Greetings from an Oddling


New Member
Hello, fellow roleplayers. You may call me Acacia or Jessie as either works just the same.

I've been a roleplayer for roughly eight years. I was out of the roleplay scene for a bit due to the chaos that is life. Everything's calmed down now, allowing me to dedicate lots of time to my favored hobby. I look forward to making (hopefully) lasting friendships here and starting some awesome roleplays.

I equally enjoy roleplaying originals and fandoms. My fandoms include Harry Potter, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Marvel, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, and Dragon Age. As for originals, I most enjoy slice of life/modern deals and medieval fantasy. Though, I'm open to most genres.

Hope you're having a wonderful day/night.
Welcome! *uses wand to spray confetti in the air* I also like medieval fantasy, Harry Potter and Dragon Age. I'm a Ravenclaw, and I usually play as an elven mage. What about you?
Welcome! I also love some of those fandoms, Harry Potter being the one if the top (I'm in Hufflepuff). If you ever want to RP, feel free to give me a shout!

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