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Grimm's Dark Secret (Closed)

Risky Vetis

New Member

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Red was the sky as the sun slowly crept over the landscape to reveal the thick clouds of smoke drifting lazily through the chilled wind, the smell of death hung thickly against the crisp morning breeze as the road ahead reveals a massacre. Further down the dirt road which leads to once was a small village was a battle scene. Charred earth and burnt remains of building structures lay scattered throughout as broken wagons and half eaten livestock littered the surrounding fields. The poor unlucky victims of this once small and peaceful community lay in pieces all around, makeshift barricades and shattered weapons explained much as the carnage and death showed that even their efforts to defend themselves did little against whatever had destroyed the village. The insignia of the King’s knights was dotted across the piles of bodies as even a military defense proved ineffective against this recent attack. From their armor massive and gaping wounds showed how little the steel could defend from such an attack while deep slashing flesh wounds showed a bit more of the nature of this particular killer. The townsfolk didn’t face some rogue bear or lion, the injuries didn’t match up to any of these animals as missing extremities as well as the massive bite punctures pointed to something much larger. Given a number of body parts missing as well as the amount of flesh consumed from the corpses of both man and beast, this creature in question had quite a massive appetite. But again the question becomes what beast did this? Only more questions can be gathered upon inspecting the carnage further in detail, the lack of any real animal tracks which would belong to a predator was none existent. Furthermore, nearly all the weapons littered across the area were clean, did they not get a single hit on the beast? Considering the preparations for this battle as well as the presence of the King’s men one would have to assume they would try to kill the thing, and yet there wasn’t a single bit of evidence that revealed anything about their killer. The nature of this beast and how it kills suggests it is not some mindless blood lust creature, but rather a methodical killer. What sort of monster could possibly be responsible for this?





Not to mention that this isn’t the first, over the last few ten-day this attack would mark the eighth village to fall victim to this destruction. Gazing out to the east, some to guess the few possible monsters that could have come to kill all these people for lingering just off the road a daunting looking forest stretch all across the countryside and around Moondale Lake. It was called Grimm’s wood, after the creatures that used to inhabit the dead forest. This place was known throughout the Kingdom of Saffron, solely for the dangers, this forest presented to any unwelcome humans. Death was a guarantee for any who entered, as those brave or stupid enough to venture in have never returned. This forever dark and gloomy maze of death was also called Reaper’s fate, as even fire to rid the forest and its monsters proved useless against the impenetrable darkness. Eerily dead and creepy trees make up most of the forest as little else can thrive in the lightness-darkness of the wood, while nearly at the center a crescent shape lake provided the only relief from the shadows. A small clearing around the lake provides the only relief from the darkness as the tall grass and large boulders create the only safe zone within the forest. Reaching this point, however, is nearly impossible, considering the amount of magic surrounding the forest to keep the darkness widespread, something else was at work within the shadows. Forced to take action to protect the people of the land, armies have been sent in along with paid mercenaries to kill any and all monsters which reside within the dreaded forest. Over the course of several decades, the war’s within had been fought and slowly the monsters were slain until finally it was declared Grimm free, yet the people still lived in fear. It was for this reason the King ordered mages to seal the forest from any remained monsters that may venture out, only humans could pass through the perimeter of bells the surrounded the entire circumference of the Grimm Wood. Yet even with this powerful magic to keep the people safe from attacks from these vile beasts, the attacks have not only continued, but increased. Now this, the eighth village to be destroyed quite literally overnight. But how?





