Griselda Mormont

Aura Of Twilight

☆☆Professional space cadet ☆☆
Roleplay Type(s)

Hello, my name is: Griselda Mormont, but you can call me Zelda if you want. Pleasure to meet you.

I am: Seventeen years old

If you can't tell what I am, I am: Female, last time I checked.

I am a: Completely normal, average and everyday human. Boring, right? (Although she isn't sure what type, she's actually a young, but "failed", Aura, Manticore Grimm. She's about half as tall as the grimm in the picture.)

My orientation is: Heterosexual.

I am about: 5'7 in height, not too tall, not too short. About average for a young woman of Remnant.

I weigh about: ...130 pounds. Why do you ask?

Look at my scars: Aren't these questions getting a bit, er, personal? Like any Huntress in training, I've gotten a few scars along the way, but nothing my aura doesn't heal in time. (Actually, I have quite a few slash marks on my back, but I'd rather not go into detail about those...I also have the markings of Grimm all over my body, but most of it I can cover up with clothes and armor.)

My most distinguishing features: Well, for some reason I was born with pointy ears, like an elf. (Actually, it was the experiments) I'm also an albino, meaning I have white hair and red eyes that if you look closely they have a yellow line running through the middle of them. (I originally had black hair, but due to hair turned white. If you look closely though there are strands of black and red.)

Role: Just a student wanting to become a huntress!

My team is called: ...I don't know yet. But I'm looking forward to finding out.

I really like: Reading romantic novels, being outdoors, not wearing any shoes because I like to feel the grass and dirt beneath my feet, training...and to an unfortunate extent, fighting. (Oh sweet, sweet chaos and despair...)

I really don't like: Being cramped up indoors, wearing formal clothing, very rocky places, most forms of technology because they seem to dislike me, and being utterly alone with that...that my head.

Some of the thing I like to do: Besides what I listed above...? Er, it's corny, but I enjoy helping people

My semblance is: Called Gamble. Or in other words, aura to energy conversion. This basically allows me to burn off a portion of my soul to cause a form of stasis to objects and living beings, making them stop, move, or hit something with immense force. On the other hand, this means I burn off my aura quicker and am more susceptible to injuries. The required amount of concentration is immense. Also, and I consider this more of a bane than a boon, I can take energy off of other beings with aura if they allow me to or are sleeping. I don't like using that part of my semblance... It makes me feel like a blood sucking vampire or something. No pun intended. (And the pleasurable sensation afterwards...It honestly frightens me. There's some sort of voice roaring in my head...)

I can also: Be quite flexible and agile, like a dancer and I guess good instincts as well. That's what some people tell me at any rate. I know there's more to that though.

(She also has Manticore Physiology, negative emotion empowerment, and super natural condition at the basic level of a Grimm. Her Grimm half is young and inexperienced, but still packs quite the punch and should not be underestimated.)

My weapon I use is: Nebula Striker. It's basically a crossbow with compartments for dust, with its secondary form being a sledge hammer. Both forms benefit from my semblance. A bolt hitting a monster at a 100 miles an hour? That'll hit like a stampeding Goliath Grimm. Err...if everything goes well that is.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses: Like everyone, I'm not perfect. Combat both frightens and excites me, but if I lose control, then I really lose control (like some other souless creatures of darkness.) I don't always do well in the heat and electricity, even with the gaps in my armor. The elements can really sap away at my aura. And if I end up in water? If I don't have enough Aura left, I might just drown. My armor is both a blessing and a curse.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet: ...I don't really want to talk about my past. Honestly I would rather talk about something else, but if I must...Well, I don't quite remember most of my childhood. It's all a blur, literally. I know I was a sickly thing, if my tiny bit of memories are any indication, and that my aura was actually slowly killing me from the inside. I recall a black haired woman with tears in her eyes handing me off to some soldiers in military gear, but what she said during that time is lost to me. Might she have been my mother? I'm not sure. I could just feel such sadness coming from her...It keeps me up at night to this day thinking of it. My life then changed forever after that, when I found myself in some sort of lab, surrounded by scientists and being poked and prodded like some sort of specimen, all sorts of needles piercing my skin...

They told me they would make me better. Stronger. That I would be a hero. Somehow, despite being as young as I was, I didn't quite even then believe them. I was scared, so scared. When they finally inserted some Grimm blood into my veins...well, that part my mind blocked out what I assume was an incredible amount of agony. Everything went black, and I floated...I was nothing. Nothing. The darkness wrapped around me like a cocoon, shielding me from the pain. When I suddenly found the ability to open my eyes again, I was standing by a girl lying on a table, no older than ten, who looked very much like me, only her hair had turned white and there was an odd marking in the center of her chest. Her chest wasn't moving up and down like it should, despite the scientists and doctors best efforts to try otherwise. The heart monitor was flat lining. Oh Oum. I realized at that moment. That's me.

What happened next I'm not sure. It's...indescribable. I just know that I found myself back in my body, somehow alive and in the wilderness, surrounded by nothing but trees. I remember wandering endlessly...until I was found by a stranger that I later learned was a huntsman who had been doing a mission in the forest. For once I was lucky. He took me home to his wife and child, since I had no where else to go, and I became part of the family. It wasn't easy. I was frightened of everyone and everything at first, but over time I slowly started becoming a normal child again. I played with the other kids in the village, which was in a corner of Vale, and lived happily, eventually deciding that I wanted to be a huntress when I got older. The day I entered Signal Academy though, my past came back to haunt me, when the thing my mind had been trying to block for so long was finally set free. I didn't go on a rampage or anything like that, but I felt a presence in my mind from then on. When I would sleep, I would dream of darkness and red eyes. When I got angry about something, I almost couldn't control myself and wanted to destroy. When others got sad, I would feel myself get stronger. There was no use denying it, once I connected the dots. A Grimm was a part of me now or rather...I was part Grimm.

But I was still myself. Still me. My adopted father, that huntsman, no doubt had known something was up with me the day he found me in that forest, but had kept quiet about it. For that, I was immensely grateful. But I knew from then on I would have to be extremely careful if I still wanted to be a huntress. When I finally turned 17, I was on my way to Beacon Academy.

The songs I like to listen to: Oh! Anything instrumental and some opera. What can I say? I like the classics.

Just some other misc. things about me: Well, most electronics and me don't well together. I'm just horrible at understanding them, except for my scroll of course. I'm a bit of an insomniac and enjoying taking midnight walks, as long as I have my weapon at my side. I don't really like sleeping because of the nightmares. I feel like I'm approachable person, although I can be reserved at times.
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