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Fantasy Greatest Outcasts

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
One day for reasons no body could explain humans with special supernatural abilities began to be born. The rate of birth for these special humans was 1:12 neither parent needed to have a power for these special children to be born. While some viewed these new humans as the next step to evolution many more feared these humans. They shut them out looked down on them even creating special drones and a defense unit to kill off these humans named C.U.R.E. People began to call them as they thought best to call them Outcast, every Outcast had a different power and ONLY one there are no exceptions. These powers range from simple to complex, from weak to unstoppable.

Eventually a strong Outcast named Senki Kyushu and a group of four other powerful Outcast laid waste to a C.U.R.E base. They took the ruined as their own and sent a message to all people around the world via an Outcast with telekinetic powers. "Attention everyone this is your god Senki speaking, no matter if you are Human or Outcast I will make you worship me. That is all." Of course C.U.R.E tried to send in more troops but Senki's Four powerful Outcast or Warlords as many call them slaughter any who try to get in their way. There is no hope as it seems but there is whisper of a certain pharse that gives hope to some, and resent in others. "Only an Outcast stands a chance against an Outcast."
Haru yawned his sad excuse of a hut, made from cardboard and other pieces of junk fell apart. It was a clear day quiet until a voice range in his head. He covered his ears but it came from within someone spoke into his head. When they began he knew who it was it was the same as when oneof the C.U.R.E bases fell. The man known as public enemy number one Senki Kyushu. "Attention Outcast rejoice your time is now. At my base I will be holding an audition to join my army. I'll reward you with riches, info, and shelter come show me your power!" Then it was over Haru looked into the distance he wasn't the only one to hear the message every Outcast in the world heard him. "Yuki." Haru mumbled as he packed his stuff he had somewhere to be now.

@Cece Meep @Still Crazy @Crimson smile @Firebright
Soras legs where flung over the armrest of the chair, which happened to be one of the only things that occupied the empty motel room. For the last few months, she had been living in a tiny abandoned motel that consisted of a front lobby and only 4 rooms. It was located near the outskirts of the town she grew up in. As she stood up, her eyes shifted to the wallpaper that was ripping off of the worn-down crimson colored walls. There were a couple boxes in the corner of the room, as well as a full non-working bathroom across the room. As a voice boomed in her head, Sora rubbed her temples trying to get rid of the headache that she had for a couple days. 'An army...' She muttered quietly. A quick smirk came to her face, she grabbed her ripped black jacket and slung it over her shoulder. She was ready to raise some hell with the outcasts. Sora walked to the door of her musty motel room and opened it. 'Bye for now" She said and moved out of the room, slamming the door.

Tenshi closed his eyes with a happy sigh as he was finally allowed some rest. It's been a long day. Loud crashing followed by the start of an argument made him wince as his happy mood evaporated. Frowning, he left his small bed and crawled to peer down from his loft. Two girls, identical twins no older then eight bickered. The one with short brown hair had her fist clenched with what looked to be cracks going through them and the other girl with longer hair had vines rising around her from within the cracked floor of the abandoned building. Between them lay a broken mirror.

Sighing in exasperation he pushed himself off the makeshift loft and landed in a crouch between the children wings unfurled. Broken glass crunching underfoot. Tucking his wings around himself he crossed his arms across his chest and arched a brow at the girls. Their heads dunked in shame at the silent scolding in his gaze. The vines went back into the cracks and the cracks disappeared from skin. Nodding he tilted his head toward where a broken broom sat in corner of the makeshift living room/ bedroom. The twins hurried to start cleaning and escape further punishment. They are learning quickly, Tenshi thought amused watching the girls fondly.

The twins, Kira and Yumi, were superhumans that had been abandoned on the streets. Tenshi had found them and taken them in months ago to begin teaching them how to survive and control their powers. Kira skin became textured and hardened like sand allowing her to be stronger while Yumi could control plant life. The two were good girls but had a temper that flared in sibling rivalry. Pretty soon they will be ready to move on. Luckily Ria has a place for them in her little pack of misfits when they are ready. Ria was a friend of his who liked giving misfit overpowered street rats a good home. Many of the kids that Tenshi helped went to her.

As the girls finished he went to speak but was interrupted as a voice, not his own, suddenly rang through his mind. From the look on the girls it occurred to them as well. Attention Outcast rejoice your time is now. At my base I will be holding an audition to join my army. I'll reward you with riches, info, and shelter come show me your power! Oh, great it's that wacko again. Scowling he shook his head at some people ability to think to highly of themselves but stopped when he saw the excited looks on the girls faces. They had a strange fascination for the false god. He basically growled out glaring at them in warning. "Don't you even think about it."