Even if there were any surviving beasts within the forest, how could the break the barrier to venture out of the sealed forest? Now forced to call for aid as the growing panic endangers the land, the King began hiring anyone willing to risk their life to hunting and kill this beast that still haunts his kingdom. A mountain of gold, as well as a large sum of land, had been promised to any bold and courageous enough to hunt this beast. Many novice and inexperienced villages and farmers, of course, jumped at the claim, the promise of wealth and fame too much to keep to hiding in their cozy homes. But as the days go by, the number of people venture in the Grimm wood had dramatically declined as not a single person has come out of this damned land. As the days had turned into weeks, the front line or first response of fighters within the wood never returned and the desire of a new life slowly killed the spirits of any who would want a better life for themselves and their families. Panic has already begun to turn to hysteria as many villagers have packed up and left the kingdom rather than die a horrible death as the village attacks not only continue, but are getting further and further from the previously declared danger zone. No one is safe anymore, soon the King’s castle will be within reach to be targeted next. His men already proved unable to deter or defend the people from this slaughter and it seems as if nothing will stop this monster as it destroys everything in its path. Just what the hell was this monster that was plaguing the lands with death? The kills all were the same, swift yet brutal all the same. Perhaps this isn’t some creature of nature or even some abomination, but something of magic instead. In these times where man struggles to walk beside gods, the theory has become one of some spiteful god ridding the land of humans.





Since conflicts between gods and man aren’t uncommon in the world of human-dwellers, it could be possible that this land had become some battlefield between heaven and hell. And the humans, of course, were just bystanders, weak beings to be sacrificed to the cause. But even in these dark time, few have risen up against the gods to fight against these beasts of lore. These beings either specially trained in combat or magically gifted in the magic arts have become individuals to reckon with, they have become the symbol of earth’s freedom. The God Slayers. Cliché, yes! But as their achievements and experience grow, so does their strength and knowledge to handle any abomination of god or the devil. Over the turn of the century, many gods and demons have fallen by their sword or magic, some have even been captured and reformed to fight for the sake of humanity. But even then, not all are willing. Hidden somewhere within the shadows of the Grimm’s Wood, the secrets of this ruthless killer will be found. Is it another god, or just some monster straight out of our nightmares?





Perhaps this isn’t some creature of nature or even some abomination, but something of magic instead. In these times where man struggles to walk beside gods, the theory has become one of some spiteful god ridding the land of humans. Since conflicts between gods and man aren’t uncommon in the world of human-dwellers, it could be possible that this land had become some battlefield between heaven and hell. And the humans, of course, were just bystanders, weak beings to be sacrificed to the cause. But even in these dark time, few have risen up against the gods to fight against these beasts of lore. These beings either specially trained in combat or magically gifted in the magic arts have become individuals to reckon with, they have become the symbol of earth’s freedom. The God Slayers. Cliché, yes! But as their achievements and experience grow, so does their strength and knowledge to handle any abomination of god or the devil. Over the turn of the century, many gods and demons have fallen by their sword or magic, some have even been captured and reformed to fight for the sake of humanity. But even then, not all are willing. Hidden somewhere within the shadows of the Grimm’s Wood, the secrets of this ruthless killer will be found. Is it another god, or just some monster straight out of our nightmares?




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The Grimm’s Wood is well known across the country for many things, between the horrors within and the monsters a few other small details about the forest give it its name. The unnatural chill that clings to the air, the rolling fog, and resilient darkness that even fire cannot fully pierce. It’s quite common for a perfectly sane man to go mad with fear and paranoia upon taking a single step into the forest as something in the misty gloom sends terror through one’s soul. Many have reported hearing soft voices demanding they kill themselves while other have seen strange blueish lights darting between the trees. Those wise enough to turn on their heels and run for their life also have recalled the dreaded feeling of being watched the moment they entered the forest. Although it’s known the darkness and dead silence can quickly cause fear, those with weak minds instantly fall victim to the paranoia upon first entered the veil of magical darkness. Something is deliberately caused people to feel this fear, however even this mind-numbing magic cannot influence all as those powerful enough to overcome or even counter the widespread spell would feel the sudden pull of a stronger magical force further within the forest. Was this to keep unwanted visitors out? But why?





