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Realistic or Modern Dark VS Divas


Just The Coffee Girl

View media item 5829
When the high school on Macasawa Island is run by the new principal, he brings in a new set of rules.


1. You must stay with your group

2. Only school projects can be done with someone from another group

3. Relationships within groups are BANNED

If someone is to break a rule, punishment will happen. On the island, anything goes. Children have been known to be hit with rulers and sent to detention.

Of course, they still break the rules. And after school is a free for all.

In a world where there is only two different groups of people. The preps and the stoners. And its not based on money, its based on who your friends are and what you do... okay, and a little bit about money, too.

The School - BrookHaven High


The Local Diner - City Diner (AKA the hangout spot for the preps)




The North Beach- AKA the hangout for the stoners



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