Grayson Wilder Blood

Coyote Hart

Misguideful Moniker
Roleplay Availability
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((Excuse the weirdness.... I made this in Google Sites... but the place kept on bugging up on me))


| Name |

Grayson Wilder Blood

| Nickname |

Gray is his preferred name to be called by, just because Grayson is a bit too formal for his liking, and plus, "Gray" instead of "Grayson" saves one syllable to be said

| Birth Date |

October 13th, 2000

| Age |


| Gender |


| Sexuality |


| Relationship Status |


| Classification |


| Role |


| Appearance |

Gray is 5 ft 7 in and 138 pounds. with a square-shaped face. His hair is spiked messily upwards, he has hazel eyes which are more prone to be green than brown, and sparse eyebrows. The picture says everything else about facial features (and honestly, I'm not extremely good at describing things). On his right arm is a tribal tattoo. His hands are supple, his arms muscled from drawing back bowstrings, and he has a somewhat slim body.Gray's sense of style of his clothing is somewhat between what an athlete would wear and trendy things. He would normally wear a long-sleeved Under Armour shirt, plaid shirts, blue jeans, and five-finger shoes.

| Habits |

  • [SIZE= 14px]Left-handedness[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 14px]Knuckle cracking at random moments[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 14px]When impatient, Gray's feet will tap at 90bpm[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 14px]He uses the Opera web browser instead of Chrome or Firefox[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 14px]His smile is always slightly crooked[/SIZE]

| Likes |


A good conversation

Competition in a friendly manner and environment

Video games that involve group effort

Orange sorbet frozen yogurt

| Dislikes |


Potato Chips (He had a childhood incident where he choked on potato chips)

Homophobic people

Unstable heights

People who purposely provoke others for fun

Being in the center of a criticism or joke

Controlled by others

| Fears |

Climbing up ladders


| Personality |

(ESFJ-A)(Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging, Assertive)

Gray is extremely social and caring, wanting to interact with as many people as he can, including people out of his age group and clique. In a conversation, Gray is extremely warm and talkative. With friends, his loyalty to them is unwavering (sometimes defending them incorrectly) and he cares much about their happiness. He has very good practical skills and can be trusted to do daily routine things on time. Gray is also spontaneous and energetic most of the time.

However, he is extremely sensitive to criticism. He would never criticize someone, but if others criticize him, his feelings would be hurt very easily. 

| Place of Origin |

Kyoto, Japan (Birthplace)

San Diego, California, USA (Residence for a short while)

| History |

Gray was born when his two parents were on a vacation to Japan. Because they didn't want to bring Gray on an airplane just after being born, Gray lived in Kyoto for a short while before moving to California. He attended the local school and got okay elementary school grades, and his social personality allowed him to gain friends quickly. 

When he was in 3rd grade, his parents insisted on him doing a sport, so Grayson took up archery as a sport of choice. He was never too competitive with archery and mostly did it for recreational purposes. Gray's grades in middle school were B's at best, which was kinda unfortunate. He hung out with his friends instead of doing his homework, and because of that, his grades always suffered from bad studying and incomplete homework. However, his social life was quite interesting: He tried out several new things, such as cliff-diving (and because of that, he learned how to swim... but only breaststroke for some reason...), bowling, Christmas White Elephants, etc etc. 

It was around 7th grade that Grayson realized that he was a queer. He noted that his love dreams were normally of boys and that he didn't find girls attractive--yes, they were good people, but Grayson never found them sexually attractive.

In 8th grade, Grayson managed to convince his parents to allow him to get a tattoo. It was painful, but Grayson kinda liked how it looked. His parents still disapproved of it slightly.

In high school, Grayson continued his streak of a good social life and okay grades, but this time, he realized that life wouldn't be that easy. He was constantly teased and bullied, which Grayson found hurtful. It reached a maximum high when at the end of the year, a person commented on how his sense of logic was stupid, and when Grayson protested to this, the teasing got worse and worse until Grayson couldn't bear it anymore, and it started up a fight. The fight ended when Grayson took out a slingshot that he made during English class and shot a rock at the person's temple, knocking him. 

| Miscellaneous|

Grayson's theme

| Extra |

Yes... I do wonder what goes here... hmm... I'm really stuck. 

I enjoy reading and listening to music

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"Let's go! Whatever you are planning, let's get on to it!"

{ 16 | Prep | Extraverted, Sensitive, Loyal }

⚜ Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || ⚤ Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ☠ Enemies

(⚜/☮)Eric Gornik (☮/⚜)

"I met him when I was talking to the outcasts. A good and honest to heart person."

Grayson has a tendency to chat with many different cliques, and when Eric was chatting with the outcasts, Grayson introduced himself to him. He found Eric a pleasant acquaintance to talk to. He does not hold any feelings towards him however

(♥/⚜) Alexander Maslow (♥/⚜)

"I've met him in my search for talk, seems like a really cute guy. However a bit overly hotheaded"

Grayson met Alexander in 

{☯} Dani Carter {☯}

"My feelings have been hurt more than once talking to her. However, she is also very loyal, which I respect and admire....I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt because of the first impressions, though."

Due to Dani's personality and Grayson's personality not mixing well (sensitive vs insensitive), things are on the bad side of neutral. Grayson was okay talking with Dani at first, her sarcasm didn't bother his conversation starters. She seemed like a good to heart person at first, but the sarcasm that comes out of Dani's mouth really hurts Grayson's feelings, however hard he tries not to show it.

{☮} Blake Whiteside {☮}

"Mischief is not my thing, but who wouldn't like to be friends with someone so caring and welcome?"

While talking to Blake, Grayson found that he really liked Blake's personality. He found someone who was similar to himself (being LBGT)

{⚜} Callie Whiteside {⚜}

"Seems like a kindhearted person. That's good."

At least 3 sentences to explain the relation.

{⚜} Clarrisa Abbot {⚜}

"I know her. The spiritual girl: Energetic, kind, and cheering. I like her. She's a good person to have as a friend"

At least 3 sentences to explain the relation.

{ ☠}Charolette Cunningham {☠}

"Character Thoughts."

At least 3 sentences to explain the relation.

{⚜} Ignatios Zukari{⚜}

"He seems like a nice person, but he's so quiet! I want to know him more."

At least 3 sentences to explain the relation.

{☯} Domino Zukari{☯}

"Blunt and honest. I don't like it. But at least I now that she is trustworthy."

At least 3 sentences to explain the relation.

{ Symbol } F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E { Symbol }

"Character Thoughts."

At least 3 sentences to explain the relation.

{ Symbol } F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E { Symbol }

"Character Thoughts."

At least 3 sentences to explain the relation.

{ Symbol } F I R S T N A M E . L A S T N A M E { Symbol }

"Character Thoughts."

At least 3 sentences to explain the relation.
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