Upon passing the silver bells which seal the forest, many unfortunate souls have fallen to the darkness and have gotten lost in the magic. Most end up wondering the forest helplessly trying to find an escape from this maze of trees, however as the boot trails show many of them end up walking in circles as everything looks the same in this dark gloom. Those smart enough to try to leave a trail become tricked by their own path as many of the trees hold false markers. A closer inspection of the markers would only show the truth of how useless they proved, as a single tree would hold up to a dozen different arrows or marks all pointing in different directions. How many of these were real, how many were fake? One would have to ask upon venturing any further into the maze of lies, however for those skilled in the art of deception and tracking would see the clues. Besides the bell boundaries of the forest, the only other notable landmark within the whole forest was Moondale Lake which resided in the deepest parts of the forest, however, other landmarks handmade showed the way in. Small rocks had been gathered at various points leading the way forward. Hidden messages physical and magical had been left by previous hunters for any to come across them, while some looked to be destroyed some have survived the years. One tree held such a message, cut at a sideways angle low on the trunk a series of scratches were deliberately cut. To an experienced tracker, it read easily the following message. <strong>‘It’s alone.’</strong>





Scattered randomly throughout the woods, these messages left by previous hunters or mages left what little information could be gathered about this monstrous beast. The further one traveled, the more clues they found. Skeletons and massive piles of rotting flesh revealed previous battles between the humans and the Grimm, however, they didn’t seem the same similarities as this newest killer. However as fresh corpses became more commonplace appearing beyond every turn and bend, it slowly became clear that this was the first sign of actual progress. Bent shields of the King’s army and broken armor fragments littered the ground in some areas, while scorch marks and magical scars the earth at others. This is where they engaged the beast, yet still, no real prints or signs of the beast’s identity could be discovered. Upon one tree which looked to be completely burnt by magical flames hide another message against the charred bark.<strong> ‘Nowhere…yet everywhere.’</strong> Given the constant turns in the prints and the random shuffles of group movement in a near circle, it could be guessed that they couldn’t actually see the beast lurking in the darkness. Following the tracks further, a small clearing between the trees brought confusion and even a bit of hopelessness. The group who ventured here looked to have made a massive campfire in a ring-type shape, they surrounded themselves by fire. But why?





The wood looked to have been hastily piled and built into a protective circle, however upon closer inspection, the fire didn’t look like it lasted that long. The wood looked like it has been put out quickly like it had gotten smothered. A message this time written on someone’s shield revealed another dark truth, <strong>‘Kills in shadows, Fight in light.’</strong> From there, however, the evidence showed a dire fate for this group of fighters as the tracks darted in all different directions. They all ended the same, as one by one the person was chased and hunted down. Other groupings of track from other hunters showed the same fate, upon following several other blood trails the corpses of even veteran fighters and mages revealed that even they couldn’t hold their own against this mystery beast. It isn’t until one comes across an old robed skeleton of what had once been a wizard given the staff nearby that any real information about this monster is really found. Besides the piles of bones, a broken staff with a yellow tinted gem covered in blood and fur confirmed that indeed this monster could be hurt. Just across the way of the staff, a badly scorched tree was nearly coated with a massive amount of old blood, many strands of long jet black fur clung against the sticky bark and even a large curved claw the size of a ram’s horn lay broken stuck in the roots of the tree. Someone had actually hurt it, quite badly too. However given the age of the bones and the brown tint of blood, this battle happened many months ago. Although not easy to see, another hidden message this one of magic rested on the ground beside the dead wizard. <strong>‘Weakness left flank.’</strong> With the first real clues to this monster’s identity and a blood trail to track, one would think it would be easy to find more out about this beast. Or at least maybe find out where its den is.





However that isn’t the case, the blood path doesn’t prove to be easy at all to track as the drips become less and far between. Even gravely injured, this beast was able to get up and run away a long distance before coming upon the sight that could only be called a dumping ground of corpses. Endless piles of old bones and fresher corpses littered the area in massive heaps, but how did it collect all these bodies without showing any trails of having dragged them. Upon a torn traveling sack another dark truth was harshly written in blood, <strong>‘It feeds to heal.’</strong> Searching the area closer, the evidence of the beast having rested here could be discovered as a flattened area of dug earth shows deep imprints of something large that could have gone down to rest for quite some time. However a closer look too would reveal more, the earth had been freshly dug as if it had just been here where it now remains empty. What is it that lurks in the shadows, what magical beast could possibly be capable of killing so many skilled fighters as well as attack those villages? Is it a god, or a demon?

