her realize that life here could be comfortable.

When Leopold went into the nearby kitchen,Jade wasn't sure if she should go in with him or what she should do.For a few moments,she just stood there,thinking about it.However,she eventually made her way slowly to the arch that led to the kitchen and sheepishly peeked inside.When he came back with the mugs,she got clear out of his way,though.She wondered if she was being too paranoid or if it was a good thing she was being careful to keep a distance from him and being cautious when he was near or touching her.She could never really be too careful.Once he was sitting down and had spoken to her again,she allowed herself to relax just a bit.She gave him a slow nod before going over and carefully picking up the mug,not noticing the familiar number painted on it at the time.

Jade found her place in a chair near the table,not feeling comfortable to sit on the couch even if she did keep her space from him.She didn't make an effort to make herself comfortable in the chair because she wasn't sure if he would get angry at her for it and she didn't want to risk it.For a moment,she stared at the warm liquid,figuring out how she would get it down.She had been given very little to drink,but enough to to where she had an idea of how to manage a drink without her tongue.However,they were all cold.This was coffee and it could go very bad.Slowly,she brought the mug up to her lips and tipped a little bit into her mouth.It was a little strange,but she got it down and,after a brief sensation of discomfort over the healing scar from where her tongue was mangled out,the warm liquid soothed her.When she brought the mug back down,she realized the number painted on it...it was a 7.

Jade found herself staring at the number,occasionally rubbing her thumb over it.Did it stand for her District?District 7?Her home which she would never see again?She caugh herself getting choked up and her eyes became watery,but she gritted her teeth and squeezed her yes shut momentarily to force the unwanted liquid back inside her eyesockets where they belonged.When she opened them again,she found herself unable to look away from the number as her mind and heart travelled back home,back to the life she longed to have a taste of once more.
Leopold observed the girl carefully, gauging her reactions. She seemed rather uptight and wary, which he couldn't blame her for. When she stared at the coffee, he thought perhaps she believed he had poisoned it. It then occurred to him that she was just figuring out how to drink without her tongue. Yet again, he felt terribly sorry. It was such a horrible thing to have happened, and she seemed like such a nice girl. He couldn't possibly imagine how she rebelled against the capitol. Perhaps she wore Snow's least favorite color and he thought it was rebellious, Leopold sneered in his mind. He really didn't like the president. He viewed the man as a backstabbing prick who sucked up to the general populace. And not to mention the Games! Leopold's stomach twisted unpleasantly at the thought. He found the Games sickening. Putting 24 people in a pit to murder each other for the entertainment of the people was disgusting. Especially since most of these people were mere children! Did people really enjoy watching children kill each other? He couldn't blame the districts for rebelling. If anything, he'd love to help them. That was the thinking that got sister maimed, He reminded himself. Leopold sighed through his nose. Keep your anger for another day...

Leopold looked up at the girl and noticed with a start that she was... was she crying? No, she was about to but refusing to let the tears slip. She looked like she was in pain as she stared at the mug. Leo furrowed his brows. What about the coffee upset h- The mug was for District 7. This girl came from the Districts.
I am so insensitive, Leo realized. He set down his coffee mug and got up, crouching beside the girl's chair. "I am so terribly sorry, I didn't even think about it. Are you from District 7...?" Well so much for holding back from questioning her, Leopold mentally sighed.
Jade was lost in her thoughts,not realizing he was coming over towards her.District 7...her home.All the warm memories,her precious memories that were all she had left,flooded into her brain and pained her broken heart.The feeling of sap,which always found its way to something commonly used in the house no matter how hard her mother tried to prevent it,on her finger tips.The smell of pine needles.The trail of needles and leaves that was also drug into the house after her father and brother finished work...it was her job to pick them up every night.The sound of birds,especially the mockingjays,singing along in her dead forests.The glistening water in the district's dam (OOC: 7 had the dam,right?).The smiling faces of her family and friends,greeting her as she went about her day.A horrible homesickness struck her like a lightning bolt.If only she could see her family just one more time...

Then Jade noticed Leopold as he crouched down beside the chair she ws sitting in.She jumped slightly,the sight of him bringing her to her current reality and out of her reminiscence.When he asked if she was from District 7,she looked down at the ground past the mug filled with the welcoming coffee,noticing how the light from the chandelier danced along the precious mahogany wood of the floor.Slowly,she nodded in response to his question,daring to look over at him even though it was a sheepish glance.Her eyes glistened with sadness even though she attempted to hide it.

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