Greetings from a metal cat


Secretly a GemKitten

:3 I'm SiliconKitten, also known as SiliconColt depending on where you already know me.

I enjoy a small variety of things including League of Legends and Role-playing. If you like either of those things, hit me up after my 10 posts and 24 hour limit so we can chat in our own conversation.

  • Since I got my new computer and started playing League on the higher settings (which was 2 days ago) I've found myself more invested in the game. So I'm reaching out to friends for once!

    I play Support for Bard and Nami both of which I've reached mastery level 5. Didn't take much.

    I'm trying out ADC Ashe but honestly it's tough for me since I'm too used to support.

    I once played 10 games as Warwick back in season........ 3? 4? Uh It was before trinkets were a thing and proper League fashion demanded that you buy boots or teammates were like, "lol noob no boots gg" :P

    Aside from the rift I like Aram, escpailly with a high CC champion like Janna or Nami, I still play a mean Bard there too. Just don't give me anything melee or.... Kayle. I cannot play Kayle whatsoever.

    I'll only give away my username in conversation so you'll just have to wait for that one!

Anyway, it's nice to meet you *peers down at replies*
Welcome to RPnation! I love it here, and hope you will too. I also play League Of legends, though I'm fairly new. Only level 21 atm, been playing for 3-4 months I believe. I usually play mid or support atm, and also occasionally play adc. My fave champs atm are Ahri, katarina, Janna and Blitzcrank. Once you've got the 10 posts we can exchange usernames. I also like tabletops, I play DnD 5e, Dungeon World and Pathfinder, but I have not played many dice rps on RPNation yet. I'd definitely be up for one though.

See ya round the site! (^.^)

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