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Deep within the dark gloom of the Grimm’s Wood, the ever deafening silence hid well the journey of a dangerous creature at it traveled through the dead forest. Searching for its next victims, the predator swiftly stalked through the darkness keepings its eyes open for any new signs of intruders in its domain. Through the rolling clouds of shadow, the thick fog which clung to the ground remained undisturbed by the beast’s quick passage through the forest leaving its presence unknown to all who walked upon the same path. Undeterred by any obstacles in its way, the massive beast effortlessly covered large stretches of ground with every great stride. Steadily moving forward with a definite purpose in its gait, the beast appeared to be simply floating over the fog as it noiselessly prowled the darkness searching for any new signs of intruders. There were many ways to indicate such, a new set of prints or a scent. However this creature which resided within this darkness didn’t need to rely on either, it could sense the presence of intruders easily enough. Anything that ventured within the darkness risked alerting themselves to this magical creature, from the boundaries to the forest to the lake which seems to ward away the shadows little can hide from this beast.





A sudden disturbance in the darkness halted the beast as its piercing blue eyes veered to the north, something was interfering with the magical darkness not too far away. Magic, the creature sensed as it concentrated its pull over the darkness to further pinpoint an exact location. Powerful its control was over the shadows was, it took only a few seconds to find them and alter its course to quickly navigate and intercept its prey. Slowing once a light in the distance confirmed their location, the beast moved cautiously beside the traveling band as it examined the source of the small radius of light as well as the four humanoid figure walking with its radius. Bathed in a magical light created by a mage, this experienced band of hunters held a tight diamond formation as they searched the forest. It quickly occurred to the beast that this fight may be more difficult than its usual encounter with humans, however as it watched the group it already began to plan its attack. It was becoming very clear that they were trying to find it, but it also seemed that they were purposely heading toward the center of the forest or rather to the safety of the Moondale Lake. For some unknown reason, the area around the lake remains shadow free, almost like walking through a window. On one side the dark gloom of the forest, on the other a sunny skyscape and lakeside where a small oval shaped clearing harbors the only known safe zone throughout the Grimm’s Wood. Why is that?





Many have wondered, however, the mystery remains that…a mystery. Carefully observing the humans from the shadows, it learned of the real threats before it. The leader and tracker of this hunter party appeared to be an archer, considering how deep in the forest they have come and how close to the lake they have gotten it appeared a well-skilled one to boot. The two well-muscled warriors clad in different armor flanking on either side both appeared to be veterans of war, wearing battle scars and walking with a determined stride revealed the confidence and experience they held in their hands. One appeared to be a dual wielder, keeping his hands within easy reach of his scabbards, the other warrior carried a massive axe easily over one shoulder. Holding a staff between them, a mage brought up the rear as the band continued to venture forward unaware of the threat walking beside them. She appeared to be a healer as well, considering the amount of light magic surrounding the band. This made the beast pause before determining who its first target was to be. Fearing an unnecessarily lengthy battle, it was quite obvious the mage would have to be disabled first before it may overwhelm them.





Patiently the beast watched from the shadows, matching their pace as it examined even the small details about this hunting party learning all it could about these humans. Sure of no surprises, only when it was sure about its plan did the beast reveal its close proximity. A low growl echoing through the magical darkness it controlled causing them all to unsheathe there weapons, instantly ready for the encounter. Yet despite this, they failed to anticipate the ploy as the growls became focused ahead of them. The first initial attack was so swift and quiet that it remained unnoticed at first, but then the light went out suddenly followed by a thud as the staff fell to the ground covered in blood. Crying out harshly as the mage fell to her knees, shocked by the sudden injury. The mage grasped her upper arm as she groaned in pain, blood leaking from a gaping wound between her elbow and hand. From flesh to bone, it appeared as if something took a massive bite right out of her arm. Only a thin strip of flesh kept her hand connected to her body as it lay useless beside her. Instantly the hunting band spread out around her in a defensive formation weapons to bear, trying to understand how this surprise attack had gotten past them without anyone noticing. Suddenly in panic, the darkness thickened considerably around them, one by one they fell by this shadow killer. Their bodies lay riddled, armor broken or weapons scattered as body parts lay across the area almost fully intact. The scene unfolded showed the quick destruction of this hunting party, the mage’s body the only one missing from among the bodies. Back into the shadows the beast vanished, tirelessly roaming off to find another meal to quench its hunger.

