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Fantasy Group of immortals rp - OCs


Fly me to the moon...
Character sheet:

OOC/plot information:

Are you open to pre-established relationships (be it platonic or romantic)?:
When/where would you like to start the story with your character (before/during their meeting with the group or after they've known each other for a while)?:

Character information:
When did they found out they are immortal:
Place of birth:
OOC/plot information:

Are you open to pre-established relationships (be it platonic or romantic)?: Yes to both. I like the idea of pre-established relationships, so message me if you're interested in that with my character :)

When/where would you like to start the story with your character (before/during their meeting with the group or after they've known each other for a while)?: I’m open to anything

Character information:

Name: Alexandra of Sparta

Age: 2502

When did they found out they are immortal: When she was coming back from the market, Alexandra was viciously attacked by a criminal. To her – and the criminal’s – surprise, the numerous stab wounds healed immensely quickly. Needless to say, out of the two of them, it wasn’t Alexandra who lost her life that day.

Place of birth: Sparta, Ancient Greece

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Alexandra is tough, fierce, but also kind. Born in Sparta, Alexandra was taught to value toughness, discipline and honor. Despite that, she’s kind and protective and caring over her friends and family. She’s not afraid to speak her mind and will fight, if needed, to defend her right to do so. She hold herself with an earned confidence that at times can slip into cockiness. Alexandra also values honesty, and can be blunt at times.

In battle, she’s a force to be reckoned with. Alexandra is fierce, stupidly brave and seems to have an incredible pain tolerance. She usually is not cruel, as she takes no joy from killing, but can be if the situation calls for it. Alexandra is not one to back down and won’t ever back away from a fight – which has caused her trouble over the ages. Her battle eagerness means that she will likely put herself in dangerous situations.

Years of fighting enforced the warrior values within her, but also had a more negative effect on her. After all, immortality can be both a curse and a blessing. Her coping method for existential pain? Learning. She has an immense passion and an almost child-like love for languages, geography and tactics.

Skillset: Alexandra is a skilled linguist and is fluent in numerous languages. She’s also skilled in topics related to geography and battle tactics. She’s an incredibly skilled combatant and can wield numerous weapons – though a Greek kopis sword remains her main choice. She’s also a good marksman, though she is more proficient in close combat than long-distance combat. Alexandra also likes to dance.


Alexandra was born in Sparta in 482 BC. She had a standard childhood, and married at the age of 18. She had two sons, who later died in battle. Her husband soon followed. Alexandra chose to not remarry. After discovering her immense healing abilities, Alexandra was allowed into the army itself and served there for many years. After she helped the Greek army defeat the Thebans – which, she concluded, was the reason she was made immortal – she left Greece and started traveling throughout the world to learn about different cultures and fighting techniques as well as learn more languages.

She returned to the Mediterranean’s when the Roman Empire was at its peak. She fought battles alongside the legionnaires, met the Caesar and even entertained the job of a gladiatrix for a few years. Alexandra moved on after that, continuing her travel across the globe, trying to broaden her horizons and find others like her.

During the Dark Ages she was accused of witchcraft and underwent months of torture until she escaped. She spent a few years away from civilization after that, losing her faith in humanity for a while. But brooding was never her thing and she moved on.

Throughout history, she fought for what she believed was right. Battles, wars – she took part in too many of them to even list. And now? Now, she’s continuing her missions, as she genuinely believes that that is her purpose in this world.
OOC/plot information:
Are you open to pre-established relationships (be it platonic or romantic) Of Course

When/where would you like to start the story with your character (before/during their meeting with the group or after they've known each other for a while) Anything is fine with me.

Character information:

Name: Sincere Noir (Currently) Antoni Gilded (Formerly) Anansi of Egypt (Originally)

Age: Appears 22

When did they find out they were immortal: 3 BC, but he was raised being told he was immortal.

Place of birth: The Mediteranian Sea

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual


Height: 6’2

Weight: 142lbs

Eye Color: Grey

Hair Color: Black



Sincere is a creative at heart and in every way possible. From singing in the shower to dancing while waiting in long lines, he expresses his imagination and creativity however he can. At his core Sincere is selfish, vain, and proud. His early years have instilled in him a sense of superiority that has yet to be shaken by time or experience. That being said, he did learn compassion, empathy, and sacrifice from his time playing god. He cares deeply for the well-being of his loved ones and goes to remarkable lengths to bring them happiness, even if he must get his hands dirty to do so.

Interacting with others is an easy task for Sincere as he has always been surrounded by multitudes of people and spoken upon some of the grandest stages in history. He can fake the most genuine smile and can wear the saddest face even when happier than a bird in the sky. Lying is a talent of his, honed through centuries of acting and practice.

