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Fantasy Greatest Outcasts

Sora watched the one girl pass a test that she could not have possibly done, her powers weren't suited for it. Hopefully though, they were choosing people to do activities based on their powers. She watched as they walked down the line of people, dictating weather they were in or out. Once they got to Sora, they brought her out in front of a mech. It seemed like they weren't' quite sure if she was strong enough to make it in an army. Sora knew that if she was going to go through with he plan, her performance had better be damn perfect. "Bullets" She muttered in a gruff voice, then looking up and giving a snarky grin. She could hear the Mech fire a bullet, almost directly at her face. She ducked instantly, not turing around to see the impact it had with the wall. 'hmm is that it?' She thought to herself, although her thoughts were cut off by the mech firing more bullets. Most of them she dodged effortlessly, though when the Mech fired three at once she found herself turning around to grab a small crevasse in the wall, lifting her body up onto the wall to avoid two of them. She then dropped to the ground and lowered her head, the bullet going into the wall right above her head. She stood up slowly and smirked "Childs play" She whispered to herself.

"Aimi." Asano states in a whisper as he slowly reaches out his hand and eyes trained specifically on her. "Ai for love and Mi for beautiful. It fits you." He smiles as he touches his other fingers to her forehead instantly vanishing the sweat from her as it was a particularly hot day. It would be bad if a young child such as herself got a heat stroke. That should be much more comfortable Asano thought as he couldn't help but feel happy that the child was not intimidated by his appearance.

"We should go shouldn't we? I can tell you are here for a reason." Asano pauses as he collects his next thought. "It shows in your eyes, young one."

A part of him can't help but want to scoop the child up. No wonder Annie called him a creep but he wasn't he swore. It was just... he knew it was a hard life but more often than not, most didn't make it past childhood around here. Which he honestly found rather... inconvenient. It would be better if people were able to grow up and change. That's where the freedom laid. Within motives and goals or reasons.

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Aimi smiled more than she ever had in her life. As a 6 year old girl she loved being called beautiful.

As the sweat vanishes from her head she feels completely refreshed from the flight there. She wonders what his powers are.

Aimi nods in agreement not even fazed by the fact shes about to follow a random stranger but instead she is happy, happy to have someone with her other than her stuffed rabbit.

@Hana Koen
The man in glasses nodded. "You pass with that the second trial is over." He pushes his glasses up and then looks to the masked figure who nods. They leave the same way Senki and the little girl left Haru wanted to run after them but knew he couldn't. The man in glasses looked to a gruff looking man and sighed. "Ok Altar I need you to do me a favor take my power real quick, use it to pair them up in groups Lord Senki wants them ready for their next mission. Which I'll tell you all is also the final trial." The man touched his hand to the other man in a short handshake then left following the masked figure. Leaving only the tattoo woman and the man named Altar.

She arrived to the meeting wayyy late. It was her fault that she had to travel on foot. Cora glanced around looked for some one to tell her what was going on.
"Not a problem...but you need to hold mine for me, got somebody comin in from Dubai to pick this one up." He says as his eye glows red, the exchange is visible, purple energy flows out of the man in glasses eyes as red energy flows from Altars muscles. "All done, it's always so much quicker when Theres no struggling involved" he turned and walked to out of the room. Everything was so much crisper and more brightly colored. Nonetheless he went out the doors and headed to where the other recruits were. As he walked in he scanned each one of them and smirked

Ah I'm going to be so rich by the end of this year... He thinks to himself.

