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Fandom Guardian High

"I am sorry to be broken... And to break up our evening."
"You are much to sweet, your teeth might start to fall out." She giggled lightly.
"Well.. we went looking in my head and...we think I have some memories that have been hidden from me."
"Yes please... You're our friend as well as much more powerful..I thought that besides maybe the principal you would be the most capable."
"Well, I can certainly look around, but do you know for sure you want to see everything that might be inside?"
"Well... Is there any way to just show me what you think is important?"
"I mean...I'm not you. If I were to decide what was important it would be like me playing master of your mind. I could make you into anyone or anything I want."
"But we're friends... Here, take Epsilon with you,I trust him with my entire life and mind."
"I don't much like the idea of being inside your head without you being a part of whatever may change. Even though Epsilon loves you dearly, there's no guarantee he'd do what you desired."

"He's right, my sweet. My best intentions might be wrong."
"Alright then.... I dint know what to do then..if I blocked them myself I might not want to see them."
"Well...no I should do this... But if the memories been sealed been you, the principal or any other staff we leave it alone."
"Not you particularly..But anyone I trust.. if it was sealed away by anyone we know..."
"Ok.." She opened her mind completely, upon entry it seemed like it's own city, populated by thoughts and ideas.
He looks it over with Epsilon. "Hm...quite a bit in here that's been locked up...actually...more of her mind is locked than isn't!"
This was news to Illaoi, though she started silent...wondering just how extensive this was..."
"Illaoi...I'm going to open up these buildings and boxes. See everything you've lost and put it into my computer."
"Ok..." Illaoi said softly, scared if what they might find, she held onto Epsilon's hand.

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