They flinched faces dropping as the one they had began to think of as a older brother scolded them. Shaking his head Tenshi silently sent them to their makeshift room before dropping onto a nearby lawn chair tiredly. He tried not to be to hard on the girls but it had been a tiring day and patience was running thin. They had been conned by a old lady that ran a bakery nearby to help unpack her attic and go through everything to see what needed to get thrown out. She had bribed them with fresh baked cookies and had delivered but didn't tell them the truth of how many things were in the attic. I really hope these two don't let themselves be pulled into such bull in the future as this false god. Otherwise I see a lot of trouble ahead.

(Kira and Yumi are just NPC's right now. They will just be used to get Tenshi involved. )
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Asano stumbled forward as he rested his knee on the pavement. "Hah. That will teach you to mess with me." A wimp of a man snarled as he was joined by his four groupies. An announcement sounds and he looks up at the crowd with cool eyes as he hears the offer given to those called outcasts.

"I really wish you would just let it go." He quips as he gives a grin that never reaches his eyes and sighs as he sees them attack him once again. "Please." A flash and he is dashing away. No point making a scene especially since people saw him around that group often. The connection was just a little too close to set an example.

"I'll be back." He whispers as he makes his way to these so called auditions and slouches as he gets closer. Wouldn't do him any good to come off as threatening. Setsuna was a wimp after all he thought as he curled into himself making him appear nervous and doubtful.

"Uh...where do I go?" Setsuna questioning in a way that made it sound like some weird joke as he gave a scan around with a twiddle of his thumbs. Intent on his destination. Taking note of the children and teens gathering. He made himself small and hands rested on his lap as if he was hopeful though sleepy. But, really he couldn't help but be on his guard because it was more likely to be a trap than anything else.

He wouldn't reject if someone came up to him as many often didn't especially children. No matter how much he would like to take care of the lost children they were often too scared to approach him no matter how small he made himself.

Setsuna came more more out of curiosity than anything. Materials and safety didn't entice him as much as he knew they should have. He guessed he wanted to scoop out other outcasts and see their capacity. It wouldn't be a surprise if there were normal people among them for the things offered.

He closed his eyes and let out a yawn as a few tears came out with the stretch motion. Let that reinforce his image. The boy watched as many dismissed him and he couldn't help but find it oh so predictable and easy. It wasn't even a challenge. The fact he was a male from the slums should of been enough of an indication of how dangerous he was. But then again, he didn't look like he was from the 'filthy' side of town.

He found amusement in hiding among the crowd. It was funny waiting in the wrong area.

*Setsuna= a persona, a mask like when you walk onto stage.
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Ada was just sleeping, snuggled deep within the white bed sheets until a voice resounded inside her mind. The small girl's eyes lazily fluttered open until she was staring at the floral wall pattern. She made no other attempts to move and merely laid in the soft bed, waiting for the message to finish.

"Attention Outcast. Rejoice, your time is now." Ada immediately recognized the voice as Senki Kyushu's. Public enemy number one for yadda, yadda, yadda. A tiny yawn escaped her lips, which sounded much like a soft mewl. Ada has never been one to get involved if she didn't need or want to. The electromaster slowly began to slink out of her bed.

"At my base I will be holding an audition to join my army. I'll reward you with riches, info, and shelter. Come show me your power!" Her feet eventually made contact with the fluffy carpet and she slowly stood up from the bed. She made her way to the small fridge that was inside of the drawers, pulling out a cold water bottle and a microwavable breakfast bowl. Ada began to heat the the bowl in the microwave at the corner of the room before opening the thick curtains and taking a seat next to the large windows that overlooked the city she currently resided in, deep in thought.

Despite being a young Outcast on her own, Ada had done pretty well for herself. Her power had allowed her to stay in suitable hotels, eat sufficient food, and had given access to other necessities of a good life. Overall, she was pretty much good and with the way the world continued to evolve and the demand for technology kept growing exponentially, Ada suspected that it was only going to get better for her in the long run.

Riches, info, and shelter, she recalled Kyushu's promised rewards. For Ada, the first two didn't seem that enticing. Give her a few hours and she can gain enough riches to live a life fit for a king. Give her a few days and she can amass enough information to start wars. No, she had no need for the first two and therefore they held no weight in the decision. But possible, guaranteed shelter?

