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Fantasy Grimoire: Seek the End Characters


New Member
A few key pieces of information before you start making your character sheet. 

The technology level of the universe this game takes place in is Magicpunk Modern, or in simple terms it is at the technology level of the current day but instead of electricity and oil the world runs on energy produced by massive generators the Zeritics left behind during their occupation of the world. Satellite communication doesn't exist, but short ranged telecommunication exists. Mobile phones are a growing trend and the internet as we know it is still in its infancy. Technological innovation relies almost entirely on what researchers manage to discover from old Zeritics technology, so one day you might have a biplane, and the next you can see a fighter jet flying overhead. But at this point Grimoire users are still the only thing able to harm the invading Zeritics

A Grimoire will natural appear to the person who it deems worthy the moment its current owner dies or becomes unable to continue fighting (i.e. they lose motor ability, go into a coma, or die). The Grimoire will never leave the person it has chosen, and will draw that person to read it and learn of its power. The writing itself seems random to anyone else, but a Grimoire user will always understand their own book regardless of literacy. Those who wield Grimoire's will always feel drawn to kill Zeritics even if they have no direct grudge against the beings. 

If you have further questions feel free to contact me. 


Age: (15-21 makes up those who are new to their Grimoire)

Grimoire Name: From Necronomicon to the Dead Sea Scrolls, give your Grimoire a name you like.

Grimoire Type: Gehenna, Shining, Natural

Grimoire Primary Ability: Does your books collections of spells focus on the destructive element or lose some power in favor of weaving defenses? Does your book summon swords or armies of murderous mice? Of course your book will have some variety to it, but this is for really showing what you want your character to be specialized in. 

Grand Spell: This is the ultimate ability of your Grimoire, the final trump card when everything else has failed. This can be the summoning of a massive creature, an attack of grand proportions, or a spell that empowers those around you to cast even more power spells. The cost of using this is an almost instant hit to what your Grimoire drains from your characters. Gehenna Grimoire holders might lose all ability to feel for a few days, Shining Grimoire users can become utterly obsessed with their particular set of morals, calling each person out on the tiniest detail. And for Natural users they suffer the amount of blunt force trauma that might come from being hit by a moving vehicle. This is your most powerful spell, but in exchange you will rarely have the chance to truly use it. 

Personality: Describe your character in a few simple sentences. Are they someone who seeks justice for the powerless and wants to protect out of the goodness of their hearts? Or maybe they just like the benefits of the job. 

Backstory: Your characters live now in Sanctum, but that may not have always been the case. Did they come from a lower class family of farmers in constant fear of the next attack? Or did they live in comfort in the large cities were the middle and upper class took root. This is the place for you to tell us what lead up to your character being drafted.

Apperance: What your character looks like.
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