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Fantasy Blood thursty


Discord info: RavenWings#9603. Hit me up!
His information brought him to an abandoned mansion outside of a busy city. His hands clenched at his sides, his adrenaline was pumping through his veins like a drug, pushing him to take another step towards the house.

The black iron gate loomed over him, glaring at him as though he was the monster. He scoffed at it, reaching for the crossbow strapped back to his back, pulling it from its sling. The hunter was shaking so bad he dropped the bolt three times before he finally cocked it back.

Pull it together!
He scolded himself. Wyatt took a deep breath to steady himself before he pushed through the gate, and up the path. It was a nice place, but with the vampire in there, it took away from the beauty. He sneered and moved closer, his feet moving him on, even though his head was saying RUN!

He walked up the winding path, until he made it to the front steps. He tested the first step. Solid. He stepped up and onto the porch. He paused. Everything stopped, but his heart. He listened for any sound. After he was satisfied, he entered the mansion, the door creaking loudly. Giving him away.

"Damn it" He whispered in to the darkness. Of course....

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She was in her library reading "i have a hunter here of corce" she disappeared into her bedroom and locked the door with out a sound jest stay quiet and everything will be fine and maybe ill have dinner tonight.... She listend to what was out side of her bedroom
Wyatt sighed heavily. "Alright! Just come out and make this easy on me!" He was agitated with himself. Clumsy oaf. Wyatt walked further into their house, his eyes darting to every shadow. His violet eyes were because of a vampire, and it gave him then ability to see in the dark, not perfectly, but we'll enough for his new job.
Wyatt narrowed his eyes and started up the stairs. Curious... Normally vampires try to protect their homes. Was the information false? As he questioned it, he opened and looked into every room. He stopped outside the study and smirked. "Are you in here, little leech?"
She stayed quiet but quickly tackled him comeing out of her bedroom "why dose everyone think of us like that?" She questioned looking straight into the hunters eyes
He was caught off guard, falling to the ground. His crossbow sliding away along the floor. Wyatt stares at her, his violet eyes angry. "Because you are evil, and leech on to humans to feed!" He gave a slight growl.
Ugg excuse me... I dont do that i only feed off of donated blood to me im not a monster. Not all vamps are bad you know she said and her eyes whent red why are you a hunter? Ive had six other people come here and thay all left without a word caz thay said nothing and i said nothing. I can't believe you she looked disappointed and a little mad at the same time
"I came here because it is my job." He pushed her off him and glared at her. "I'm a hunter because I am either a hunter, or a bank. Those are the only things I know." He stood. "Have you seen my eyes? Your people did this to me. I can't even be in public like this!" He yelled at her, though it wasn't her fault, and he knew it, he just simply didn't care
She looked at him but then curled up in a ball of corce you dont no one likes me thats why ive locked myself in here she started to cry i never wanted to be like this you know i hate being like this i-im sorry ... Jest kill me
He froze. What the hell is going on here? He thought. She's giving up? What the HELL?! Wyatt looked at her curiously. "What are you? No vampire has ever given up. Is this a trap?" His eyes dart left and right.
She stayed thare crying no its not a trap... I didnt what to be like this... I hate that people think i have to kill i locked myself away hopeing to not be noticed and hopefully starve myself but i...i cant she said crying and not looking up
He bowed his head. "S-so you haven't been feeding?" She would be so easy to kill off. No feed, means no power. I could take her out. Wyatt knelt down and started to undo his top buttons on his shirt. "Come here. Feed." He said as he took a small knife and cut carefully on his neck. The smell of blood filled the area. "Hurry up, before I change my mind"
He fell back on to his butt and hands, his head lulled back. A groan escapes his lips, as his hand came up behind her head and held her there. "B-be e-easy" He whispered softly. His eyes closed. Why do I like this feeling....
She moved so she was acrossed from him his blood was sweet she licked the blood from her lips and slowly closed her eyes and smiled
Wyatt tried to get up but failed and sighed. "Are you better now?" He looked at her softly. She was gentle with him, unlike Broks, his old owner.
" It means I was someone a vampire fed off of. As you have noticed, my blood is considered high quality to you guys, and so, from a young age to about 13, I was fed on. Which explains my eyes after my owner was killed. It's slight power transfer. He was a hypno-vamp, which means he used his eyes to lure victims" He explained this while he walked to get his crossbow. He uncocked it and placed the wooden bolt back in his boot

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