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Silvanus scowled lightly as he leaned back into the hard wooden chair, setting the empty tankard down on the table with a thud. His team was more than half a day late, and his bottom was sore as all hell from this unforgiving seat. He was tempted to get out of this tavern and track them down, but time and again he relented. This was a simple hunting of a feral beast and his team was - in all modesty - one of the best out there. It had taken them more than a decade to climb in skill, experience and power, but it was blood, sweat and time well spent. A measly beast would not bring about their demise, that he was certain. Nevertheless, the feeling of unease curling in his gut did not lessen and not for the first time since he was injured, Silvanus cursed his carelessness.

It had been no one's fault but his own. A village had been overrun by a pack of demons, and being the closest Godslayers on hand, his team had wasted no time in making their way over. Silvanus had ignored the exhaustion weighing down his limbs, more eager to test out his newest summons - and the cause of his tired state, reckoning he was sound enough in body and mind to tag along. The surroundings of the village were blackened and decaying by the time his companions and he arrived, the village itself crumbling steadily into ashes. Decaying corpses of those who escaped too late laid strewn across the earth. And in the middle of it all, a Chimera reared back and roared, followed by another stream of blue fire. The two smaller Manticores by it side prowled forward, venomous saliva eating through all it touched.

All in all, this situation was not beyond them. Quintus and Rayden went for a Manticore each as soon as the creatures came within range, with Wilheim providing alternating firing cover and Sherri casting buffs. Silvanus, on the other hand, summoned his new Hydra for a head-long battle with the Chimera. Things went well initially for the team initially, with one Manticore bludgeoned to the brink of unconsciousness and the other resembling a singed pincushion. The Chimera was kept on its toes, forced to dodge the nine heads that struck relentlessly. Silvanus mentally ordered his summon to advance, caging the monstrous creature back and towards the edge of the village. A gleeful grin tugged at his lips, and in his heady state he noticed the tunneling snake tail too late. A small stone golem erupted out of the earth to intercept the serpent, foot driving into the soft soil in an attempt to crush the head. Unfortunately, it was the body that was pinned. In a shower of gravel and earth, the serpent shot out directly in front of him, maw opened and fangs dripped in acidic venom. The poison sprayed out in an arc, catching him diagonally in the torso.

Silvanus reeled back in shock and agony, groaning at the burning pain that shot through his entire body. He remembered going down on one knee, leaning on his staff for support as he focussed on keeping the Hydra from vanishing. If he blacked out, his summon would disappear. It was only when his body became numb to the pain that he managed any form of coherent thought. The creatures were laying still on the ground, his teammates were no worse for wear, and his summon was regarding him curiously, numerous heads tilted to the side like a curious puppy. With a semi-relieved chuckle, Silvanus allowed himself to pass out.

When he next awoken, it was in Rayden's home and bandages wrapped tightly around his entire torso. He felt no pain or lingering weakness caused by the poison, Sherri having removed all trace of it from his system. However, he was now the proud owner of a spectacular burn scar running from his right hip to the middle of his chest. Silvanus had grinned at their healer, fully prepared to remove the bandages, don his robes and head out once more on a hunt. But all thought of leaving the house fled the moment his knees gave out beneath him on his first step from the bed. Apparently he had been out for nearly one week, and his body had yet to recover from the ordeal of the purification and injury combined. Knowing how foolish it would be for him to embark on quests in his state, Silvanus had not argued about resting, even when a messenger came three days later to call for their help in exterminating a beast in the village near Grimm. Quintus waved his concerns away and they had shared breakfast together before his four friends left, leaving light-hearted jokes and promises to return behind.

That was the last time Silvanus had seen his teammates.

Finally tired of sitting here on his lonesome, the summoner left a couple of gold pieces on the table and left swiftly, heading for the stables out back. Mounting his horse, he followed the road eastward, towards Grimm. The further along he went, the heavier the atmosphere became. Even his mount was beginning to be affected, nostils flaring every so often and tossing its head uneasily. But Silvanus pressed onwards, pausing once in a while to ask if a party of four recently passed through. The answers he recieved were mainly positive, easing his discomfort slightly. However, it was not to be.