When fighting in combat Sincere is a bit absent. He prefers to fight his opponents using stealth and weaponry or items that allow him to inflict pain with little risk to himself. Sneak attacks, archery, and the use of poison are Sincere’s preferred method of warfare.

Skillset: Anansi’s skills lean more towards the shadows and unseen arts. Taking down enemies unnoticed, undermining and undoing the efforts of another, and moving unseen are skills Anansi is known for. He is also a world historian and speaks perfect Latin, Arabic, Maya and Spanish. He is of course a phenomenal actor.


During the final century of the Egyptian empire a woman and her husband sailed across the sea from Africa to Italy for the final time. During their voyage the woman became a mother, finally going into labor and giving birth to an immortal baby. The day prior to their arrival in the roman empire, the ship was destroyed by a violent storm that could only have been the work of Poseidon himself. The crew and every passenger died, even the newborn baby, but in the morning as the sun rose on the beaches of Italy, the cries of an infant drew the attention of a traveling theater group. The shrieking baby was all that had washed up from the wreckage, the rest lost to the sea. Seeing him there in the sand, basking in sunlight, unharmed and seemingly healthy, the eldest of the group declared the baby a child of Jupiter. A newborn god.

Anansi, is what the African immigrants called him and that is the name he chose while the Italians named him Dionysus in belief he was the god of Theater for having appeared to a theater group. He was worshiped off and on stage as a superior being and this fame drew the attention of the Emperor himself. How could a god walk among them and not meet the Emperor of Rome to bestow his blessings upon their leader. Anansi was amused and refused the Emperor’s audience. Although he had been raised by and grew up among mortals, he did not believe anyone to be above himself, not even an Emperor with massive armies. For his refusal, the armies of Rome were sent to Anansi’s home town to challenge the boy’s divinity. When faced with the overwhelming might of Rome, Anansi’s home was crushed and he would have become a prisoner had a stranger not shown up and rescued him.

The two fled from Rome, but Anansi was used to a more lavish lifestyle and quickly sought out new worshipers. And he found them, even those that would wage war for the god of theater. Eventually the followers became fewer and fewer until Christianity put an end to Rome’s pantheon and killed many polytheistic religions in the “civilized” world. That was when he left Europe and traveled to what is now known as South America. There the natives swooned over his immortality and the cycle began anew. This time he learned to fight from his Mayan followers and waged war beside them against neighboring empires and foreign invaders.

Having lived for so long at this point, Anansi could see the signs of decline like a red alert going off. Yet another empire began to fall and he could do nothing to prevent it. For all his immortality he lacked the power to stave off time and soon enough even the Mayans ceased to believe in him and eventually they fell. He was now hard pressed for followers again, Those who would have gone to war for Anansi were now gone and so he sought out his old hero and vowed to stay by their side till the end of time. The rest is history.

This is an Aztec/Mayan weapon called Macuahuitl, it
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Are you open to pre-established relationships (be it platonic or romantic): Of course!

When/Where would you like to start the story with your character (before/during their meeting with the group or after they've known each other for awhile: Whatever works best for everyone else!

Name: Noah Bennett

Age: 244

When they found out they are immortal: There really wasn't an official moment, but when his nieces and nephews died, it seemed to click in his head that he couldn't.

Place of Birth: New York

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual


Personality: Noah is a very passionate, albeit quiet person. He is very observant of his surroundings, and he oftentimes could be seen as too emotional. Noah is caring and bright, but a part of him is also reserved in fear of abandonment.

Skillset: Noah is a great medic, who after raising children and later on going on missions, has learned to use his skills efficiently. Although not amazing at it, Noah knows how to use a bow and arrow, but prefers to use that for hunting and such. He has also picked up a knack for teaching.

Biography: Having been born into the start of a revolution for his country, Noah's life was to an odd start. He was fortunate enough to be born into a family with steady income, and didn't have to worry much about economic disaster as his age. He was not given a formal education, but was taught by his older sister Georgia, who grew to become his best friend, even at a young age.
Noah spent most of his years during the war playing like a child, working outside, and living an ordinary life. He didn't learn about the actual war until later on, mostly because his mother had sheltered him from the outside. She did this out of fear that they'd take Noah into the war because he was a strong, healthy child.
When the war ended, his family life started to change. Upon hearing about the death of Noah's father at the final battle, Noah's mother goes into a state of shock. It was as if most of her body had shut down. Georgia took over the role of mother in the house, and raised Noah throughout his teenage years. Those years were a blur for everyone in the household, including Noah.
Noah went off to pursue a degree in health and science, much to the encouragement of Georgia, who believed there was more to him than just the farmhouse his entire life.
He returned home after hard work earning his certificate as a doctor, only for his mother to pass a few weeks later. Once again devastation struck the household, leaving Georgia alone. So, Noah decided to stay with her.
His biggest clue that something was not right with him was when his sister, along with the family she had married into, began aging before his eyes, yet he remained youthful. The years passed and he watched his beloved sister and her husband die, and took on the task of raising their five children. He was oftentimes frustrated with the fact that he never got to use his degree, but upon seeing the beautiful children grow up, he knew it was worth it. When the children reached their young adult years, Noah knew something was up. He witnessed the passing of each of them, and from then on, Noah was on his own.
He never joined another family, or married. It was a complicated situation, he didn't want to fall in love and watch them die. Not only that, but he didn't have a preference for any gender, but having grown up the way he did, it was nailed into him that it was bad. So he never truly felt like himself.
Now Noah dedicates himself to something new, which is going on missions to save the world. It's a temporary fix for his emptiness that unbeknownst to him, is there due to his lack of family and loved ones around.
Aoife (eefa) E for short Ó Catháin (o'Kane)