While Ada had ways to make sure she was under a roof every night, it was through rather tiring and risky methods. She couldn't risk staying in one place for too long and constantly had to move from one area to the next to avoid suspicion. It was a difficult thing to continually move from place to place, especially with her age, but it definitely was not impossible. The thought of just settling down and finally being able to actually relax was rather enticing...

But then again, travelling is rather fun. Plus, the deal's only for the people who are able to pass the audition to become part of that guy's army. That sounds really troublesome.

But before the small electromaster could ponder on it any longer, the microwave let out a small ding, signalling that her breakfast was ready. With a quiet sigh, Ada heaved herself off the comfy chair and went to retrieve her breakfast, along with some plastic utensils, before dropping back down to her previous spot.

At the very least, I would like to know where this supposed audition is taking place, she thought as she silently ate her food at a slow pace, gazing out the windows.
Haru walked towards the ruined remains of the ruined C.U.R.E base. He arrived seeming many had already gathered some talked to each other some didn't say anything. Some people began to point to the roof of the building as Senki stepped out behind stood his four warlords. One of them being a masked figure but Haru knew who they were it had to be Yuki. Senki cleared his throat and spoke out to the crowd.

"I'm so glad you all could come here." He stopped to look towards one more person a little girl he crouched down to her. She spoke into his ear and as she did he nodded. "Auditions have already began and many of you have already failed!" He snapped his fingers some mechs used by C.U.R.E but the cure logo is scratched out and replaced with the word Outlasters. The mechs separated the Outcast Haru was put in a small group the larger group was told to leave. Of course many wanted to refuse but the mechs killed any who did. The rest decided to leave Senki smiled at the smaller group. "Congratulations you all passed the first trial. Now I leave you in the hands of my warlords." The little girl ran back up to him he picked her up, leaning into her mouth so she could hear him. "Intresting well then remember guys the trials aren't over more can join and more can fail."

@Cece Meep @Still Crazy @Crimson smile @Firebright

When she walked out of her room and down the empty street, she stopped to tie her worn out black combat boots. They were the only shoes that she currently owned. Sora stood back up and continued to walk, letting her conscious guide her to the correct building. As Sora arrived, she stood next to other outcasts many whom where much bigger and stronger looking then she was. To her surprise though, many were already eliminated after a couple of minutes of arriving. She cracked her neck and her knees as she walked the group of rejects walk out of the building, although one or two of them didn't get to make it out. "Well damn" She muttered out loud, sure that no one had heard her. Many more of them would fail, but for her to successfully get her plan to work, she would have to get through all the trials and be accepted. Sora also knew that her thoughts had to stay pure, for there were a couple outcasts the were able to read minds...Hopefully none of them were on the side of the so called God.

Asano found amusement in the antics of the people trying to stay though they were forced to leave. His eyes glowed as he began to follow the crowd out before giving one last glance at as if he had found but one truth in him. He was interesting. There was a charisma that made it almost hard to walk forward. Would it be strange if he left? Would anyone stop him? The thoughts made him curious. Would he let them shoot him down if they tried?

Setsuna brushed nervously at his slightly dirty white sweater as he watches people leave one by one. Flinching as people got shot down as his eyes dilated and he clenched his hand. Asano didn't really care as he noted that less children were being shot than others. The boy could remember a brief time when the C.U.R.E base had been fully operational but looking now at it. You wouldn't even be able to tell.

He could hear his... oh right, he had no heartbeat.

"Uh..mm.." Setsuna made pathetic sounds as he hefted the child up in chaos and looked ready to puke. At the very least, he would get the younger and older individuals out. He seemed the type he knew. It wasn't that he didn't care though he wouldn't feel too bad if some stranger died. Someone precious was an entirely different story.

Besides, he was in the middle of dealing with some pesky C.U.R.E spy he thought as he held the child spy and the old man, the poor victim. It was just so...predictable.

It was a simple matter in the end and he was waiting for the complication that would make it worthwhile.

He was not looking forward to the taste of bile and the acidic feel in the back of his throat. Setsuna was shaking like a leaf and practically running out of there.

Asano is actual vs Setsuna the mask.

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It had taken her a while, but Ada finally arrived at the ruined C.U.R.E base. She had taken the time to make sure of the location, plus she wanted to take a quick nap before arriving. Even though what she was doing may have been against her better judgement, Ada was still curious. She wanted to know what joining this man's army would entail. And possibly reap the benefits should she pass.

