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Fandom Grillby's (CS)

Interesting... So you had a roleplaying experience before. Coincidentally, this is a dead RP that i'm trying to revive is also my very first RP. I just wanted to have that same feeling from before. Although it's a bit different now but still. Welcome to Rpnation. Hope you enjoy your stay here. I'll let you know if you're crossing any illegal actions. 301 Moved Permanently 301 Moved Permanently
Interesting... So you had a roleplaying experience before.

Yup. A little bit online here and there over the years, and a youth sort-of-wasted on Dungeons and Dragons with friends.

Coincidentally, this is a dead RP that i'm trying to revive is also my very first RP. I just wanted to have that same feeling from before.

If there's anything I can do to help, let me know (beyond the whole "being crazy keen" thing). And thanks for the welcome!
Just a heads up that I've pointed somebody else who's new to the site at this, so hopefully we'll have one more person joining in, and we can get things moving!
Hey, don't overreact to your first rp. I was nervious the first time I started, but trust me, you'll become more confident overtime. Have a big imagination, and a passion. If you wanna rp, you have to give it ALL you got, but just know, rpers won't judge you if you screw up every once in a while since we screw up as well. Hope this info helps you!
Hope you don't mind me a-bumpin' the thread, Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre , but I was wondering whether or not you're still interested in trying to revive this - I'd really like to play (obviously!), but if it's no longer going to happen, I shall try and organise something myself.
Yes, i am. I'm just a bit of a busy bee. We are going to launch real soon. Please wait a little longer.
Yes, i am. I'm just a bit of a busy bee. We are going to launch real soon. Please wait a little longer.

Thanks for letting me know! I don't want to rush you or anyone else, take all of the time you need (and feel free to give me a poke if there's anything I can do to help); it's just that I'm setting myself a fairly strict policy of "this is the number of games I'm going to take part in" so that I don't stretch myself too thinly and so I can give games the attention they deserve.

Book Antiqua
Nickname: Antiqua
Age: 22
Species: Skeleton
Gender: Male
Personality: A dapper skeleton looking for some fun. Antiqua is a joker without a care in the world, and is often seen risking his life in particularly humorous stunts. All in the name of fun.
Backstory: originally the bones of a skilled Attorney, Antiqua often jokes about law-based phenomena. He was imbued with magic by a skilled magician who also loved a good joke. Created at a matured form, he has no tragic backstory to speak of, though the Attorney he was made of can't quite say the same.
Items: (No weapons) 1x dapper suit, 1x dapper hat, 3x deck of cards, 3x augmented deck of cards.
Magic: (Passive abilities, Attacks, Convenient magic, etc) Various "practical" abilities, though most of his magical potential goes into maintaining his personality and holding his skeletal structure together.
Others: (Theme song, facts, special features, Etc)

Battle stats
(Although, you are not fighting anyone but i still want to see your character's battle potential, just in case.)

LV: 0
HP: 250
ATK: 15
DEF: 8
GOLD: 1,253 G

Book Antiqua
Nickname: Antiqua
Age: 22
Species: Skeleton
Gender: Male
Personality: A dapper skeleton looking for some fun. Antiqua is a joker without a care in the world, and is often seen risking his life in particularly humorous stunts. All in the name of fun.
Backstory: originally the bones of a skilled Attorney, Antiqua often jokes about law-based phenomena. He was imbued with magic by a skilled magician who also loved a good joke. Created at a matured form, he has no tragic backstory to speak of, though the Attorney he was made of can't quite say the same.
Items: (No weapons) 1x dapper suit, 1x dapper hat, 3x deck of cards, 3x augmented deck of cards.
Magic: (Passive abilities, Attacks, Convenient magic, etc) Various "practical" abilities, though most of his magical potential goes into maintaining his personality and holding his skeletal structure together.
Others: (Theme song, facts, special features, Etc)

Battle stats
(Although, you are not fighting anyone but i still want to see your character's battle potential, just in case.)

LV: 0
HP: 250
ATK: 15
DEF: 8
GOLD: 1,253 G
Accepted! Welcome back! :ghostv:

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