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One x One Grimm's Dark Secret

@Risky Vetis

Hello, just checking in ^^

I've got a couple more posts to make first, but I'll be here to bounce ideas off. On that note, I assume I'll post first? And where do I start? In the forest?
Yes you would start first, because of the post for setting/plot leads with a lot of information about the beast's location and actions over a short coarse of time its safe to assume that you would start somewhere close to the forest. However if you really wanted to start elsewhere I wouldn't stop you, could start at the castle in audience with the King or in your home town. Really I give no limitations to what you want to do, I actually welcome a background story or small adventure that lead you to this mission/hunt and the forest. So long as I have a basic understanding of what is happening I don't mind a side story.

This is also the only roleplay I am involved in at the moment, trying to contact a few old partners from Gaia to have them come here so we can try to continue where we left off.
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You are also welcome to have more than one main characters such as brothers/partners/lovers. I have had several roleplays in the past succeed because there were two completely different characters to interact with. One Nice/Mean or Good/Evil. Although that is again completely up to you.
Cool, thanks for letting me know.

I apologise for taking so long. I still have two threads to start and a few more replies that were in line before this ( :( )
Seriously no worries, I understand the feeling. I have plenty to keep me distracted at the moment anyhow, like Dead by Daylight. Very good horror game on steam.
I have been thinking about adding a little something more, so I guess I will start us off although I don't know when I will get it up. Considering I am bored out of my mind at the moment I will be working on it momentarily. It won't reveal anything about my character's identity, mostly revealing more landmarks or points of interest where your character may or may not stumble upon. It will also explain the nature of the magical darkness and why most counter magics have little to no effect in dispelling it. I know you are very busy, normally I am too, however, I have vacation time to use up before the beginning of August so I am home a lot right now. I am very patient so take your time, just keep me updated on your progress.
I actually have the first part of my post done. But I don't mind outlining what I have in mind for my first post. By the way, my character would be a summoner.

Anyway, here's a brief summary. He is waiting in a tavern in town for the rest of his teammates to begin the next hunt. The reason he was left behind was due to him sustaining injuries in the last 'mission' which put him out of commission. During his recovery period, his team was needed in the area to track down a beast that was last sighted near Grimm. It was meant to be a fairly simple mission but they were late in returning. Tired of waiting for them, he set out to track them down, receiving information of their demise along the way. Hence, his desire for revenge on the mysterious beast. I plan to have it end at him entering the forest, or with him finding all the clues left behind.
Actually, that works very well with what I have so far. Do you want/need any of them as side characters? Else my post put simply is a group of hunters being attacked/killed from within the Grimm's Wood. Let me know so I can edit accordingly. Almost done too, plan on finishing in the morning when I get home from work.
Oh no, I plan to have them all killed. There are four in total, one archer, two warriors and one light mage/healer (just in case you need to reference the brief fight or something).

Also, I'll be working for the next two days. Hopefully I can get my post done before or just after then.
That's funny, that exactly what I had already set up for my post. Most hunting parties have an archer, warriors, and a mage; guess all I will have to do really is finish editing the post I currently have written. I'm working on that now so I should have it up before the end of the day, so long as I don't get distracted.
Alright, I finished the post. I am actually very relieved that you chose to be a summoner, because of this character's history it will tie our characters together very quickly without causing a massive pile of confusion. I'll let you on those small details at a later time. I don't want to reveal too much, but quite obviously the place you want to try to reach is the lake. From there the rest of the mystery will become more clear.
I hope that was adequate. I didn't want to go to the lake straight up because it would just be rushing the plot forward too fast, in my opinion. If anything needs to be changed, feel free to tell me ^^
It's great actually, no changes needed. I will be typing up a post as soon as I get home from work. Got so many different ideas about how to start this engagement.
I'm probably going to get it done tomorrow, it's so nice outside I am considering a day out at the lake. Supposed to rain all day tomorrow anyways, perfect weather to type. Don't you agree?
I also have a bad habit of losing motivation if I sit on a post for too long, I try to get them done quickly so all my ideas don't run dry.
Haha...I agree. Whenever's fine with you. I've got to clean the house tomorrow (again) and will be working on Sunday. So plenty of time ^^
I have the majority of it done, mostly adding/editing left. Might wait until tomorrow morning to post it, very scatterbrained today.
I did have more to this post however, I feel like it is forcing a quick engagement/battle too soon. This way you have time to set up strategy/trap, let me know what you think.
I think it was a great place to end!

Well, I don't think I'll be much of a trapper, but yes, it does give me time to strategise before the confrontation ^^
I do have a series of pictures for this character as well if you need a visual aid. Been using him for a very long time, however, each time I end up roleplaying with him things evolve making the plot everchanging.
Oh, I am most certainly curious, but I shall abstain from taking a look at the visual image of him. I would like to piece a picture of him together in my head first, then see what I come up with. If I am truly still vague about it, I shall ask you for a picture ^^

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