"Hello...I am Warlord Altar. Your final test will be simple, I will be splitting you into groups of two and you will be raiding a C.U.R.E facility with only the help of your partner. Consider survival and the destruction of the target a success. If you fail to do either of those, well then you weren't worth much to us to begin with. Good luck..." Altars speech was short and to the point,no sense wasting words on possible corpses. Stood watching each of the recruits sizing them up and deciding on who would team with who.
Cora was watching and listening to the Warlord. She wondered if he noticed her as she used her telekinesis to twist her rings oh her fingers.
Ada just listened to the man's words. Working with a partner, especially one choosen for you, sounded troublesome to the young girl. She was reminded of being forced into a partnership or group for a project by the teacher, something she was never fond of. A tiny yawn escaped her lips and Ada fleetingly wished that she was back in her bed, asleep. She began to wonder if this audition was worth the precious hours of sleep and relaxation she had lost and then some.
Tch, should I stay and do the task or leave? Tenshi wondered at the news of the task. He was sure of his ability to fight both with his powers and without, living on the streets required it, but wasn't sure if he wanted to get further involved. I did promise the twins I would check it out but I never said I would stay longer then needed. Plus my life could be at risk depending on whoever my partner is. I really don't want to have to kill them should they prove to drag me down. Normally he wasn't so callous about killing another but when his own life might be at risk his self preservation kicked in. Then again I do wonder what way this night will go, so....I guess I'll stay. Nodding at his own decision Tenshi settled onto the floor as he waited for the audition to continue.
Asano could easily make out signs that she doesn't talk often to others by the way she reacts. It made him feel even more happy than general to make her smile as he listened Altar's words while wondering how the people that passed would be paired. Maybe if he asked, they would let them join...

"Sounds...intimidating." Setsuna says quietly as he takes Aimi's hand in his hoping she didn't mind the how freezing they were. Asano found it interesting. In fact, it used to be a pastime of his to destroy C.U.R.E a little bit at a time. Anymore and it would of created a trail right to the children. Not that he couldn't clean it up. It was the fact that not only put them on the radar but the fact that he would make it onto the hit list as he liked to call it.

"But we can do it Ai , can't we?" Setsuna chirps as he keeps her slightly behind him as a caution. He was planning to just observe and be on his merry way but that was a little cruel when a child was depending on him. Not that he couldn't do it. All he had to do was guarantee her entry and then hightail it out of there. It's not like he was a threat to anyone, no one really cared about what he could do he reassured himself.

It took a lot of hiding and trails to end up where he was. Alive and breathing. Not that he hadn't made any motions against C.U.R.E because that was a blatant lie. That's all he did though people often thought otherwise. They often believed he took jobs and such for the heck of it but he was just following the clues.

"Let us do this." He quipped with a tilt of his head as he glanced at who they called Altar. It would be best to stay out of his way and any other higher-ups way to begin with. Maybe he can play his ability off as ice cube maker. A shiver wracks his spine before he calms down as he continues to make small talk with Aimi.

Showing potential would be stupid of him so he just needed to be a weakling. If Aimi got attached, it could be more difficult than normal.

Here went everything.

Aimi hand froze as he took it. She was startled her a first but soon became comfortable. She paced slowly behind him as he took long strides. She watched as other outcasts where told to do random tasks, some failed others passed.

She took a glance at the C.U.R.E building it was as intimidating as the people standing around her.

To attack a C.U.R.E facility would be hard but she would put her whole heart to it.

She squeezed Setsuna hand trying not to let go as they passed threw a crowd

@Hana Koen
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As Sora stood up and heard the words, you passed her heart fluttered. That's it, she was only one trial away from being recruited. She stood up from her last position and walked back over near the others, she didn't particularly feel like talking to them. She knew that this last trial could possible be a fight to the death, no reason to play nice when she was just going to beat them anyway. Besides if she did get in, the uprising would soon be started.

Kira blinked as the man pointed to her and said she'd "passed" just for, what, being perched on a metal beam eighty-odd feet in the air? Their expectations must be low, she thought with a small smirk as she threw her wings open and glided down to the courtyard. The landing was solid, not even sending that odd twinge of pain shooting up her thigh, and once on the ground, the large crow-like wings disappeared and she walked forward to take a place among the other Outcasts gathered.

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