
Secrets Untold

Socially awkward.

I'm known to most of my friends as All. It's nice to meet you.

I've started role-playing about a year ago, so of course, I am still a novice. However, I really enjoy role-playing, so I've stuck to it ever since.

I have stuck to fantasy role-play for the time being, however, I am always coming up with new OC's that I instantly get obsessed with and end up writing quite a lot of back story for each of them, depending on where I decide they're from. Lore is key. I'm interested in lots of Role-playing concepts though, I do need practice, regardless of the fact that there is no such thing as a perfect role-player. (
At least, not in my eyes.) So I'd really like to role-play in lots of different Role-plays, regardless of era/fandom. (I'm not sure if there is a rule to how many role-plays you can join and such, I need to refresh myself...)

I like video games (
Kingdom Hearts for the win.), reading, role-playing (duh), writing (although I tend to ramble a lot...) and drawing (despite the fact that I cannot draw to save my life.). You'll come to find that I am a massive nerd, and I do tend to get a bit nervous, however I am open to making new friends, because friends make me happier. And I'm pretty normal... I think, depending on what you think "normal" is. So yeah! That's me. That's All. (Get that pun? Teehee, I'm funny.)

Hello! I'm sorry for my ramblings. I get a bit excited... (
Oooh Formatting.)

Hello @Secrets Untold,

Welcome to RpN!

There are no rules restricting the amount of roleplays you may join or create. :) It's a free nation!

You’ll find a lot of great members to roleplay with here. Before you jump in, make sure you’ve read and understood the Official Site Rules and New User Restrictions. After you have done that, you can head over to the Roleplays board for all of your roleplaying needs. You can create new roleplays for one on one or group settings, propose your own ideas, and join other roleplays!

We’re all friendly here, so if you ever want to chat, you can jump into the Shoutbox!

If you ever find that you’re stuck, you can always refer to News & Updates or Questions & Information. I am always willing to answer any questions you may have. :)

Happy roleplaying!
Welcome from one Newbie to another! I'm glad you mentioned there is no perfect Roleplayer. I came from two previous sites where there was always that group of people that felt they had the superior style. I feel like a good roleplayer - a great roleplayer - is someone who puts effort. Even if its just a few lines, if they are a few great lines, then it's great to me, too!

As well, I also need some practice and brushing up. I took a long hiatus and could use the practice to find my flow again. Maybe we could practice together, if you would like to!

Welcome again! :)
Hiya Zhai, it's nice to meet you!

I'd love to roleplay with you, it'd be an honour, and I'm really glad you agree with me,

Thank you for your kindness, it's really nice to meet new people. ^-^
@Secrets Untold The honor would be mine. Let me know when you get your Private Message privileges and we can talk more about it. :)

No problem! I don't mind meeting new people. It's natural and part of the Roleplay world. :)
Oh? You're looking for something to get into, then?

I've noticed that there is a lot of Roleplays in the 1 on 1 section. I'm not much for group action. O;
You're not the only one. I kind of have to just take a breath and take the plunge. I mean - the worse they can say is no. :P

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