The little girl gradually made her way up the entrance, watching the number of people leaving the building out of the corner of her eye. She spotted some of the C.U.R.E mechs escorting the group, but she noted that, appearance wise, their logos were changed to say Outlasters instead. The corners twitched upward in the slightest. If things went bad for her, then Ada knew she had found a way out.

Once at the entrance of the dilapidated building, the electromaster paused before entering, taking a moment to just stand there in silence with her eyes closed. When a few seconds passed, the electromaster's eyes slowly opened and she began to drag her feet into the building. Ada eventually came upon a large room where other Outcasts were in. Her eyes lazily drifted from participant to participant, sliding over the dead bodies without so much as a flinch.

Her brown eyes the focused on the group of people standing above the rest up in the front. As she watched the events unfold in front of her, Ada briefly wondered if there was a good place for her to lay down and sleep.
I can't believe I'm doing this. Tenshi let out a sharp breath as he gazed up at the large building where the so called god's trials were. He had been adamant not to get caught up in this thing. He had been more then adamant after catching a determined Kira and a hesitant but hopeful Yumi trying to sneak out while he took a nap to come to this thing. Kira's angry gaze and sharp words still rang through him. You aren't our older brother. You can't keep us here against our will!

Kira had been ashamed and sorry when her temper cooled down but Tenshi knew that as long as he tried to keep them there she would hold a bit of resentment toward him. He had grown closer to the girls then he had the other street rat's and the thought of them hating him made his heart ache. I'm such a sentimental fool. It had taken him three hours to convince the girls that they couldn't go to the trials. Not because he didn't want them to but because they still lacked control over their powers and could be hurt. Kira wouldn't risk her sister getting hurt and Yumi wouldn't risk Kira being harmed either. However, they still managed to weasel him into going. If only to check it out. After all it could affect them.

Shaking his head he focused on the task ahead. Lowering himself the few feet from the ground until his feet were planted on the floor his wings curled around him. Covering him like a cloak, he even had a hood. Entering the building he found it packed with super humans and had barely stepped four feet in when he heard a familiar voice speak and found mech's forcing many of the super humans out. He kept his face blank of his unsettled emotions as he watched some get shot and quietly herded a few of the younger one's out when they hesitated keeping a wary eye on the mechs. He realized not many children were being shot but wasn't willing to take the chance. He was tempted to leave with them but in the end his curiosity got the best of him. Here I thought I got rid of that pesky trait.

Finally turning his gaze to the so called god he wasn't sure what to think of him as he began speaking again. I didn't really have high expectations. I am really glad I convinced the twins not to come.

Senki had left the little girl on his shoulder leaving just the warlords Haru kept his eyes on the masked figure who avoided looking at the group. But two stood out a girl with scars tattooing her arms and face, and the man next to her who wore a metallic mask over his mouth. A man in all white wearing glasses pushed them up sighing. "As you heard we will be testing you from this point on. Do as we say without question. He scanned the group and sighed again letting the woman covered in scars to grab some from the group. Of them was a small boy no more than ten and a tall man maybe in his twenties. She had them face each other then back away the man in glasses motioned for the group to step back. "Now fight the winner moves on." The man chuckled looking at the child. "Sorry kid nothing personal." Haru closed his eyes as blood spal onto him and many other near him surprisingly the man in glasses was clean even though he was in front of Haru. But more strange or at least to some the boy was the one still standing and the man was now missing his arms and head. The boy's shadow hung over him in the shape of a claw he chuckled. "Sorry old man nothing personal." The man in glasses pushed his glasses up again. "That was a demonstration you can try looking tough but we will know you are weak. You can try to look weak but we already know who is strong." He didn't look at any body but people in the group knew who he was talking to.

@Cece Meep @Still Crazy @Crimson smile @Firebright
Why must it always be about fighting? And why is it usually messy? Ada wondered to herself, looking down at her bloodied clothes. Well, technically she only had a few blotches, being one of the lucky ones that stood further away from the "fight", but it was still an inconvenience. After all, bloodstains were very difficult to clean.

Anyway, the young brunette knew that fighting was going to happen one way or another, especially since this whole fiasco was basically a tryout for fighters, but still. Ada felt that the worth of many Outcasts boiled down to their fighting ability and nothing more. As if some Outcasts aren't even worthy of being known as Outcasts because they don't know how to fight or their power isn't suited for battle.
Although some of the possible recruits looked a bit saddened of the death, Sora could only put on a small grin. For some, it was an unnecessary death but to Sora, it was one less person to compete with. There was a bit of blood that had hit her hand, all she did was rub it between her index finger and her thumb. If this was all they were going to have to do to get accepted, she was already in. Sora's power was made for a fighter, she knew that in a war one of the most powerful things to have was cat like reflexes and agility. Which is exactly what she possessed.

