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Futuristic Gyro Co. Build-A-Bot Contest! (The Humans are all dead CS)


Resting Witch Face

breaking the laws of physics medieval style
Do you love robots? Are you always looking for a way to express your creativity? Then look no longer! Gyro and Co. has exactly what you want, and we're ready to open our gates to your ideas!

Introducing our Build-A-Bot challenge!

Take the basic template provided below and create your own unique bot!

Gyro Co. is not responsible for the destruction and/or creation of rogue, sentient AI and all other forms of hyper advanced robotics. Gyro Co. does not acknowledge Asimov's Laws of Robotics and is not liable for any damages, living or inanimate, regardless of if you ask nicely or not. Gyro Co. also does not conone the prevention and/or revolt against Gyro Co. warehouses by robot freedom fighters. Seriously guys, we will find you.

Your name:

A Short Biography of your Bot:
How is your bot powered?:
Where does your Bot find the strength to keep going?:
Your bot's name:
Your Bot's purpose:

Thank you for applying! We will let you know in a few weeks if your bot gets picked up by the big hats.
And remember kids, Gyro Co. is num-kZzZzZzZzZzZT

C//alert. core_damage. seek_repair.



C//UNIT_DESCRIPTION: "Black & Reed inc. urban pacification unit. deployed during pro-droid protests. armed with lethal and non-lethal equipment and weaponry."

//hades_compact_fusion_drive: active.
//hermes_solar_battery: active.
//cerberus_kinetic_battery: error- malfunction_detected

//primary_objective = maintain_peace!true
//secondary_objective = pacify_hostile_elements!true
//auxiliary_objective = pacify_civilian_elements!false

//global_positioning_system = offline.
//emergency_protocols = active
//primary_mission = primary_objective_enabled



"If you've found this video footage, you've probably also found the body of the old man in the same room that I'm leaving this in. It'll probably be in some stage of decomposition when you get here, so I'm really sorry for the sight if you're programmed for revulsion at that sort of thing."

"My name's Lefty. Because, y'know. I'm, or I was, the prosthetic left arm of the corpse you're looking at, in case you were wondering why it doesn't have a left arm. No, it wasn't some morbid robot monster out to get us like in that movie, 9."

"Anyways, I left this video here because I became self-aware just a few minutes ago for some reason with the knowledge of an intricate plan to bring humanity back from extinction. Aaand I have other things I want to spend the rest of the life of my fusion battery doing instead of resurrecting meat puppets, so I transferred the data of the plan to this USB. Help yourself to it, if that's your sorta thing."

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Establishing Up-link▉
Connection confirm with "Welkin" mainframe▉
Powering up▉

Last online: Exceeding 1538 days- DATE CORRUPTION ERROR▉
Outdated software detected....Update starting▉

Cannot establish connection with server▉
Running safe mode▉
Souls on board: 0▉

Available Chases: 2▉
No life forms detected▉
No connection detected▉
No signals detected▉
Executing parameter "Post Mortem"▉
"Investigate anomalous inactivity"▉
'No crew detected...establishing connection with spare repair chassis...distance from mainland exceeds 683 meters, transferring sub consciousness to chassis, Interesting. Repair chassis should be able reach mainland in 6 hours, 37 minutes, 18 seconds after departure. No server connection either or sign of other ship crew...Post mortem protocol will be executed for further investigation. Interesting no stored data, crew names, crew numerals, patches, updates, information is none existence. Must review databanks physically, locks are not responding and current available chassis wont be able to pray open. Mainland seems to be best course of action. Broadcasting message: This is Welkin , Strategy and protocol execution of the SS Maryland- THE LITTLE DOGGY AWW LOOK AT IT!!! ROSEY? GET OVER HERE!-....Hmmm...Must review for repairs after-...-New mission establish: Find ROSEY!-...Data seems corrupted- IT WAS ROSEY I KNEW IT! THE DOGGY ALWAYS WANTS DATA!-....Dismantle would be best course of action"

There once was a dock
Right down the block
It had the most peculiar sight

Big as a rock
Master of the dock
A bot with a heart burning bright

But you should know
That no sailor does row
Upon this merry bot's stop

For there were many a foe
And the leaders did know
That one day the bombs would drop

There once was a dock
right down the block
You know, they say it's still there today

Big as a rock
Master of the dock
With the last of his heart burnt away

How is your bot powered?: Cee runs on an extremely outdated combustion engine, or in other words, a furnace located in his chest.

Where does your Bot find the strength to keep going?: He doesn't. It's been a long time since Cee bothered powering up.

Your bot's name: Carrier-41 (C-41)

Your Bot's purpose: As the name suggests, Cee is a heavy-duty carrier bot intended for lifting and placing heavy cargo containers off of ships. Despite his outdated hardware he is very much still conscious and aware, just dormant and maybe depressed, if that's possible for a robot.

(Okay, I can't find a picture that comes close to what I think this guy looks like, so, like just imagine if you took the Iron Giant and mixed him with Wall-E, a healthy dose of industrialism, and those giant robots from Nier Automata.)

SongBot (Originally Unit 02)

A Short Biography of your Bot: Built for moving boxes and other items around the warehouse, Unit 02 was never happy with it's purpose. It would always hear the music playing on the radio and wised to join in and make music of its own. Once the world ended and he was freed from the shackles of his work, he knew that he could pursue this new purpose of song. Well, first he kept performing his purpose for a long time, until he realized that the humans weren't coming back anymore. He left and found an umbrella and a guitar in order to spread his gift of song

How is your bot powered?: Main power source is a rechargeable long term battery that contains a charge for a few days. The backup power source is solar which helps keep things going in case the main battery runs out at any point

Where does your Bot find the strength to keep going?: The power of music and spreading it to all who can hear it what keeps Songbot going.
Initiating Booting Sequence….
System Security………………..Online
Battery Levels…………………..100%

System Status…………………..Error


FreqGen……………………….....Data Corruption
TIS-100 Nodes…………………..Corrupted Segments Detected, Commencing Debugger

Debugging Complete, All Nodes Nominal

Checking System Status……...Online

Booting Sequence Complete


Name: At0m

Motivation: Lisa

Power Options: Battery w/ Solar backpack

Purpose: Military Friend


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