Born some time in the summer 1673.

When did they found out they are immortal:
Age 16 was married off to a mentally ill man. Accused her of being a changeling and burned her alive in their cottage.

Place of birth:
Karne, County Cork Ire (no longer exists probably somewhere west of Nad)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Fluid
Leaving Facebook.jpg
Personality: A long life has made Aoife a realist, and she prefers the term humanist. We are all sacks of flesh no mater the skin tone or sex. To pretend otherwise is foolish. She has an unforgiving hot spot for abusers and rapists especially when children are involved. In general she prefers animals to people and runs an animal rescue out of her mansion estate in Virginia. Otherwise she is a gentle, empathetic, and easy going person. Strong in the common sense department and very observant. Depression is a constant struggle given she is the only constant in her very long life. Every morning she cuts the palm of her hand just to see if she is still immortal, and sometimes just to feel something (no point in being suicidal). Personal philosophy is to enjoy life while leaving it better than you found it. No matter how long you live the world will always surprise you.

Skillset: Sniper, Archery, Recognizance

Biography: Aoife grew up in a poor farming community. A place isolated enough to still hold on to the old ways while making a show in the church every Sunday. Number 5 of 8 kids Aoife was willful and happy to live in the sidelines but she became too old to live with her parents and with so many mouths to feed She was sold off in marriage. The man she was sold to wasn't exactly stable and had been through several wives already two of them died in child birth the last beaten to death. Aoife would be his Opus. After a year of abuse and rape he was furious that she didn't give him any more kids and became convinced the fairies stole her away and left an imposer in her place. He put her through test after test under the supervision of the village elders. She resisted and for the most part proved her husband wrong, but he wasn't convinced so he set the house a flame as she lay unconscious inside with two of his infant children with her. Abandoned in a smoldering ruin she crawled her way out and into the woods. She hid knowing she could never show her face again. The husband was never arrested or charged but he was found impaled and burned in the middle of his fields a few weeks later.

For decade life was more or less a blur. The only thing she can remember clearly were her dreams. Moving from town to town taking odd jobs and keeping her head down Aoife found her self becoming increasingly isolated. That was until Marcus who was immortal found her. He took her in without expectation of any payment. Taught her to read and write, math and skills to survive including to fight. She traveled with him with a new identity as his daughter. He introduced her to other immortals and together did what they could to make a difference in the world. That was until he became sick with the Spanish flu. The fact he was sick told them he wasn't likely to survive. At least they had time to say goodbye and get affairs in order. She continued to do good. Since learning to write she has kept diaries; which she writes in old Irish so most people can't read it even if they could find her vault in her mansion in Virginia. She shadow organizes the estate but it is owned and run under many different names. If anyone asks who she is she says she is a volunteer coming and going as the grounds changes hands. When she isn't working with animals she is on mission with others like herself.
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OOC/plot information:
Are you open to pre-established relationships (be it platonic or romantic)?: Yes
When/where would you like to start the story with your character (before/during their meeting with the group or after they've known each other for a while)?: Wherever is most convenient for everyone

Character information:
Theresa (Tess or Tessa) Holmes
Age: 158
When did they found out they are immortal: at the age of 21
Place of birth: Wales
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Tessa shields herself from the world with cynicism and a blase attitude, but behind the wall of sarcasm and recklessness lies a heart of gold. With great capacity for love, empathy for the downtrodden, and a fierce passion for what she considers justice, Tessa would make a valuable ally to anyone persistent enough to withstand her sharp tongue and bluntness. Unfortunately, loss has made Tessa cold and bitter, rarely willing to develop a true relationship with those around her. Rather, she prefers the lifestyle of the lone wolf.

Skillset: From years of hiding her true feelings, Tessa has developed incredible skill in deception, making her excellent in both undercover work and reconnaissance. As far as weaponry, she feels comfortable defending herself with just about anything and enjoys improvising when she gets herself into tight spots. That being said, her go-to is a pair of kindjals, which she wields expertly.

