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Fantasy Graysons Magic Safe Haven

Jun sighed. Well you sure as hell not getting my help he thought to himself as he walked over to Billie. "Sorry I left you again didn't I." Jun said smiling. "So anything you want to do?" Jun added he had nothing better to do so why not spend some time with one of his few friends.
"Hmm. I'm hungry" she giggled a little "come on!" She grabbed his hand and started running to the castle entrance, "what you want to eat?" She smiled brightly at him
Jun smiled he could feel his hand getting slightly sweaty but which male wouldn't a cute girl asking you to eat with her and holding your hand but he decided to not let it bother him. "I must admit i'm also hungry." Jun said smiling before he started to think what he wanted to eat. "What do you want to eat?"
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"My favourite is spaghetti!" She giggled again. Entering the castle.

She slowed to a steady walk, but not letting go of Jun's hand "have you eaten in the grand hall yet?" She asked him curiously. Nodding to the other mutants who walk by as a greeting.
Jun smiled as they walked through the castle "I like Yakisoba myself but that's might be since I'm Japanese." Jun said. He knew slim to no other mutants but she seemed to know them all. "I don't think I have I normally eat outside the force field." Jun said slowing himself to her pace.
she looked at him and smiled "come on I have to show you something" she looked at him then turned down a hallway. Then a few more, and ended up in a huge room,with a very long table, and a few mutants were sitting. "This is where I eat, with Grayson..." she looked at Jun
Jun just smiled and followed her. He was impressed by the huge room and table it looked nice. He turned to her still with a smile on his face. It looks nice I can see why you would eat here." Jun said looking at the other mutants there.
"Come" she gently let go of his hand and walked over to er seat. Beside was an empty chair and she patted it, "what was it that you liked to eat?" Billie asked him, a servant came up and asked her what she would like to eat, "spaghetti."

Grayson looked up from his food amd at Billie, "ah, there's my girl. Did you go past the force field again?" He asked strictly, "we heard some information from the spies in the city that the humans plan to attack..."
Mo sat at a corner of the table, pushing her tortellini around her plate. She stabbed a piece with her fork and sighed as she put it in her mouth, chewing. It was her fourth day here, nobody had payed any attention to her, so she just did what she always did when she had nothing else to do. Eat cheese stuffed ravioli shaped like circles. She swallowed it and pushed another piece onto her fork. She flipped it up in the air and caught it in her mouth, perfectly. She laughed. 
Jun smiled and sat down. "It was called Yakisoba." He said noticing the servant it seems she was treated like royalty. The he noticed Grayson and bit his lip he knew why he was there. "Sorry Grayson it was my fault I couldn't leave a girl who wanted something just sat there looking into the distance." Jun said still with a smile on his face the humans attacking didn't bother him.
"Oh no, don't worry. I don't mind if you guys go out of the force field... ya just have to be careful" he smiled.

The servant wrote down what you wanted and nodded, backing up and into the kitchen.

Billie noticed a girl at the end of the table, Grayson must deemed her as special if she's there... "you new yes?"

Grayson smiled at Billie "she's going to help with the humans, she can manipulate the mind."

Billie nodded and frowned, feeling non special again.

A servant placed Billie and Jun's food in front of them, Billie just sat quietly and ate.

@Bills352 @Juli Zakstyre
Mo looked over, watching the blue haired girl's expression fall. She stood and walked over, sitting next to her. "It's not really anything to be impressed by. Grayson told me about you. Water manipulation, right?" She smiled kindly at the girl. "You look nice." She looked at Jun. "hello. You're the one with the force field, right?" She wondered what it would be like to be able to manipulate water. Don't get me wrong, her power was cool, but sometimes she wanted to be..... Normal..... Or different.... "I'm Mo." She said. She impressed a small amount of energy on their minds, learning their names. "Billie... And jun?"
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Billie looked at Mo a bit confused "no no, Jun moves things like force push, he can knock down an army! And the force field surrounds the castle to hide us from the mortals. Only mutants can see it so we're hidden from humans.... All I could do is splash a person to death..." she rolled her eyes,not in a mean way, and shyly took Jun's hand under the table.
"Its nice to meet you Mo ." Jun said smiling before he laughed. "An army maybe over the top I can barely control my power yet but thanks for the complement Billie." Jun noticed that she began holding his hand which was a slight shock to him but he didn't mind. "We already talked about this you can do alot more than splash people to death for example if you trained enough you might be able to drain the water out of other peoples bodies which would be pretty cool in my opinion."
Mo looked thoughtful. "Can I do something to you? It won't hurt or be evil or anything..." She had a plan. She looked at Billie sheepishly. "If you say no it's ok, I understand." She smiled, looking at her from bright blue eyes that sparkled like the Mediterranean. "Jun, can you see if you can push the salt over my way? These things need a little seasoning." She said, forking another tortellini. 
Billie nodded shyly, giving Mo permission to do whatever she needed. She looked down at her plate, squeezing Jun's hand a little.

"That really hard" She said to Jun, "it take me years to learn that..."
Jun shakes his head "I don't like using my powers in public since the can be many unforeseen outcomes and I don't want that to happen." Jun said he was lucky the time when he used it before he didn't blow the girls head off his used it on. "Not if you put your mind to it you can do anything." Jun said patting her head with his free hand he couldn't really eat and didn't want to let people know that him and Billie were holding hands since it would look a bit strange so he just looked at his food for a millisecond then back to the other two.
Mo closed her eyes and relaxed. She manipulated billies emotions to more positive ones. She opened her eyes and smiled. "Billie, don't you ever think you are unimportant." She put her hand on her shoulder. She glanced down to under the table where the two we're holding hands, but she said nothing.
Grayson looked at the three and smiled "so you're the three I've invisioned, you're the three who will help save the mutants..." he stands supper is over, you're all dismissed. He exited the room along with the other mutants.

Billie quickly let go of Juns hand "what he mean?" Billie quickly stood "we can barely use our powers... how we save the others?" She started to feel herself panic.

The room went dark, "we can't save stronger mutants than we are. Grayson wants to kill me!" She leaned against the wall and covered her face. The ceiling started dripping water and as the water dripped it started to go around in circles in the middle of the room like a water tornado.

Her first time manipulating water from nothing.

@Bills235 @Juli Zakstyre
Jun blinked before laughing he didn't believe a word he said. Jun rushed over seeing that Billie seemed very distressed and he wanted to help not just that but the water tornado forming wouldn't be very good. He put a hand on Billie's shoulder. "If he wants to kill you then I guess we just have to prove him that you can't be killed that easily I mean look at what your doing now and you called yourself weak." Jun said smiling stopping her from covering herself he wasn't scared when he cared about something he would go to then ends of the world to protect it.

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