As the sun reached its peak and began its descent to the west, Silvanus eventually reached the small village of Moonshine, now more commonly known as 'The Tainted Town'. The place was near desterted, seemingly inhabited by the old and frail. It was understandable, given its close proximity to the infamous Woods. Even now, the edge of the dark woodlands loomed, exuding a sense of doom and fear in its eerily still state. The sunlight almost seemed to be devoured by the dead plantlife, further contributing to the ominous air shrouding the forest. Dismounting slowly, he pulled his gaze from the east to scan the small, dirty village for a tavern, arguably the best place to aqcuire any sort of information. Taking hold of the reins, Silvanus led his horse towards the shabby stable behind, only to freeze at the sight of four very familiar horses. Immediately he dropped the reins and darted for the tavern's entrance. Slamming the door open, the summoner narrowed his eyes at the startled barkeeper.

"The four horses currently occupying your stables...tell me, where are their owners?" Silvanus demanded lowly as he stalked forward."

"I - well - they are - " The barkeeper stammered, obviously trying to pull his wit together, only to be interrupted by the creaky voice of the only other customer in the tavern.

"They are gone, laddie." The old woman rasped slowly, lifting a hand to point towards the east. "Four days ago, they arrived here. To get rid of the beast, they said. Gone into Grimm's Wood the next day at sunrise and haven't returned yet." She leaned forward, fixing her unusually sharp stare on him. "You might have came too late to save your friends, laddie. I heard screams the night before. Unholy screams of the dying, I tell you. Coming from...in there."

Silvanus' eyes hardened upon that comment, but he kept silent, merely inclining his head to the two elderlies and swept out the door. Grimm's Wood, eh? I thought the mission they were given was a simple one. Apparently not. He squinted at the forest beyond, pursing his lips as he judged the position of the sun. There was still a couple hours of daylight yet and the sooner he discovered his teammates - alive, or someone was going to pay - the sooner he could get out of here. Squaring his jaw and gripping his staff more tightly, he started treking towards the legendary dark forest with a single-minded determination. Nothing was going to stop him from reaching his team. Not even death itself.

Pausing for a second at the edge of the Woods, Silvanus summoned two of his Spriggans, the darkest of the bunch, for only they had a hope of navigating this woodlands without falling into its foul grips and driven into madness or self-destruction. Even so, the strained grimace upon their leafy faces as they shuffled forward matched the buzz of discomfort flitting down the mental communication line from them to him. They could keep their minds safe from the taint, but never could they block out their connection to the land. Spriggans were guardians of nature, and any taint that infected nature's own would be keenly felt by them.

Can you track them in here? He probbed mentally, receiving a mutted nod of acknowledgement as the Spriggans led him forward. The light grew dimmer all around as they travelled deeper until Silvanus tapped once more into his magic reserve to summon forth Fylgia, a small, glorified pixie who gave off light. She was little more than a holy humanoid torchbug, but he was rather fond of her as she was one of his first summons.

As this was the first time Silvanus had stepped foot inside the depths of Grimm's Wood, he couldn't help but stare at the numerous corpses and skeletons that littered the floor. Weapons, staffs and marks of magic left behind were as common as the deceased. He kept his eyes peeled even as the heaviness in his being intensified, not wanting to overlook any evidence of his friends' demise. However, none of the bodies or items he came across so far belonged to them, which might just be a blessing or a curse. Silvanus had no idea how far he was now, or even his exact location, but by the words now appearing on the trunks of numerous trees, he knew at least that he wasn't being misled. The summoner stopped beneath the gnarled and knotted branches of a withered birch, the fairly old cuts upon its trunk catching his eyes. While he was no tracker like Wilheim, he - and the rest of their team - was taught the essentials so their archer could leave clues behind for them. This was obviously not done by Wilheim's hand, but it made sense to Silvanus. Alone...well, at least he didn't need to split his attention if the beast came for him.