Tessa was born and raised on a sheep farm in the Welsh countryside. A seemingly ordinary, albeit unusually pretty, young girl, Tessa was the youngest of three. Her two older brothers, named George and Johnathan, assisted her father in tending the sheep and maintaining the farm, while her mother took care of the cooking, sewing, cleaning, and everything else that needed doing around the house. Evenings, Tessa's father would sit with her, book in hand, and teach her to read. He sparked in her a great love for literature, which she carries with her still. When she was barely a teen, Tessa's father fell ill with consumption and eventually passed, though not before taking George and Jonathan with him. Until then, Tessa had been blissfully unaware of how tight money was in their household, leaving her shocked when her mother announced that she had sold the farm. With nobody to tend the sheep, her mother decided to move them to London to find work.
While her mother found work in the factories, Tessa was hired as a parlor maid for one of the wealthy families. It was a precarious position, one which she knew depended on her youthfulness and good looks, but she didn't mind it terribly and the other servants were kind to her. Then everything changed. Henry, the eldest son of the household took a liking to her, and despite her better judgement, Tessa found herself falling for him. Over the course of their secret courtship, Tessa became pregnant and Henry had no choice but to go to his father, who, outraged at the disgrace Henry had brought on the family name, disowned him. Tessa and Henry married at their first opportunity and took refuge with Tessa's mother, who died shortly thereafter. The pregnancy was a difficult one that ended in tragedy when Tessa miscarried. Broken under the weight sorrow, Tessa took ill, only leaving bed to answer a knock on the door. The officer standing before her wore a baleful expression, and went on to say that he regretted to inform her that Henry had been found dead in a gutter after an altercation in a gambling den to which he supposedly owed money.
Following the death of her husband, Tessa was left alone on the streets of London, grieving her lost husband and unborn child. While wandering the streets one night starving and in search of shelter from the perpetual rain, two men attacked her, beat her into submission, and choked her until the life went out of her eyes. Left on the street to die, Tessa awoke gasping for air, her eyes wide as she frantically scanned the street for her attackers. She gaped at her hands, horrified at the mixing of blood - her blood - and rainwater that ran down them in rivulets. Her dress was soaked through with rain and blood, smeared with the grime that covered the cobblestones, and around her glimmered a pool of blood. Only then did realization dawn on her. It hadn't been some feverish dream. She had been murdered, yet here she was, alive and breathing.
Vowing never to be caught defenseless again, Tessa endeavored to learn to protect herself. Ever since, she has been on a one woman mission to deliver justice to those who prey upon the weak, determined to protect others from the harsh realization that the world was a dark and cruel place.
Are you open to pre-established relationships (be it platonic or romantic)?: Yes

When/where would you like to start the story with your character (before/during their meeting with the group or after they've known each other for a while)?: My preference would be after. One of them would know him or of him, and they'll reach out when his skills can be of help. He won't want to leave then.

Name: Gustav Thorsen

Age: appears about 30, was born in 974 AD

When did they found out they are immortal: A raid on his village in the year 1002 that went down in history as St. Brice's day Massacre. He was the sole survivor.

Place of birth: near Oxford, England

Gender: male

Sexuality: cis male


Personality: Gustav is a loner. He's quiet and reserved. The harsh manner of how his Immortality became known to him made the survival of others, and especially under dogs, something that drove him. the main force that drove him forward. He's patient and sincere, hard working and unassuming. He despises violence for violence sake and while he's a good fighter, would take a hit rather than kill unless someone else is in danger.

Skillset: Gustav is a remarkable carpenter. It is how he made a living all of his life and can be artisinal, though he leans toward the practical and functional. He can fix almost anything. He speaks several languages and is very good with old school weapons (sword and bow would be his go to). He hardly ever uses gun and isn't a particularly good shot with them.

Gustav was born in 974 in a small Danish village in the English countryside. He lived there until the years 1002, when the English king Aethelred, angered by the Viking raids on his shores, ordered the killing of every person of Danish heritage within the borders of his realm. The cruel murders took place on St. Brice’s day and thus the day Gustav first died in went down in history as The St. Brice's Day Massacre.

When he woke up he found his home ransacked and his family murdered. Maddened by what happened and without anyone to explain to him why he survived, he made a grief stricken existence for himself in the woods near the ruins of his village. He lived there for several months, sure this was a punishment from god for a in he could not fathom. When another Immortal passed in the area and found him, he learned why he survived.

In the years since, Gustav did what he needed to in order to survive. He mastered the use of sword in addition to his skill with the bow but only used them in defense of others. He traveled when he needed to, preferring to stay put in any given location for as long as he could until suspicion of the man who doesn't age grew.

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