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Futuristic Guardians Academy - Class of Omega

Coach Brik smiled as they ran off, seeing the small Neo trip and fall. He simply picked up him, his rock hard skin protecting him from his flames, seeing that his leg was only a little injured and not broken, he shoved the child anyway forward into a run.

Alan managing to recover walked up to the giant creature.

"Ummm....coach. Uh, shouldn't they stretch first. I mean you are always meant to stretch first before you exercise." Alan tried to think of an excuse to save the kids from the task.

Coach Brik cocked his brow as he thought, scratching his broken chin.

"I suppose that is true. FINE! One single lap and then we will stretch. But then I can give you real training, not just a mere 50,000 laps." He smiled.

"Good idea human!" He slammed his palm into the back of Mr Manning jovially, smashing the poor human into the ground with tremendous force thanks to the extra gravity.
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as he started to run he fell once again because of his leg and once again a loud sound and he could not run "Owwwww" he started to cry with a flame hitting the ground with every tear
he got back up and then limped to his room on the ship "Why can,t I fit in?!" he whispers."I new I wouldn't belong here?!" he whispers again.

At his room he sat packing wondering if anyone noticed him leave there was a trail of sparks leading to his room and he wished that it would all just end."This is it" he thought "I'm going to jump into a pool of water and end everything it's not like anyone will even notice" he started sobbing again "If I can't fit in then....goodbye" he thought "NO I must protect everyone so no one will ever feel the pain! NOW STOP BEING SUCH A WUSS" he yelled to himself
Karichi was relieved when she heard the new announcement from the coach. There was no way someone like her could run so many laps easily in the first place. She went ahead and started her lap trying to go at a moderate pace for it. Physical exercise was never her top priority. Karichi had always focus more on mental activities and ways she could improve on her studies. Due to that the task she had been given was not as easy as it would likely be for some other students in her class. She noticed another student fall and limp back to the ship and couldn't help but feel bad for them. But so she wouldn't be yelled at, the F1V.3 decided to keep going and kept her steady pace. The lap was long and soon enough it felt more and more tiring on her system.
Alan slowly pulled himself up off the ground again, unable to notice the small Neo boy who limped away as he had just been shoved into the ground.

He stretched his back up as he cricked his paining back, he was not loving this extra gravity. As the rest of the kids managed to completely their lap, Coach Brik 's back pipes whistled again creating the loud sound indicating for them to stop.

Alan covered his ears, being too close to the sound.

"Ok, let's start with some warm up exercises." He mentioned to the coach, hoping he might forget his insane amount of laps.

"Don't really know these warm up or stretches. I just get to it." Coach Brik said to Alan indicating for him to go ahead.

"Ok kids, let's start with a deep breath in and deep breath out." He said trying to remember some technique he had learnt the few times he had gone to gym.

"Then we stretch our hands into the air." He had to think of something long enough or who knows what Coach Brik would make them do next.
as Zacsh walked out of the ship feeling extra confident he he walked to the others and began to stretch "Hello!" he said in a loud confident voice that startled Mr Manning
(I'll post soon hold on) 
Karichi ran up to Mr. Manning and was more than ready to start warm up exercises. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. From thereshe stretched her hands up high into the air and looked up. The warm up was very relaxing to her. She smiled, "Thank you for letting us relax a little sir!" Karichi said to her teacher.
(Well if we can get at least one more person posting, yea I'd be happy to continue it) 
As Alan finished stretching with the group, he looked over the hulking Coach Brik worried what insane task he'd give them next. At the same time he wanted them to get stronger as he knew they would need it. He couldn't forget that strange figure that attacked them on the previous planet while it was exploding.

"Pst... Coach Brik." He whispered to the giant Uro so only he would hear.. "Listen I'm worried these kids don't know how to properly defend themselves. I don't want to give them anything too tough, just something to teach them basic self defense, do you th-"

Suddenly the coach blasted his whistle so loud it hurt everyone's ear as the steam blasted from the pipes on his back.

"LISTEN UP YOU PANTYWASTES! I HEAR YOU WEAKLING DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEFEND YOURSELVES!!! SO I'M GONNA TEACH YOU WEENIES HOW TO FIGHT, starting with fighting me!" He yelled out. but ending the last bit with a more calm and dark tone.

"What?!" Alan yelled out wanting to explain that is not at all what he meant, fighting a giant like him was insane.

"Oh and don't think I won't go easy on you. If you don't defend yourselves, you will die..." With that he raised all four of his fists as he slammed them down into ground with such force that create a shock wave that began smashing the ground beneath the kids to throw them off balance and cause them to fall in the cracks being formed.
(( Thank gods, I was worried there for a while ))

Chiana breathed softly through her nose as she moved through the warm ups with the rest of her class, enjoying the feeling of her muscles pulling and stretching. The run was actually quite enjoyable, while she may not be able to move as fast as a certain classmate, she was still from a very warrior mind set race. Exercise was usually enjoyable. Usually. She still preferred to read over training. And well, this wasn't fun for anyone, no way it was.

Her ears pricked up as she caught Mr. Manning's voice again, seeming to be speaking to the Urof about... Oh. Her ears flattened a bit back in embarrassment as she realized what he was saying.

Clapping her hands over the tops of her ears as the Urof blew through his pipes again, her face twisting in the pain that it caused to her sensitive hearing, she was to disoriented to really hear what the coach had to say. Slowly bringing her hands up and away from her ears, which were still flattened, she tried to get a grasp of what was happening, see if she could get what their coach had said from everyone else's reactions.

Chiang's eyes widened as Coach Brik spoke again. Yes, she'd missed something fairly important there. "Wha-" She w's cut off as he slammed his fists into the ground, it buckling beneath her feet, and she was sent tumbling.
"Leave them alone! And be nicer to them or you will get it!!!!" Zacsh yelled while creating a wall of fire to protect them "If you lay ONE finger on ANY of them you will wish you were dead!" he shouted again.he then started getting mad and catching on fire
Coach Brik smiled as the little Neo got fired up.

"Yes, thats it! That is what I want, show me what you got!" He yelled angrily as he charged through the fire, his rock hard skin protecting him from being burned alive. He burst through the flame wall with his skin a little burnt.

"You'll need to turn up the heat a lot more than that little Neo!" He said as he swung two of fists clasped together towards the little kid, ready to crush him.

Alan saw the coach charged through the flames, being covered in rock gave the coach protection from fire and he was sure the little Neo kid, Zacsh was still too young to create powerful enough flames to burn right through rock yet.

"Get out of the way, quick roll!" He yelled out, thinking of the only way out he could.
He rolled out of the way and looked around he then notice a pool of lava on the other side of the stadium he ran over pretending to be scared and waited for Coach Brik to chase him hoping he had not noticed it 

[QUOTE="Charlie Quinn]He rolled out of the way and looked around he then notice a pool of lava on the other side of the stadium he ran over pretending to be scared and waited for Coach Brik to chase him hoping he had not noticed it

(Should my posts be longer?)

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