Gou Mifune - Jounin


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Roleplay Type(s)

Name: Gou Mifune
Nickname: Demon King
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 08/12
Age: 50
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 162
Sexuality: Straight


Once rather brash, Gou seems to have mellowed somewhat with age. Taking on more of the role of a caring mentor, he's still fiercely protective of his family. He's known to not take any manner of threats towards them lightly. While he may be a little more calm and collected than maybe twenty years ago, Gou always appreciates a good joke and isn't above joking with friends and family when the situation allows.

  • Ohagi
  • Tea
  • Kenjutsu
  • Watching Yuuki and Tsubaki become fine shinobi

  • Drunkenness
  • Okigakure
  • Any threat to his clan
  • Having to put down clan members


Born and raised in the small neutral village the Mifune once inhabited, Go grew up learning to work with the daemon sealed inside him like all Mifune children. It wasn't until he was fifteen that he was able to use the fire style techniques that most clan members learned early on. His rare chakra affinity for wind made learning jutsu a little more difficult without any other family members sharing that affinity. According to Ayame it was his stubborn nature that worked past the frustrating obstacle.

While he wished to stay and help fight off the attackers from Okigakure, his older brother eventually convinced him to go with his wife and daughter and protect them. Go often wonders if they're the only survivors of that clan left anymore. While not exactly flourishing within Kemuri, a compound of respectable size eventually found its way into the family's ownership through a considerable amount of hard work. Perhaps one day it won't be so empty inside.

Even in his older age Go finds himself actively sent out on missions, if only due to Kemuri being short staffed in terms of Jounin. Though a particularly nasty ambush on a recent mission has left him without his dominate arm.

  • Ayame Mifune, Wife
  • Tsubaki Mifune, Daughter
  • Yuuki Mifune, Son
  • Daisuke Mfiune, Father (Deceased)
  • Shion Mifune, Mother (Deceased)
  • Kennichi Mifune, Older Brother (Presumed dead)
  • Kurio Mifune, Younger Brother (Presumed dead)

Gather any remaining members of his clan and to see Yuuki and Tsubaki grow up.


Ninjutsu Taijutsu Genjutsu Stamina Intelligence Perception Stealth Total
5 4.5 2.5 4 3.5 5 3 27.5

  • Katana
  • Kunai x10
  • Shuriken x15
  • Sealing tags x10
  • Smoke bomb x2
  • Blank Scroll
  • Weapon Scroll

Special Equipment:
Demon Claw: A black bladed katana that allows for chakra to be channeled through it more easily than a normal blade.

Kekkei Genkai: Ryugan

When a member of the Mifune is born, a Daemon is sealed inside of them causing this doujutsu to manifest. The color of both the iris and sclara as well as shape of the pupil changes to match the Daemon's. The pupil remains fairly standard across the the family, a narrow, slit pupil much like a cat's in the light. On average, the sclarae remain white for clan members. Only those that have a close bond to their daemon or have lost control to him have black sclarae.

Through most of their childhood, this change can only be seen in one eye and is purely cosmetic. It isn't until their they're deemed worthy by the creature that they truly begin to blend their chakra together. As their chakra melds together, both eyes take on the Daemon's and begin to turn into a true doujutsu. What makes a clan member worthy varies from Daemon to Daemon. Though the change marks them as an adult within the clan.

It offers them clear vision even in the darkest nights, making it easier to discern an opponent's movements and defend or counter. Their heightened perception allows them to pick up on even slight cues from an opponent. Some shinobi mistakenly believe a Mifune's eyes can see the future. While not true, it isn't exactly something they're about to deny either. Being able to read these subtle cues and take advantage of them in the heat of battle takes considerable training.

With training and focus, seeing traces of chakra is possible.


Heightened perception or not, the enhanced eyesight does no good if something is obscuring their vision. Be it a solid object such as a wall or a thick cloud of mist, these eyes aren't going to magically spot the enemy.

The awakened eyes give off a faint glow in the dark, making it easy for them to be detected if they're not careful. Using it to look for chakra requires a great deal of concentration, leaving the user susceptible to ambush when using this. Searching for these chakra traces is primarily used in getting a rough estimate on enemy number and power. It offers no advantage in combat due to the sheer concentration it requires.