Past the marked birch, the equipments gradually shifted. No more were they run-of-the-mill iron quality ones, but fine steel and hardened silver. The armours were on the level of the Saffron Elite Squads and the magic scars of those well above adept level. But still none stood a chance against the mysterious beast. Standing in the middle of the slaughter, he could almost paint a mental picture of the one-sided battle. His Spriggans move off, each to a different location. Silvanus crouched down next to a shield, propped up against two armoured skeletons. It was placed carefully, the scrawled message upon the dulled silver surface displayed for all to see. Clearly, he was not the first to come by.

A breeze blew through the forest, making him shiver involuntarily at the whispers it produced and the sudden drop in temperature. The darkness seemed more oppressing, now that evening approached. Fylgia's light glowed brighter in response but it did little to pierce the surrounding shadows. Then they were moving again, pass the piles of corpses and another two clues. It was good to know such a beast had a weakness, no matter how small it may be. It gave him hope that maybe, his friends came through the same way, and were able to hold their own should they encounter the creature. Maybe they were out here somewhere, lost but still alive. The thought motivated him to push forward, towards the one safe place that almost everyone in the GodSlayer circles spoke of. Moondale Lake, the only area within Grimm's Woods that could keep this beast at bay, or at least weaken it in a way.

Abruptly, the Spriggans halted, and creaked to each other in their unique form of communication. A heartbeat...two...then both turned as one to the same direction and moved as quickly as they could. Curious, Silvanus followed them closely, leaping over protruding roots, dodging low hanging branches and sidestepping remains. The stench of iron hung thick in the air as he drew closer, the musk of relatively fresh blood spilt waffling towards his nose. His summons froze...and a moment later, so did he.

For before his eyes were the bodies of three of his friends, armour torn apart and skin deathly white, glassy eyes staring at nothing in with eternal horror etched into its surface. Quintus' beloved axe laid shattered around his body, Rayden's twin swords were nowhere near his curled palms and Wilheim's bow was split in two, the archer himself face down on the soil. Sherri's body was nowhere to be seen. Was she eaten, or did she still live, he had no idea. But one thing he did know...the one thing he could do...was exact revenge on their behalf.

Or die trying.

Somewhere near the southern border of the Grimm’s Wood, a dark solitary form sat quietly in the shadows overlooking the land just beyond the veil of magical darkness. The sharp contrast between the bright sunny afternoon and the dark gloom was ironically black and white, whereas the clouds in the mid-summer sky lazily drifted across the plains accompanied by a gentle cool breeze. The forest remained cold, dark, and damp constantly, unchanging was the magic swirling across the land that even the beast seemed a bit uncomfortable in the domain it's known to live. Yet the bitter cold did very little against the thick fur coat blanketing the large form, keeping it warm even in this bone-chilling wasteland. Rather the beast’s irritation was coming from something else, out at the beautiful afternoon and the many creatures going about their normal life under the safety of the sun’s light. Rabbits and other small rodents ran about carelessly playing in the tall grass of the meadow or eating to their hearts content on the many abundant plant life settled mere feet beyond the cursed forest. Two red foxes chased each other noisily through the lower slopes of the valley while blue songbirds gathered in dense patches of wildflowers to feed on the bugs. Even a bay mare and her foul grazed peacefully in the distance, unaware of the cold blue eyes of a killer watching them. Despite the close proximity of a hungry predator, the beast had its eyes set on a different prey.





For in the vast distance, an occupied city remained full of life, unaware of the fate about the fall it. Like the other villages before it, this beast has always waited until the cover of night to make a move and attack. Many guessed it was because the beast was weak against the sunlight, or that it desired the advantages of darkness when its kills. However as the loud rumble of the beast’s stomach echoed through the darkness, something else was preventing it from following its impulsive nature to hunt and fulfill its monstrous appetite. Perhaps it was the enchanted copper bells stationed only meters apart that surrounded the forest, the strong barrier that was supposed to keep all monsters trapped within the dark forest. Perhaps it was something else entirely, but no one really knew the truth. Surrounded here in the forest by nothing other than constant darkness and death, the reality of the beast’s situation was actually quite simple as its stomach continued to grow from hunger breaking the silence. It was starving. Doing what is the only natural for a predator, it was doing all it could to survive. The dead barren forest does not allow anything to thrive here, even the most stubborn of weeds and mold cannot survive this empty void of darkness. Yet here the beast remains, but why?