Haru had prepared himself to fight he knew it'd happen but to his surprise the glasses man picked one person this time. They stepped forward and the glasses man pointed to a target on a wall, that many would notice was not there before. "Get to that target and back in less then four seconds go!" The girl he picked out looked like she was swallowed by space itself and was at the target then swallowed again and was back. The man in glasses nodded Haru now realized an army needed more than just fighters this group wasn't picked because they could fight. It was because they could be useful the man in glasses picked another girl. "You take this." He threw her a box with a meter on the side. "Fill the meter by feeding the box energy and you pass." Now Haru thought something was really weird. 'They knew the boy had a way to fight, they knew the girl could get from point A to B fast, and now they knos this girl can create energy of some kind. Why...why do they know so much about these people they've only seen?' He thought to himself.

@Cece Meep
Kira arrived fashionably late to the meeting, perching herself on a twisted metal beam over the meeting area of the destroyed C.U.R.E. base. Folding her dark wings against her back, her position was reminiscent of a gargoyle she'd seen on one of the older buildings in the city proper. I should probably join them, she mused. But while she'd heard the summons on her ancient cellphone she kept from her old home, she never intended to formally answer. Being in the army wouldn't suit her, a lose-cannon of an Outcast who needed the entire sky to feel free. Maybe this Senki guy would want someone on the side, not formally in his group of goons. Her interest was captured again when those below began putting on their little shows of abilities. Of course he'd only want the best. She would crash the party and land right in the thick of it if she weren't afraid of getting shot. Instead, Kira stayed on her branch of metal, wondering if anyone would bother to look up and see the crow-like figure hunched there.
Aimi dug threw a pile of trash in a small ally in the form of a crow so no one would think much of her. The junk never had much useful in it but she has already started collection of items such as a cracked hand held mirror she found behind a café, a broken umbrella with a few holes in it and her personal favorite a neckless with a heart shaped locket on it that she wears around her neck.

She soon flew up to a roof where she had been living for the past week and almost crash landed in the process. She sat down on a makeshift mattress and hugged her stuffed rabbit Lola. Thats when she heard it "Attention Outcast. Rejoice as your time is now." Aimi recognized the voice she heard in her head but didint think much of it.
Setsuna could feel the burn of bile in the back of his throat as he gave the young child a smile to reassure her as she thanked the older man. "I'll take her from here." He placated the young man as he pretended that he had lost the young one. Never directly saying but implying it with the way he acted.

"I'm going to take you somewhere special." He could feel the small child stiffen under him as she eyed him warily. The child didn't approach him first. It would have been easier if she had because now he had to try harder to earn her trust. It would've been harder but he knew that they threw outcasts to infiltrate with the intent that they either die trying or are killed upon return.

They always forgot something so crucial and it costs them so many children. He bet that his interference was becoming a hindrance but his contingency plan had already been sprung into action. It wouldn't do to be careless.

A glance to the girl told him that she was around six to eight years of age and passed out? It was pretty hot out and he was like a nice ice cold breeze. This was not the first time and only for the information he knew did he go out of his way to do such troublesome acts. After so long of watching and waiting did he know the classic signs of a canon fodder of a spy.

He let out a sigh as he made the crack of ice breaking could be heard before the door was opened and a wary women walked out with a scold alighting her face. "How many times have I told you to stop that."

"It keeps you on your feet, Marry." Smiled Setsuna sweetly as he waved to her. "I brought you just the cutie. So cute, I swear."

"How many times have I told you to call me Anne, Setsuna." The women reprimanded before actually taking note of the bundle on his back. "How bad?"

"Level 3, code 741." Asano stated with a business-like air before sporting a goofy grin and sheepishly continuing, "I like when you knew my alias." Not that it was his real name. She was a useful acquaintance though she often mothered him. Her ability of reteaching children was great in that the kid would be dead otherwise.

"You want me to rehabilitate another kid." Anne sighed as she pulled him in with a jerk. Her eyes scanning the child's face and Asano smiled. "I'll do it. How would you even live without me?" Easily.

Setsuna laughed as he crones in victory and winks at Anne whose giving him a stern look daring him to be loud again.