Given the eyes' high sensitivity, quickly transitioning from a dark environment to a brightly lit one (i.e. a bright flash in a dark room) will leave the user blinded longer than a normal shinobi.

Name: Takahashi (Daemon)

At birth, members of the Mifune clan have a Daemon sealed inside of them. The shinobi can tap this extra store of chakra for a needed boost and can learn to form a cloak out of the demonic chakra for added offense and defense.

Weaknesses: Opponents capable of countering a Daemon's chakra are far more dangerous opponents for members of the Mifune clan to face. Especially as time goes on and tapping into its chakra becomes second nature during a battle.

Chakra Nature: Wind, Fire

Rank E
  • Substitution Jutsu
  • Clone Jutsu
  • Rope Escape Jutsu
  • Transformation Jutsu
  • Chakra Shroud [Daemon]: First tapping into the Daemon's chakra, the user is granted a shroud of wispy chakra matching the color of their Ryugan. Their hair grows more wild and their nails lengthen/harden into claws. A faint increase to speed and strength has been observed as well. The first activation of this allows the user to awaken their Ryugan and leaves them with lengthened, fang-like incisors.
  • Weakness: This is not the full fledged chakra cloak, it does not burn on contact, nor does it increase the user's defense or range. The only real advantages to this are it awakens the Ryugan and is good for intimidation.
Rank D
  • Manipulated Shuriken Technique
  • Shadow Shuriken Technique
  • Enclosing Technique
  • Wind Release: Air Current Wild Dance
  • Body Flicker Technique
  • Front Beheading
  • Deviate Sword
  • Iadio [Kenjutsu]: A sword art revolving around attacking while unsheathing the blade. A high speed attack that tends to consist of one or two slashes. As it revolves around the act of drawing the sword, it's most effective for either a surprise attack or for helping to counter one.
  • Weakness: Being Kenjutsu, it's ineffective at long ranges. Given that this art also focuses primarily on speed, it's still a rather wide swing of the blade. Much faster attacks from an opponent that can see the arc of the blade, even if they're lacking in power, make for an effective countermeasure. Any shinobi with a decent grasp of kenjutsu will likely recognize that someone is planning to use this attack (i.e. by seeing them grabbing the saya or shifting their stance ever so slightly) allowing them to counter or prevent the blade from even being drawn.
Rank C
Rank B
  • Shadow Clone
  • Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands
  • Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere
  • Flying Swallow
  • Jinchuuriki Style: Chakra Cloak [Daemon]: The user and Daemon focus their efforts, combining as one. The user gains a chakra cloak around their body that greatly enhances their abilities. Their physical appearance and fighting style tend to shift to resemble the daemon's. Nails harden and sharpen into claws and incisors into fangs. While the nails tends to revert once the cloak dissipates, the teeth do not. The user's speed, strength, and agility are greatly increased. The layer of chakra is able to absorb the blows of a foe, mitigating the damage received and allow the user to regenerate wounds to a limited degree. The more in sync with one another the Daemon and host are, the more advantages that can be gained from the cloak. The most notable of these being the chakra coating the arms can be used to extend the user's reach.
  • Weakness: Due to its corrosive nature, the chakra slowly wears at the user's body. While the Mifune have some natural resistance to this, others do not. Anyone that comes into contact with the cloak will be burned by the chakra. Injuries sustained in this form and from it are often harder to heal due to the forms own attempts to stifle them, the chakra's nature unintentionally stifling medical ninjutsu.
Rank A
Rank S
  • Jinchuuriki Style: Arm of the Demon [Daemon]: This jutsu takes the concept behind the chakra cloak and greatly extends it. Instead of just forming hollow limbs of chakra, a limb of flesh and blood can be formed instead. Aside from claws and the somewhat more monstrous appearance, it isn't all that different from a normal limb
  • Weakness: Like the chakra cloak, the arm exudes a daemon's chakra. Meaning any of those that come into contact with it that don't have a Mifune's resistance will be burned by the corrosive chakra. That combined with its more monstrous appearance prevents it from being used outside of combat.
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