With no prey left to hunt inside the Grimm, there was very little to feed on besides the hundreds of rotting corpses of all those who have dared to try and kill it. Yet for some reason or another, the bodies of the deceased remained practically untouched. With so much edible meat laying around, many have wondered why this monster continues to venture out of its dark hole to attack the neighboring villages. Much more have wondered how it was possible to do so since the magical barrier only allowed humans to freely enter. Even half-bloods cannot cross, so what is this beast exactly? The questions have been asked thousands of time across the whole countryside and nation, ever since the fabled monsters which inhabited Grimm’s Wood had nearly all been wiped out many years ago the riddle has kept all stumped. Why would this beast stay here despite being constantly hunted? Even with the rest of the known facts about his unkillable beast thrown into the equation, the facts just don’t add up. The theories are many and vast, even the true source of the magical darkness has been debated upon. Considering this monster seems to be the last, the main theory would suggest it was the cause of this eternal darkness, but what if it wasn’t? The amount of magical energy needed to keep this type of magic active would be tremendous, especially for nearly a century. Again, how? And for what purpose?





The Grimm’s Wood was not always like this, surrounded by darkness and death. It was once a bright and colorful place, enchanted by the goodly creature living peacefully within the grace of the sun’s light. Nomadic Elves lived a peaceful existence right beside the tree nymphs, sharing the land’s resources and in return protecting the forest from corruption. Yet, this is how it is now. Something changed, something dreadful happened here that quickly killed the life source of the forest and wiped out all those who resided within. The truth of that day is shrouded by shadow, dark secrets probably never to be discovered. Holding the full weight of the truth, Ryvar stared out of the darkness witnessing the sun start it's painfully slow decent across the evening sky and the flat landscape. There in the last moments of dusk, the barely visible outline of the city which he planned to attack this night could be made out of the shades of orange and purple. Finally, after hours of patiently waiting, the black beast rose up to his full height at nearly seven feet tall. A thick mane and tail danced in the breeze as the excitement of the hunt visibly roused the muscular predator to pace with anxiety just within the cover of shadow. ‘The time has come.’ It thought licking is massive maw, pearly white fangs and a black nose shining against the darkness as the anticipation of a full belly twitched his large pointed ears forward against his maned head. He would eat well this night.










Having jinxed himself, Ryvar felt the sharp ping of an intruder being detected somewhere within the blackness far to the north. Growing calm instantly as his focus was directed elsewhere, the beast channeled his energy to locate the intruder’s exact location. This method of detection was not very widespread even throughout the forest. Perhaps a little more than half the radius could be sensed at any one time, but that left lots of room for something to remain amiss. Too far to gather an exact location or number of individuals because of the distance limitations, it was already made painfully aware of how deep this new threat had already ventured. Stationed right on the bottom border of his territory, this person or party was already dangerously close to the lake. Letting out a malice fill snarl of frustration, Ryvar concentrated his thoughts on making his displeasure of unwelcome guests known as the snarl echoed clearly throughout the entire forest. Having warned the intruders of his soon arrival, the beast didn’t waste another moment as its long legs carried it off into the forest as its form melted into the shadows. It had much ground to cover, as well as traverse around the lake to get to the other side before anyone could reach it.





A difficult task for any creature, however for a being of his nature the miles quickly flew past with little effort as the beast finally got close enough to get a better idea of what he was dealing with. Pausing only momentarily to read the patterns of magic, Ryvar felt the presence of four being up ahead. Something was off, however, exactly what he wouldn’t know until he found them. Ignoring the small pains of hunger as his stomach groaned out a common complaint, he simply pushed himself forward meaning to deal with this distraction quickly so he may return to his original agenda. Already he was on borrowed time. He needed to feed, but he also needed to protect his dark secret. There are far too many secrets hidden within this dead forest, even one could fall into the hands of lowly humans who would so easily exploit that power. Ryvar wouldn’t allow them that opportunity, it was the reason everyone had to die if they entered this forest. His freedom depended on their death.

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