"I can't believe I work with someone whose only useful for putting people to sleep.Literally." Anne mumbled as she touched the temple. "I swear. I'm not helping you out if one of the kids wake up...there. I took away the trauma from her brief time playing spy. She's back to just before the incident." Anne's hands lingered on the child's forehead as she nodded to Setsuna.

"I'm a precious older brother, you know?" He jokes but internally Asano finds it nice that someone thinks he's useless. The ability to put people to sleep. Pfft if only it was that weak. He had no such thing. "Ow. Don't be violent Marry!"

The tug of his ear as he is thrown out the door as he somersaults more from instinct than anything else. Used to the routine by now. "I'll be back."

"Don't be so loud next time. The kids will be waiting you dumb boy." Anne says as she closes the door and Asano can't help but look back briefly. The only thing he actually hears is
Don't die, we'll all be waiting and it makes him feel just a little guilty. With that, his good deed of the day was done. For a moment he could be Asano.

Asano straightens as he stops the tough teddy bear act as he claws his hand across his face with calculating eyes.
How was he supposed to sneak back in?

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One of Tenshi's wings swung loose to cover him from the blood splatter and easily shook it free from the leather like material. I so didn't see that one coming. He thought sarcastically. He knew better then most not to judge something based on appearances or first impressions. Curling the wing back around himself he went back to watching the show keeping his face carefully blank of any emotions. Both positive and negative.
Ada caught the box with ease and studied it, turning it over a few times in her hand. It seemed to be a box that measures electrical currents. Something well suited for her particular power it seemed.

So they don't expect everyone to fight. It seems like they want to use everyone's individual power the way it's originally meant to be used. Ada wasn't angered or annoyed that her previous thoughts were wrong. If she was wrong, then she was wrong. And if she wasn't, then good for her.

The electromaster was about to do as she was instructed, but paused for a brief second when she felt a shift in the room. However, she decided to ignore it and instead focus at the task at hand. In a few seconds, Ada filled the box with an appropriate amount of electricity, making sure not to damage the equipment or make her power flashy. To the naked eye, it would seem like she was just holding it until the meter filled up. When she was done with that, she wordlessly threw the box back.
"An army?" Aimi thought. She tried to make sense of the voice in her head. She had recently over heard people talking about a man, Senki, he had taken over the C.U.R.E building and rumors had spread that he was to start an army of outcasts, and those rumors are true.

One word stood out for Aimi more than the others "shelter". She smiled for a moment thinking that joining them would help her out of living off of roofs and trash but then she remember this would be an army. Was this a risk she would want to take? Yes.
The man in glasses caught the box and looked at it nodding. "Good you pass." Others tried and some failed the task they were given and shown out. Sometimes the sound of gunshots could be heard in the distance from someone trying something stupid. The man in glasses moved on he looked to a steel beam where a girl was and called out to her. "You there for just being up there you pass." He then turned to a boy who showed no emotion. "You pass as well." He then pointed to Haru. "You pass." Then to a girl. "Stand in front of the mech coming in and dodge it's bullets you pass if you survive." Sure enough a mech came in and aimed at a wall the girl was told to stand in front of the mech.

@Cece Meep @Still Crazy @Crimson smile @Moolock
Aimi soon managed to fly all the way to C.U.R.E her body tired from flying none stop. She noticed she was quite late as she flew over the wall where tones of outcasts stood. She noticed a flock of outcastes leaving followed by people bearing guns. She noticed a few outcastes fighting to the death while warlords watch.

She shook and wondered if she should turn around but then again she doesn't want to live the rest of her life in a dump. She dove down into a pile of outcasts hiding herself as she transforms back into her normal self.
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There it was Setsuna thought triumphantly as he noticed Aimi hiding around the C.U.R.E building. At least now it wouldn't be so awkward he thought as he went up to greet her. Hoping he didn't intimidate her as he scratched his cheek.

"Would you mind if I joined you." He asked genuine in nature as he made it obvious he was approaching her. It would of been easier if he hadn't just walked out earlier and besides, he felt it wouldn't be so awkward this way. To him, it seemed perfectly natural that Aimi was at the same destination as he had always had a strange luck. "I'm Setsuna and you are?" Asano makes sure to put in the proper respect for her. "There's really no reason to be afraid." He truly did believe his words.

Making no outward comment as to what he saw.

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Aimi muttered her words, it had been a long time since she had had a conversation with someone "A-Aimi" she said quietly hoping the stranger would hear her. Aimi took a quick glance at the people around her, most of them much taller and stronger. Aimi was nervous and quite scared before this moment but now, with a bit of company she feels safe. @Hana Koen
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